MRSej, Vol. 6, No.1, pp.75-94, 2004
M.I. Kaganov1, A.V. Chubukov2
1 7 Agassis ave., Belmont , MA 02478 , USA
2 University of Wisconsin , Madison , WI 53706 , USA
We present the analysis of the behavior of interacting fermions near the Stoner instability in a Fermi liquid. We show that the Landau damping of the spin susceptibility is a relevant perturbation near the quantum critical point, and it gives rise to the effective locality of the problem – fermionic self-energy near the transition strongly depends on frequency, but weakly depends on momentum. We discuss how Fermi liquid behavior gradually disappears near the transition in D <= 3, and present the results for the fermionic self-energy at the critical point.
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