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I remember S.A. Al'tshuler very well and as I said in my autobiography* I have the greatest regard for him as an outstanding physicist, a pioneer in the field of ESR, and as a man highly respected by all those who had the privilege of interacting with him, which includes myself. Quite frankly I have the impression (perhaps mistaken) that he did not receive in your country all the official recognition that his great merits were entitled to and commensurate with his reputation abroad. My friend and one of the founders of ESR, the Oxford Professor B. Bleaney, thought and spoke very highly of him and considered that his work was worthy of a Foreign Membership in the Royal Society of London. 

I am not very young (86) and I do not think I can take a more active part in the preparation of the book planned for the 90th anniversary of his birthday for which I wish you every success.

Anatole Abragam, February 16, 2001

*Абрагам А. Время вспять, или физик, физик, где ты был. "Наука", Физматлит, 1991

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