art. no. 25101 (14 pp.) Abdullin A.F., Voronina E.V.
DFT study of magnetic order in Fe-Al-based ternary alloysart. no. 25102 (9 pp.) Mamin G.V., Dmitrieva E.V., Murzakhanov F.F., Gracheva I.N., Soltamov V.A., Gafurov M.R.
Influence of 14N hyperfine interaction on electron nuclear double resonance of boron vacancy in hexagonal boron nitride
No 1. SPECIAL ISSUE dedicated to Boris I. Kochelaev's 90th birthday
art. no. 24100 (3 pp.) Aganov A.V., Aliyev M.N., Aminova A.V., Aminov L.K., Andronenko S.I., Atsarkin V.A., Deminov R.G., Eremin I.M., Eremin M.V., Fushman D., Garifullin I.A., Gafurov M.R., Golenishchev-Kutuzov V.A., Grinberg E., Krug von Nidda H.A., Loidl A., Malkin B.Z., Nigmatullin R.R., Nikitin S.I., Ovchinnikov I.V., Proshin Yu.N., Romanova I.V., Sadykov E.K., Salakhov M.H., Sharin E.P., Shavrov V.G., Shengelaya A., Shilova E.V., Skirda V.D., Sushkov S.V., Tagirov L.R., Tagirov M.S., Talanov Yu.I., Tayurskii D.A., Yusupov R.V., Zhikharev V.A.
Professor Boris I. Kochelaevart. no. 24101 (8 pp.) Eremin M.V.
Effects of exchange-covalent bonds on the orbital moment of paramagnetic centers with unfilled 3d-shellsart. no. 24102 (11 pp.) Larionov I.A.
Paramagnon excitations' theory for nuclear magnetic resonance and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering studies in doped plane copper oxide superconductorsart. no. 24103 (11 pp.) Nikitina Y.O., Petrakova N.V., Maksimenko E.I., Chizhevskaya S.V., Andreev S.M., Sadovnikova M.A., Murzakhanov F.F., Mamin G.V., Gafurov M.R., Komlev V.S.
Synthesis and study of the cerium doped hydroxyapatite powdersart. no. 24104 (7 pp.) Hemmida M., Krug~von~Nidda H.A.
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless correlations in BaNi2X2O8art. no. 24105 (14 pp.) Nigmatullin R.R.
Fractals and fractional integrals: Are there some accurate relationships between them?art. no. 24106 (9 pp.) Piyanzina I.I., Mamin R.F., Nedopekin O.V., Tayurskii D.A.
DFT investigation of magneto-electric coupling at the antiferromagnetic/ferroelectric interfaces: LaMnO3/XTiO3 (X=Ba, Pb) heterostructureart. no. 24107 (10 pp.) Saad M., Nikitin S.I., Tayurskii D.A., Kiiamov A.G., Yusupov R.V.
Room Temperature Ferromagnetism of Graphite: Impurity Induced vs Intrinsic Originart. no. 24108 (6 pp.) Sharin E.P.
Electronic and optical properties of planar MoS2/WS2 heterostructureart. no. 24109 (9 pp.) Siraev F.M., Avdeev M.V., Proshin Yu.N.
Harmony in flux: Coexistence of superconductivity and magnetismart. no. 24110 (8 pp.) Talanov Yu.I., Gimazov I.I., Zhelezniakova D.E.
Impact of spin correlations on resistivity and microwave absorption of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2art. no. 24111 (9 pp.) Tumanov V.A., Proshin Yu.N.
Comparison of several methods for determining the critical temperature of a superconducting transition in ferromagnet/superconductor heterostructuresart. no. 24112 (7 pp.) Useinov N.Kh., Zaitsev N.S., Tagirov L.R.
Spin-polarized currents in point magnetic tunnel junctions taking into account gradients of the electrochemical potentialart. no. 24113 (8 pp.) Volkov A.F., Eremin I.M.
Note on possibility of proximity induced spontaneous currents in superconductor/normal metal heterostructuresNo 2. SPECIAL ISSUE dedicated to Boris Z. Malkin's 85th birthday
art. no. 24200 (3 pp.) Aganov A.V., Aminov K.L., Aminov L.K., Andronenko S.I., Barbara B., Baibekov E.I., Boldyrev K.N., Eremin M.V., Fatkullin N.F., Gafurov M.R., Gerasimov K.I., Golenishchev-Kutuzov V.A., Khamzin A.A., Klimin S.A., Kochelaev B.I., Kurkin I.N., Larionov A.L., Larionov I.A., Moiseev S.A., Moskvin A.S., Nigmatullin R.R., Nikitin S.I., Ovchinnikov I.V., Popova M.N., Proshin Yu.N., Pukhov K.K., Rakhmatullin R.M., Romanova I.V., Sadykov E.K., Saikin S.K., Salakhov M.Kh., Shakurov G.S., Skirda V.D., Solovyev O.V., Sushkov S.V., Tagirov L.R., Tagirov M.S., Talanov Yu.I., Tarasov V.F., Tayurskii D.A., Tsukerblat B.S., Yusupov R.V., Zapasskii V.S., Zhikharev V.A.
Professor Boris Z. Malkinart. no. 24201 (6 pp.) Aminov L.K.
About the power of infinite setsart. no. 24202 (8 pp.) Andreev G.Iu., Romanova I.V., Korableva S.L., Cherosov M.A., Kiiamov A.G., Suzuki H., Tagirov M.S.
Magnetization of LiErF4 dipolar magnet in monocrystalline and polycrystalline form at low temperaturesart. no. 24203 (5 pp.) Chernyshev V.A.
Crystal structure of impurity centers Eu3+ and Dy3+ in Re2Ti2O7 (Re=Gd,Tb) crystals: ab initio calculationart. no. 24204 (9 pp.) Gerasimov K.I., Minnegaliev M.M., Moiseev S.A., Subbotin K.A., Pavlov S.K.
Laser site selective spectroscopy of Er3+ in ZnWO4 single crystalart. no. 24205 (10 pp.) Klimin S.A.
Magnetic g factor and magnetic anisotropy of Dy3+ ion in Dy2BaNiO5 determined from optical spectra of f-f transitionsart. no. 24206 (6 pp.) Larionov A.L., Larionov I.A.
Small polaron in linear atomic chain: perturbation theory approachart. no. 24207 (6 pp.) Mamin G.V., Murzakhanov F.F., Kurkin I.N., Gafurov M.R., Baibekov E.I.
Rabi oscillations and ENDOR study of trivalent gadolinium ion in LiYF4 crystalart. no. 24208 (10 pp.) Murzakhanov F.F., Latypova L.R., Mamin G.V., Sadovnikova M.A., von Bardeleben H.J., Gafurov M.R.
Photoinduced EPR and ENDOR studies of the divacancies and nitrogen-vacancy defects in silicon carbideart. no. 24209 (5 pp.) Parfishina A.S., Dooglav A.V., Menshikov M.E., Baibekov E.I., Korableva S.L., Romanova I.V., Tagirov M.S.
Using acoustic resonance for measuring magnetostrictionart. no. 24210 (7 pp.) Popova M.N., Diab M., Boldyrev K.N.
Erbium luminescent probe in a GdFe3(BO3)4 single crystal: phase transitions and temperature measurementsart. no. 24211 (9 pp.) Pudovkin M.S., Morozov O.A., Korableva S.L., Rakhmatullin R.M., Semashko V.V., Ginkel A.K., Rodionov A.A., Kiiamov A.G.
The optical and magnetic properties of CeO2 nanoparticles doped with Er3+ ionsart. no. 24212 (6 pp.) Pukhov K.K.
On the theory of spin degeneracy splitting in pairs of Kramers lanthanide ionsart. no. 24213 (5 pp.) Shakurov G.S.
High-frequency EPR of Fe2+ ion in the CsCdBr3 crystalart. no. 24214 (12 pp.) Solovyev O.V., Mironov R.P., Djiguiba M.
Influence of frequency effect on the Condon shape of electron-vibrational absorption spectrum in the single oscillator modelart. no. 24215 (17 pp.) Tarasov V.F.
Dimer self-organization of impurity rare earth ions in forsterite (Mg2SiO4) single crystals as revealed by EPR spectroscopyart. no. 24216 (14 pp.) Tsukerblat B., Belonovich V., Palii A.
Quantum cellular automata based on mixed-valence molecules: Some theoretical hints for cell designart. no. 24217 (11 pp.) Vazhenin V.A., Artyomov M.Yu., Potapov A.P., Subbotin K.A., Lis D.A., Pavlov S.K., Fokin A.V., Volkov P.A.
Paramagnetic impurity centers of Fe3+ in the silicon positions of yttrium orthosilicateart. no. 24218 (7 pp.) Yavkin B.V., Soltamov V.A., Murzakhanov F.F., G. V. Mamin G.V., Mokhov E.N., Goovaerts E.
Broadening of the silicon vacancy EPR line in SiC revealed through optically selective excitationart. no. 24301 (7 pp.) Muftakhudinov A.R., Popov D.V., Fazlizhanov. I.I., Makarchenko. A.S., Ganeeva. Yu.M., Moshkina. E.M., Eremina R.M.
High-temperature properties of Mn0.75Co2.25BO5 compoundart. no. 24302 (8 pp.) Ibragimova M.I., Chushnikov A.I., Yatsyk I.V., Khaibullina D.Kh., Gumarov G.G.
Identification of the signals with g ∼ 6 in the X-band EPR spectra of human blood serum at 5-40 Kart. no. 24303 (8 pp.) Dooglav A.V., Larionov A.L., Vagapova F.R.
To the history of EPR discoveryart. no. 24304 (6 pp.) Musin V.F., Zinnatullin A.L., Vagizov F.G.
High-entropy oxide Mg0.2Co0.2Fe0.2Ni0.2Zn0.2O: synthesis, X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer studies
art. no. 23101 (8 pp.) Zaripov R.B., Gainetdinov A.F.
ENDOR implementation using STM32 microcontrollerart. no. 23102 (8 pp.) Sukhanov A.A., Valeev V.F., Nuzhdin V.I., Khaibullin R.I.
Magnetic resonance studies of Ar-ion irradiated rutileart. no. 23201 (7 pp.) Shurtakova D.V., Mamin G.V., Gafurov M.R.
The study of synthetic tricalcium phosphate by EPR and DFT methodsart. no. 23202 (9 pp.) Vavilova E.L.
Ordered state of the intrinstic two-component magnetoelectric material Li2CuZrO4 according to 7Li NMR dataart. no. 23203 (6 pp.) Zverev D.G., Murzakhanov F.F., Sadovnikova M.A., Yavkin B.V.
Low cost ODMR attachment for commercial EPR spectrometersart. no. 23204 (11 pp.) Makushin K.M., Baibekov E.I.
Quantum computation of the lowest-energy Kramers states and magnetic g-factors of rare earth ions in crystalsart. no. 23300 (4 pp.) Abe S., Aganov A.V., Akchurin A.D., Batulin R.G., Belushkin A.V., Bikmaev I.F., Boltakova N.V., Eremin M.V., Eremina R.M., Fishman A.I., Gafurov M.R., Gumarova I.I., Kalachev A.A., Kharintsev S.S., Kiiamov A.G., Klochkov V.V., Kochelaev B.I., Kono K., Lysogorskiy Yu., Matsumoto K., Mokshin A.V., Nedopekin O.V., Nikitin S.I., Ovchinnikov M.N., Proshin Yu.N., Romanova I.V., Salakhov M.Kh., Sherstyukov O.N., Skirda V.D., Sushkov S.V., Suzuki H., Tagirov L.R., Tagirov M.S., Turanov A.N., Usachev K.S., Useinov N.Kh., Vagizov F.G., Voronina E.A., Yusupov R.V., Zakharov Y.A.
Professor Dmitrii Albertovich Tayurskiiart. no. 23301 (9 pp.) Popov D.V., Batulin R.G., Cherosov M.A., Yatsyk I.V., Chupakhina T.I., Deeva Yu.A., Eremina R.M., Maiti T.
Magnetic properties of the double perovskite Sr2CoNbO6-δart. no. 23302 (8 pp.) Kadirov M.K., Sabirova A.F., Kadirov D.M., Mansurov R.N., Minzanova S.T., Kholin K.V., Galeeva E.I.
EPR of catalytic complexes of Mn (II) with sodium pectateart. no. 23303 (11 pp.) Demina A.Yu., Petrakova N.V., Murzakhanov F.F., Mamin G.V., Nikitina Yu.O., Sadovnikova M.A., Andreev S.O., Zhukov A.V., Gafurov M.R., Komlev V.S.
Analysis of the thermal treatment effects of gadolinium-containing hydroxyapatite by EPR method
art. no. 22101 (6 pp.) Sadovnikova M.A., Mamin G.V., Yusupov R.V., Kobchikova P.P., Murzakhanov F.F.
Coherence of optically addressable spin centers created in hexagonal boron nitride by proton irradiationart. no. 22102 (10 pp.) Mamniashvili G., Gegechkori T., Janjalia M., Gogishvili P.
Investigation of the single-pulse NMR echo origin in cobalt using additional magnetic video-pulsesart. no. 22201 (6 pp.) Kobyakov A.V., Patrin G.S., Yushkov V.I., Shiyan Ya.G., Rudenko R.Yu., Kosyrev N.N., Zharkov S.M.
Magnetic resonance properties of low-dimensional cobalt - Al2O3-germanium tunnel contactsart. no. 22202 (8 pp.) Yatsyk I.V., Eremina R.M., Chupakhina T.I., Deeva Yu.A.
Magnetic resonance analysis of spin dynamics in Sr2MnTiO5.87 double perovskite
To memory of Prof. Richard R. Ernst
To memory of Dr. Sergei B. Orlinskii
art. no. 21100 (3 pp.) Abdullin A.L., Aganov A.V., Akchurin A.D., Aliyev M.N., Aminova A.V., Aminov L.K., Bikmaev I.F., Bukharaev A.A., Chabdarov Sh.M., Dautov G.Yu., Fishman A.I., Gabitov I.R., Gafurov I.R., Gainutdinov R.Kh., Gilmutdinov A.Kh., Ilyasov A.V., Ivanov V.P., Kashapov N.F., Kalachev A.A., Kamalova D.I., Kharintsev S.S., Kochelaev B.I., Larochkina I.A., Malkin B.Z., Mokshin A.V., Nadeev A.F., Nefediev L.A., Nikitin S.I., Nourgaliev D.K., Ovchinnikov M.N., Pesoshin V.A., Proshin Yu.N., Sakhibullin N.A., Salikhov K.M., Samartsev V.V., Sherstyukov O.N., Sinyashin O.G., Skirda V.D., Sushkov S.V., Tagirov L.R., Tagirov M.S., Tayurskii D.A., Timerkaev B.A., Voronina E.V.
Professor Myakzyum Khalimulovich Salakhov, President of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciencesart. no. 21101 (29 pp.) Misra S.K., Salahi H.R.
Simulation of four-, five-, and six-pulse Double Quantum Coherence signals for nitroxide biradicals: Distance measurement in biological systemsart. no. 21102 (9 pp.) Mamniashvili G., Gegechkori T., Gavasheli T.
NMR inversion echo analog in cobalt and lithium ferrite under the combined action of radiofrequency and magnetic pulsesart. no. 21201 (6 pp.) Zverev D.G., Lukin S.N., Rodionov A.A., Shurtakova D.V., Gafurov M.R.
Multipurpose Portable Q-Band Bridgeart. no. 21202 (6 pp.) Gafurov M.R., Mamin G.V., Zverev D.G.
Modernization of the X-band EPR spectrometer Bruker ElexSys E580 for dynamic nuclear polarizationart. no. 21203 (35 pp.) Misra S.K., Salahi H.R.
Two-pulse double quantum and five-pulse double-quantum modulation sequences in EPR: Coherence transfer and distance measurements
art. no. 20101 (16 pp.) Misra S.K., Salahi H.R.
Relaxation due to thermal vibrations in pulsed EPR: Cylindrical-fluctuation model of perturbation of g- and A-matrices of an electron-nuclear spin-coupled system in a malonic-acid single crystalart. no. 20102 (11 pp.) Shakirov M.A.
Calibrating optical spectra using machine learning algorithmsart. no. 20201 (11 pp.) Likerov R.F., Tarasov V.F., Sukhanov A.A., Shestakov A.V., Eremina R.M., Zavartsev Yu.D., Kutovoi S.A.
Spin relaxation of the 171Yb3+ ion in the Y228SiO5 crystalart. no. 20202 (125 pp.) Aganov A.V., Larionov A.L.
On the 75-th anniversary of magnetic resonance (EPR) discovery. Pages in history. The development of radiospectroscopy at Kazan Universityart. no. 20300 (2 pp.) Alakshin E.M., Dooglav A.V., Egorov A.V., Gafurov M.R., Gazizulin R.R., Kalachev A.A., Klochkov A.V., Kochelaev B.I., Mamin G.V., Orlinskii S.B., Proshin Yu.N., Safin T.R., Salakhov M.Kh., Tagirov L.R., Tagirov M.S., Volodin S.A.
Professor Yury Bunkovart. no. 20301 (6 pp.) Khutsishvili S.S., Perfileva A.I., Nozhkina O.A., Dyrkach A.Yu., Borodina T.N., Tikhonov N.I., Vakul'skaya T.I.
The accumulation and toxic effect of manganese during the growth and development of Solanum tuberosum L.
art. no. 19101 (7 pp.) Gafurov M., Galukhin A., Osin Y., Murzakhanov F., Gracheva I., Mamin G., Orlinskii S.B.
Probing the surface of synthetic opals with the vanadyl containing crude oil by using EPR and ENDOR techniquesart. no. 19102 (6 pp.) El-Damrawi G., Abou Elzahab M., Dowadair A., Hosny A.
Electron paramagnetic resonance study on phosphosilicate glassesart. no. 19103 (5 pp.) Aleksandrov A.S., Egorov A.V., Korableva S.L., Tagirov M.S.
Anomalous 141Pr nuclear magnetic relaxation in PrF3 Van Vleck paramagnetart. no. 19104 (7 pp.) Kuzmin V.V., Bogaychuk A.V., Nekrasov I.K., Safiullin K.R., Salakhov M.H., Alakshin E.M., Klochkov A.V., Tagirov M.S.
The home-built high-field multifunctional pulsed NMR spectrometerart. no. 19105 (7 pp.) Shurtakova D., Yavkin B., Gafurov M., Mamin G., Orlinskii S., Kuznetsova L., Bakhteev S., Ignatyev I., Smirnov I., Fedotov A., Komlev V.
Study of radiation-induced stable radicals in synthetic octacalcium phosphate by pulsed EPRart. no. 19106 (5 pp.) Bochkin G.A., Fel'dman E.B., Lazarev I.D., Vasil'ev S.G., Volkov V.I.
Decay of multiple quantum NMR coherences in quasi-one-dimensional chains in calcium fluorapatiteart. no. 19107 (10 pp.) Bochkin G.A., Fel'dman E.B., Lazarev I.D., Vasil'ev S.G.
Contributions of different parts of dipole-dipole interactions to relaxation of multiple quantum NMR coherences in a single crystal of calcium fluorapatiteart. no. 19108 (9 pp.) Leushin A.M.
Tables of functions transforming according to the irreducible representations of crystal point cubic T and Th groups
art. no. 19201 (10 pp.) Ivanov D.S., Barskaya E.E., Skirda V.D.
Size effect for asphaltene particles in the resin by NMRart. no. 19202 (10 pp.) Ivanov D.S., Barskaya E.E., Skirda V.D.
The processes of aggregation and dissolution in model systems resin-asphaltene by NMRart. no. 19203 (6 pp.) Alexandrov A.S., Ivanov A.A., Archipov R.V., Gafurov M.R., Tagirov M.S.
Pulsed NMR spectrometer with dynamic nuclear polarization for weak magnetic fieldsart. no. 19204 (7 pp.) Shakurov G.S., Korableva S.L., Malkin B.Z.
High frequency EPR spectroscopy of Er3+ ions in LiYF4 and LiLuF4: a case study of crystal fieldsart. no. 19205 (7 pp.) Agzamova P.A.
Influence of structure effects and orbital ordering on the magnetic hyperfine field in pyrochlore oxides R2V2O7 (R = Lu, Yb, Tm, Er, Ho): ab initio calculations
No 3. SPECIAL ISSUE dedicated to Boris I. Kochelaev's 85th birthday
art. no. 19300 (3 pp.) Aganov A.V., Aliyev M.N., Aminova A.V., Aminov L.K., Atsarkin V.A., Eremin I.M., Eremin M.V., Fatkullin N.F., Fushman D., Garifullin I.A., Golenishchev-Kutuzov V.A., Keller H., Krug von Nidda H.-A., Loidl A., Malkin B.Z., Nigmatullin R.R., Nikitin S.I., Ovchinnikov I.V., Proshin Yu.N., Sadykov E.K., Salakhov M.H., Shavrov V.G., Shengelaya A., Skirda V.D., Sushkov S.V., Tagirov M.S., Tagirov L.R., Talanov Yu.I., Tayurskii D.A., Teitel'baum G.B., Zhikharev V.A.
Professor Kochelaev, Boris Ivanovichart. no. 19301 (9 pp.) Keller H.
Boris in Zurich ‐ Hugo in Kazanart. no. 19302 (6 pp.) Atsarkin V.A., Demidov V.V., Shaikhulov T.A., Ovsyannikov G.A.
FMR line shape effect on spin pumping in bilayer structuresart. no. 19303 (6 pp.) Eremin M.V.
Magnetoelectric coupling in noncollinear ferrimagnetsart. no. 19304 (11 pp.) Gaifullin R.R., Deminov R.G., Aliyev M.N., Tagirov L.R.
Superconducting spin-valves in spintronicsart. no. 19305 (9 pp.) Gimazov I.I., Talanov Yu.I., Adachi T., Noji T., Koike Y., Omori K., Tanabe Y., Chareev D., Vasiliev A.
Fluctuations of various order parameters in cuprate and Fe-based superconductors as revealed by microwave absorption measurementsart. no. 19306 (8 pp.) Krug von Nidda H.-A., Hemmida M., Kraus S., Pascher N., Deisenhofer J., Loidl A.
Intrinsic spin resonance in iron pnictidesart. no. 19307 (7 pp.) Khazaradze G., Daraselia D., Japaridze D., Shengelaya A.
Magnetoelectric coupling in Y-type hexaferrite studied by a novel magnetic resonance techniqueart. no. 19308 (18 pp.) Nigmatullin R.R.
New approach in correlation analysisart. no. 19309 (7 pp.) Sharin E.P., Evseev K.V.
Effect of doping on the electronic properties of grapheneart. no. 19310 (13 pp.) Useinov N.Kh.
Resonant magnetoresistance in double-barrier antiferromagnetic tunnel junction
No 4. SPECIAL ISSUE dedicated to Boris Z. Malkin's 80th birthday
art. no. 19400 (3 pp.) Aganov A.V., Aminov K.L., Aminov L.K., Andronenko S.I., Avram N.M., Barbara B., Baibekov E.I., Bersuker I., Brik M.G., Eremin M.V., Fatkullin N.F., Feofilov S.P., Garifullin I.A., Golenishchev-Kutuzov V.A., Kaplyanskii A.A., Kasatkina L.A., Kochelaev B.I., Kurkin I.N., Leushin A.M., Larionov A.L., Moskvin A.S., Nigmatullin R.R., Nikitin S.I., Osiko V.V., Ovchinnikov I.V., Petrenko O., Pisarev R.V., Pekurovsky V., Pominov A.I., Popova M.N., Proshin Yu.N., Pukhov K.K., Rosanov N.N., Sadykov E.K., Saikin S.K., Salakhov M.Kh., Shakurov G.S., Skirda V.D., Solovyev O.V., Sushkov S.V., Tagirov L.R., Tagirov M.S., Talanov Yu.I., Tarasov V.F., Tayurskii D.A., Teitel'baum G.B., Tsukerblat B.S., Yusupov R.V., Zapasskii V.S., Zhikharev V.A.
Professor Boris Zalmanovich Malkinart. no. 19401 (3 pp.) Aminov L.K., Gafurov M.R., Kurkin I.N., Nikitin S.I., Rodionov A.A.
EPR of single Yb3+ ions in CsCdBr3 monocrystalsart. no. 19402 (5 pp.) Apreleva A.S., Sukhanov A.A., Tarasov V.F., Subbotin K.A., Zharikov E.V.
Dimer self-organization of 53Cr impurity ions in synthetic forsteriteart. no. 19403 (7 pp.) Asatryan H.R., Shakurov G.S., Petrosyan A.G., Hovannesyan K.L.
Wideband EPR-spectroscopy of Y3Al5O12:Er3+, (Y0.9Lu0.1)3Al5O12:Er3+ and Y3Al5O12:Fe2+ crystalsart. no. 19404 (6 pp.) Barbara B.
Quantum magnetism of single molecules and diluted rare-earth alloysart. no. 19405 (6 pp.) Brik M.G., Avram N.M., Avram C.N.
Advances of crystal field theory and exchange charge modelart. no. 19406 (11 pp.) Chernyshev V.A.
Phonon spectrum of Nd2Zr2O7 crystal: ab initio calculationart. no. 19407 (9 pp.) Esmaeili A., Mohammed W.M., Yanilkin I.V., Gumarov A.I., Vakhitov I.R., Gabbasov B.F., Kiiamov A.G., Aliyev M.N., Yusupov R.V., Tagirov L.R.
Ferromagnetic resonance study of the epitaxial VN/Pd0.96Fe0.04 thin film heterostructure on MgO substrateart. no. 19408 (6 pp.) Leushin A.M.
To the structure of the trigonal center of Yb3+ ion in hexagonal perovskite crystal RbMgF3art. no. 19409 (10 pp.) Moskvin A.S.
The Löwdin orthogonalization and magnetoelectric coupling for noncentrosymmetric ionsart. no. 19410 (7 pp.) Popova M.N.
High-resolution optical and EPR spectroscopy in solid-state researchart. no. 19411 (6 pp.) Rakhmatullin R.M., Pudovkin M.S., Semashko V.V.
EPR evidence of surface paramagnetic defects formation due to annealing of LaF3 nanoparticlesart. no. 19412 (26 pp.) Romanova I.V., Tagirov M.S.
Magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of non-conducting rare-earth single crystals LiLnF4 (Ln = Tm, Tb, Ho, Dy) (Review)art. no. 19413 (7 pp.) Solovyev O.V., Makhov V.N., Stryhanyuk H., Kirm M.
Low-temperature luminescence spectrum of forbidden 4f 135d‐4f 14 transitions in CaF2:Lu3+ crystalart. no. 19414 (7 pp.) Tsukerblat B., Palii A., Rybakov A.
Quantum cellular automata: theoretical study of bistable cells for molecular computingart. no. 19415 (6 pp.) Vazhenin V.A., Fokin A.V., Potapov A.P., Shakurov G.S., Petrosyan A.G., Artyomov M.Yu.
Paramagnetic centres in crystals YAlO3: Eu, Si
art. no. 19501 (7 pp.) Gafurov M.R., Kurkin I.N., Baibekov E.I.
Coherence times of Ce3+ spin states in CaWO4 crystalart. no. 19502 (11 pp.) Misra S.K., Andronenko S.I.
A variable temperature EPR study of Cu2+ doped single crystals of pyrovanadates β-Mg2V2O7, α-Zn2V2O7: estimations of non-coincident g2- and A2-tensorsart. no. 19503 (8 pp.) Petrov A.V., Pasynkov M.V., Yusupov R.V., Nikitin S.I., A.I.Gumarov A.I., Yanilkin I.V., Kiiamov A.G., Tagirov L.R.
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in thin films of L10-ordered FePt and FePd compounds: promising differencesart. no. 19504 (9 pp.) El Damrawi G., Abdelghany M., Mnaaa E.
Nuclear magnetic resonance studies on vanadium phosphate glassesart. no. 19505 (16 pp.) Misra S.K., Salahi H.R., Li L.
Calculation of single crystal and polycrystalline pulsed EPR signals including relaxation by phonon modulation of hyperfine and g matrices by solving Liouville – von Neumann equation
art. no. 19601 (11 pp.) Batulin R.G., Cherosov M.A., Gilmutdinov I.F., Kiiamov A.G., Klekovkina V.V., Malkin B.Z., Rodionov A.A., Yusupov R.V.
EPR spectra and magnetization of XY-type rare-earth ions in pyrochlores Y2Ti2O7:RE3+ (RE = Yb, Er)art. no. 19602 (5 pp.) Gafurov D., Sturza M.-I., Vavilova E.
Thermally activated mobility of lithium ions in Li1-xCuSbO4 as studied by 7Li NMR
To memory of Prof. Charles Pence Slichter
art. no. 18101 (8 pp.) Misra S.K., Andronenko S.I.
EPR of the V4+ ion in single crystals of pyrovanadates β-Mg2V2O7, α-Zn2V2O7: Spin-Hamiltonian parametersart. no. 18102 (9 pp.) Gizatullin B.I., Savinkov A.V., Shipunov T.V. Melnikova D.L., Doroginitzky M.M., Skirda V.D.
Investigation of molecular mobility and exchange of n-hexane and water in silicalite-1 by 2D 1H NMR relaxometryart. no. 18103 (7 pp.) El Ouaddi H., Tirbiyine A., Taoufik A., Ait Ahmed Y., Hafid A., Mamor M., Chaib H., Nafidi A., Snoussi S.
Disorder effect and the vortex phase transition in layered organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Brart. no. 18104 (8 pp.) Borich M.A., Savchenko S.P., Tankeyev A.P.
Degenerated nuclear magnetostatic modes in ferromagnetsart. no. 18105 (8 pp.) Anikeenok O.A.
Calculation of the matrix elements of the long-range Coulomb interaction in low-symmetry crystals
art. no. 18201 (9 pp.) Gabbasov B.F., Gracheva I.N., Nikitin S.I., Zverev D.G., Dejneka A., Trepakov V.A., Yusupov R.V.
Experimental evidences of the shape-induced structural distortion of SrTiO3 single crystals from impurity Mn4+ ions electron paramagnetic resonanceart. no. 18202 (7 pp.) El-Damrawi G. , Hassan A.K., Shahboub A.
31P and 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance studies on silver phosphate glassesart. no. 18203 (5 pp.) Galukhin A., Osin Y., Rodionov A., Mamin G., Gafurov M., Orlinskii S.
Radiation-induced paramagnetic centers in nanoporous synthetic opals - a probe for near surface protons (published as Rapid Communication)art. no. 18204 (5 pp.) Yanilkin I.V., Vakhitov I.R., Gumarov A.I., Pasynkov M.V., Mukhametova E.T., Aliyev M.N., Yusupov R.V., Tagirov L.R.
Magnetic and magnetoresonant properties of thin-film Fe/Ag/Co/CoO heterostructure synthesized by combined molecular beam epitaxy and reactive magnetron sputtering (published as Rapid Communication)art. no. 18205 (6 pp.) Tagirov M.S., Zhikharev V.A.
Magnetic resonance: from investigation of the aging processes in human brain to the study of the structure of heavy oil fractionsart. no. 18206 (9 pp.) Dolgorukov G.A., Kuzmin V.V., Bogaychuk A.V., Alakshin E.M., Safiullin K.R., Klochkov A.V., Tagirov M.S.
The home-built pulse NMR spectrometer with CPMG sequence for 3He research at low temperatures
Prof. V.A. Zhikharev (to 70th anniversary)
art. no. 17101 (17 pp.) Khalvashi E.Kh., Fokina N.P., Elizbarashvili M.O.
Angular and temperature dependencies of EPR linewidth and Gorter relaxation rates in concentrated paramagnets: Application to La0.9Sr0.1MnO3 and La0.875Sr0.125MnO3art. no. 17102 (11 pp.) Khasanova N.M., Gabdrakhmanov D.T., Kayukova G.P., Mikhaylova A.N., Morozov V.P.
EPR study of hydrocarbon generation potential of organic rich domanik rocks
art. no. 17201 (11 pp.) Dzheparov F.S.
Random walks in disordered lattice, CTRW, memory and dipole transportart. no. 17202 (7 pp.) Savinkov A.V., Shakurov G.S., Mumdzhi I.E., Malkin B.Z., Nikitin S.I., Korableva S.L., Tagirov M.S.
Spectral and magnetic properties of impurity Tm3+ ions in YF3art. no. 17203 (4 pp.) Dooglav A.V., Gilmutdinov I.F., Katkov V.I., Kiiamov A.G., Mukhamedshin I.R.
89Y nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in SrY2O4:Ho3+ single crystals (published as Rapid Communication)art. no. 17204 (5 pp.) Alakshin E.M., Kondratyeva E.I., Nuzhina D.S., Iakovleva M.F., Gilmutdinov I.F., Kuzmin V.V., Safiullin K.R., Kiiamov A.G., Klochkov A.V., Tagirov M.S.
Magnetic properties of DyF3 micro- and nanoparticles (published as Rapid Communication)art. no. 17205 (5 pp.) Savinkov A.V., Gabbasov B.F., Morozov O.A., Kiiamov A.G., Tagirov M.S.
Study of the crystal field and rare-earth magnetism in YF3:Yb3+ (published as Rapid Communication)art. no. 17206 (4 pp.) Gafurov M.R., Mamin G.V., Kurkin I.N., Rodionov A.A., Orlinskii S.B.
Superhyperfine interactions in Ce3+ doped LiYF4 crystal: ENDOR measurements (published as Rapid Communication)art. no. 17207 (10 pp.) Murzakhanov F., Gabbasov B., Iskhakova K., Voloshin A., Mamin G., Putlyaev V., Klimashina E., Fadeeva I., Fomin A., Barinov S., Biktagirov T., Orlinskii S., Gafurov M.
Conventional electron paramagnetic resonance for studying synthetic calcium phosphates with metal impurities (Mn2+, Cu2+, Fe3+)art. no. 17208 (10 pp.) Dudalov A.S., Solovyev O.V.
Calculation of g-tensor of rare-earth ions with account of isotropic reduction of orbital momentumart. no. 17209 (9 pp.) Irisova I.A., Gracheva I.N., Lysogorskiy Y.V., Shinkarev A.A., Rodionov A.A., Tayurskii D.A., Yusupov R.V.
Electron paramagnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction study of PbF2 fine powders mechanochemically doped with Er3+ ions
Prof. V.A. Atsarkin (to 80th anniversary)
art. no. 16101 (7 pp.) Dolomatov M.U., Rodionov A.A., Gafurov M.R., Petrov A.V., Biktagirov T.B., Bakhtizin R.Z., Makarchikov S.O., Khairudinov I.Z., Orlinskii S.B.
Concentration of paramagnetic centres at low-temperature thermal destruction of asphaltenes of heavy petroleum distillatesart. no. 16102 (5 pp.) Gracheva I.N., Gafurov M.R., Mamin G.V., Biktagirov T.B., Rodionov A.A., Galukhin A.V., Orlinskii S.B.
ENDOR study of nitrogen hyperfine and quadrupole tensors in vanadyl porphyrins of heavy crude oilart. no. 16103 (5 pp.) Ivanova T.A., Turanova O.A., Mingalieva L.V., Gilmutdinov I.F., Ovchinnikov I.V.
Electronic and magnetic properties of [Fe(3-MeO-Qsal)2]Y•n solvent (n = 0,1) complexesart. no. 16104 (5 pp.) Tikhonov N.I., Khutsishvili S.S., Lesnichaya M.V., Dolmaa G., Vakul'skaya T.I., Aleksandrova G.P., Sukhov B.G.
Paramagnetic properties and antioxidant activity of metal-containing bionanocomposites based on humic substances
No 2.
This issue was selected at XIX International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application", Kazan, 24 - 28 October 2016. All papers were recommended to publication in our journal and they are published after additional MRSej reviewing. The MRSej Editors, Prof. M.S. Tagirov and Prof. V.A. Zhikharev, are responsible for the no. 16200 (2 pp.) Tagirov M.S., Zhikharev V.A.
XIX International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application"art. no. 16201 (8 pp.) Dzheparov F.S., Lvov D.V.
Impurity spin in normal stochastic field: basic model of magnetic resonanceart. no. 16202 (6 pp.) Bochkin G.A., Fel'dman E.B., Vasil'ev S.G.
Dipolar relaxation of multiple-quantum NMR coherences in a linear homogeneous chain of 19F nuclei in calcium fluoroapatiteart. no. 16203 (5 pp.) Gimazov I.I., Sakhin V.O., Talanov Yu.I., Adachi T., Noji T., Koike Y.
Superconducting fluctuations above critical temperature in the Bi2Sr2Ca1-xYxCu2O8 single crystalsart. no. 16204 (6 pp.) Alakshin E.M., Klochkov A.V., Korableva S.L., Kuzmin V.V., Nuzhina D.S., Romanova I.V., Savinkov A.V., Tagirov M.S.
Magnetic properties of powders LiTbF4 and TbF3art. no. 16205 (10 pp.) Nuzhina D.S., Romanova I.V.
Simulations of equilibrium magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of non-conducting rare-earth compoundsart. no. 16206 (5 pp.) Shafikov F.F., Savinkov A.V., Tagirov M.S.
Study of the crystal field in CeF3 and CeF3:Pr3+art. no. 16207 (8 pp.) Salikhov T., Klysheva E., Zvereva E., Nalbandyan V., Shukaev I., Medvedev B., Vavilova E.
Lithium diffusion in a new cathode material Li0.8[Ni0.6Sb0.4]O2 studied by 7Li NMRart. no. 16208 (4 pp.) Vorobeva V.E., Domracheva N.E., Gruzdev M.S.
EMR searching of quantum behavior of magnetic γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles encapsulated into poly(propylene imine) dendrimerart. no. 16209 (9 pp.) Sapunov V.A., Denisov A.Y., Saveliev D.V., Soloviev A.A., Khomutov S.Y., Borodin P.B., Narkhov E.D., Sergeev A.V., Shirokov A.N.
New vector/scalar Overhauser DNP magnetometers POS-4 for magnetic observatories and directional oil drilling supportart. no. 16210 (4 pp.) Sapunov V.A., Rasson J., Sergeev A.V., Narkhov E.D., Denisov A.Y., Rubinstein B.Y., Sapunov A.V.
Application of Overhauser DNP and K optics INTERMAGNET quantum magnetometers to fundamental physics and cosmology
art. no. 15101 (7 pp.) Yavkin B.V., Mamin G.V., Gafurov M.R., Orlinskii S.B.
Size-dependent concentration of N0 paramagnetic centres in HPHT nanodiamondsart. no. 15102 (5 pp.) Anikeenok O.A.
The method of secondary quantization in the strong bond approximationart. no. 15103 (8 pp.) Solovyev O.V.
Crystal field parameters and g-factors of the ground Kramers doublet of Ce3+ ion in LiYF4 crystalart. no. 15104 (9 pp.) Belov S.I., Kutuzov A.S.
Magnetic properties and spin kinetics in Kondo lattices
No 2.
This issue was selected at XVIII International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application", Kazan, 26 - 30 October 2015. All papers were recommended to publication in our journal and they are published after additional MRSej reviewing. The MRSej Editors, Prof. M.S. Tagirov and Prof. V.A. Zhikharev, are responsible for the no. 15200 (3 pp.) Tagirov M.S., Zhikharev V.A.
XVIII International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application"art. no. 15201 (6 pp.) Balakirev N.A., Zhikharev V.A.
Computer simulation of growth and magnetic properties of quasi 2D magnetic clusterart. no. 15202 (5 pp.) Bunkov Yu.M., Klochkov A.V., Safin T.R., Safiullin K.R., Tagirov M.S.
Double magnetic resonance in MnCO3art. no. 15203 (6 pp.) Gimazov I.I., Talanov Yu.I.
Electron spin resonance study of the demagnetization fields of the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic filmsart. no. 15204 (8 pp.) Kondratyeva E.I., Safiullin K.R., Motygullin I.G., Klochkov A.V., Tagirov M.S., Kuzmin V.V.
Electron paramagnetic resonance and quantitative color investigations of various vacuum heat treated wood speciesart. no. 15205 (4 pp.) Bunkov Yu.M., Vetoshko P.M., Motygullin I.G., Safin T.R., Tagirov M.S., Tukmakova N.A.
Nonlinear FMR spectra in yttrium iron garnet
art. no. 14101 (7 pp.) Anikeenok O.A.
Transferred hyperfine interactions for O17: LaMnO3art. no. 14102 (8 pp.) Eremina R.M.
Anisotropic exchange and effective crystal field parameters for low dimensional systems, EPR dataart. no. 14103 (7 pp.) Belov S.I., Kutuzov A.S.
Scaling corrections to the static magnetic susceptibility of the heavy fermions compounds YbRh2Si2 and YbIr2Si2
No 2. SPECIAL ISSUE dedicated to Boris I. Kochelaev's 80th birthday
art. no. 14201 (9 pp.) Atsarkin V.A., Demidov V.V., Sorokin B.V.
Resonance dc phenomena in manganite thin filmsart. no. 14202 (7 pp.) Fatkullin N.F., Valiullin R.
Short-time diffusion behavior of Brownian particles in porous solidsart. no. 14203 (19 pp.) Nigmatullin R.R., Rakhmatullin R.M., Osokin S.I.
How to reduce reproducible measurements to an ideal experiment?art. no. 14204 (6 pp.) Sharin E.P.
Local magnetic field distribution of the vortex lattice near surface of superconducting plateart. no. 14205 (6 pp.) Maisuradze A., Shengelaya A., Pomjakushina E., Conder K., Keller H., Müller K.A.
Exponential temperature dependence of the Yb3+ relaxation in Y0.98Yb0.02Ba2Cu3Oxart. no. 14206 (21 pp.) Eremin M.V., Shigapov I.M., Eremin I.M.
Spin response in HTSC cuprates: generalized RPA approach with projection operators methodart. no. 14207 (5 pp.) Andronenko S.I.
Spin relaxation of Mn ions in rare earth manganites in paramagnetic regionart. no. 14208 (14 pp.) Garifullin I.A., Garif'yanov N.N., Leksin P.V., Kamashev A.A., Fominov Ya.V., Schumann J., Kataev V., Büchner B.
The peculiarities of the operation of the superconducting spin valveart. no. 14209 (9 pp.) Deminov R.G., Useinov N.Kh., Tagirov L.R.
Magnetic and superconducting heterostructures in spintronicsart. no. 14210 (10 pp.) Schmidt B., Krug von Nidda H.-A., Riegg S., Ebbinghaus S.G., Reller A., Loidl A.
Probing the Metal-to-Insulator Transition in LaCu3RuxTi4-xO12 by Gd-ESR
art. no. 14301 (5 pp.) Seemann K., Leiste H., Krüger K.
Alternative theoretical approach of the exact ferromagnetic resonance frequency for common sample shapes by considering the phenomenological damping parameter - A tribute to C. Kittel and T.L. Gilbertart. no. 14302 (4 pp.) Alakshin E.M., Bunkov Yu.M., Gazizulin R.R., Gazizulina A.M., Isaenko L.I., Klochkov A.V., Safin T.R., Safiullin K.R., Tagirov M.S., Vedenyapin V.N., Zhurkov S.A.
Long-lived free induction decay signal in CsMnF3 single crystal
art. no. 13101 (7 pp.) Orlova A.Yu., Gainov R.R., Dooglav A.V., Pen'kov I.N.
A novel data on Ag5SbS4 and CuPbSbS3 probed by antimony NQR spectroscopyart. no. 13102 (7 pp.) Gafurov M.R., Yavkin B.V., Biktagirov T.B., Mamin G.V., Orlinskii S.B., Izotov V.V., Salakhov M.Kh., Klimashina E.S., Putlayev V.I., Abdul'yanov V.A., Ignatjev I.M., Khairullin R.N., Zamochkin A.V., Chelyshev Yu.A.
Atherosclerotic plaque and hydroxyapatite nanostructures studied by high-frequency EPRart. no. 13103 (11 pp.) Gafurov M.R.
TEMPOL as a polarizing agent for dynamic nuclear polarization of aqueous solutionsart. no. 13104 (6 pp.) Alakshin E.M., Gazizulin R.R., Klochkov A.V., Kuzmin V.V., Sabitova A.M., Safin T.R., Tagirov M.S.
The home-built pulse nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer with digital quadrature detection for 3He research at low temperatures
art. no. 13201 (9 pp.) Savina Yu., Bludov A., Pashchenko V., Gnatchenko S., Stepanov A., Lemmens P.
Specific features of electron spin resonance in quasi-1D magnet β-TeVO4art. no. 13202 (7 pp.) Blokhin D.S., Berger S., Klochkov V.V.
Spatial structure of tetrapeptide N-AC-Ser-Phe-Val-Gly-OMe in "protein-micelle of sodium dodecyl sulfate" complex and in solid state by NMR spectroscopyart. no. 13203 (9 pp.) Irisova I.A., Rodionov A.A., Tayurskii D.A., Yusupov R.V.
EPR study of the CaF2 powder mechanochemical doping with rare-earth ions
art. no. 12101 (9 pp.) Vishina A.A., Maisuradze A.
Spin-magnon relaxation of Yb3+-ions in antiferromagnetic cuprate Y1-xYbxBa2Cu3O6+yart. no. 12102 (5 pp.) Vishina A.A., Maisuradze A., Shengelaya A., Kochelaev B.I., Keller H.
Inhomogeneous broadening of the EPR signal of Yb3+ ions in domain walls of lightly doped antiferromagnetic cupratesart. no. 12103 (15 pp.) Belov S.I., Kutuzov A.S.
Spin kinetics in Kondo lattice with heavy fermions
art. no. 12200 (3 pp.) Tagirov M.S., Zhikharev V.A.
XV years of International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of the magnetic resonance and its application"art. no. 12201 (9 pp.) Dzheparov F.S.
Interplay of classical and quantum spin dynamicsart. no. 12202 (5 pp.) Efimov S.V., Klochkov V.V.
NMR studies and molecular dynamics simulation of cyclosporin in complex with detergent micellesart. no. 12203 (6 pp.) Romanova I.V., Klochkov A.V., Korableva S.L., Kuzmin V.V., Malkin B.Z., Mukhamedshin I.R., Suzuki H., Tagirov M.S.
Studies of magnetization of lithium-rare earth tetra-fluoride single crystalsart. no. 12204 (7 pp.) Galiullina L.F., Blokhin D.S., Aganov A.V., Klochkov V.V.
Investigation of "cholesterol + model of biological membrane" complex by NMR spectroscopyart. no. 12205 (5 pp.) Kozhanov K.A., Bubnov M.P., Cherkasov V.K., Abakumov G.A.
Versatile coordination sphere dynamics in o-semiquinonato pincer nickel complexes: an EPR study and mechanistic aspects
pp. 1-4 Khutsishvili S.S., Vakul'skaya T.I., Kuznetsova N.P., Ermakova T.G., Pozdnyakov A.S.
EPR investigation of nanosized silver particles in polymer composites
pp. 5-9 Gluschenko O.Yu., Polyakov N.E., Leshina T.V.
NMR study of cholesterol complexes with glycyrrhizic acidpp. 10-13 Yankova T.S., Chumakova N.A., Pomogailo D.A., Vorobiev A.Kh.
Spin probe orientation distribution functions in aligned nematic liquid crystalpp. 14-20 Konakov A.A., Ezhevskii A.A., Soukhorukov A.V., Guseinov D.V., Popkov S.A., Burdov V.A.
Temperature dependence of the conduction electron g-factor in silicon: theory and experimentpp. 21-26 Manin A.Y., Efimov S.V., Klochkov V.V.
Obtaining spatial structure of cyclosporine (CsA) in chloroform using 2D NMRpp. 27-35 Anikeenok O.A.
Approach to calculation of long range Coulomb interaction matrix elements in ion crystals
pp. 1-6 Morozov E.V., Shabanova O.V., Pavlov V.F, Falaleev O.V.
Studying the initial stages of gelation process in colloidal silica on basis of synthetic silicates by NMR microimaging and relaxometrypp. 7-11 Gubaev A.I., Rodionov A.A., Salakhov M.Kh., Subacheva I.N., Syrnikov P.P., Trepakov V.A., Yusupov R.V.
Photoinduced EPR in KTa0.988Nb0.012O3 crystalspp. 12-16 Kutin Y.S., Mamin G.V., Orlinskii S.B., Silkin N.I.
Calculation of ZnO nanoparticle size distribution based on EPR line shape analysis
pp. 17-21 Dmitriev A.I., Chernenkaya A.S.
Spin dynamics and charge order-disorder phase transition detected by EPR in α'-(BEDT-TTF)2IBr2pp. 22-25 Nizameev I.R., Pudovkin M.S., Kadirov M.K.
EPR, structural characteristics and intramolecular movements of some phenoxyl radicals in toluene
Third International Meeting of Prof. Kochelaev's Scholars (BIK-75) dedicated to the 75th birthday of Prof. Boris I. Kochelaev (April, 19, 2009) (In Russian only)
Prof. B.I. Kochelaev (to 75th anniversary)
No 1.
pp. 1-6 O.A. AnikeenokThe Coulomb interaction between an s-orbital electron and ionic crystal lattice
pp. 7-13 A.S. Kutuzov, A.M. Skvortsova
Determination of tetragonal crystalline electric field parameters for Yb3+ and Ce3+ ions from experimental g factors values and energy levels of Kramers doublets
pp. 14-19 O.V. Solovyev
Electron-phonon interaction in the 4f125d electronic configuration of the Tm2+ ion in CaF2
No 2.
pp. 20-23 M.S. Tagirov, V.A. ZhikharevXII International School for Young Scientists "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its applications"
pp. 24-28 A.V. Fedorova, E.B. Fel'dmanMultiple quantum NMR of interacting equivalent spins
pp. 29-32 I.A. LarionovLorentzian form for the imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility: comparison with NQR and Neutron Scattering data in copper oxide superconductors
pp. 33-37 Gazizulin R.R., Klochkov A.V., Kuzmin V.V., Safiullin K.R., Tagirov M.S., Yudin A.N.Inverse Laplace transform of 3He NMR relaxation data in porous media
No 1.
pp. 1-5 A.V. Fokin, V.B. Guseva, M.Yu. ArtyomovModels of Gd3+ Paramagnetic Centers in Tetrahedral Yttrium Clusters in Cadmium Fluoride
pp. 6-10 A.Yu. Orlova, R.R. Gainov, A.V. Dooglav, I.N. Pen'kov, N.N. Mozgova
Copper NQR studies of Ag-doped ternary sulfide Cu12As4S13 (tennantite)
pp. 11-19 N.V. Shkalikov, Yu.M. Ganeeva, T.N. Yusupova, V.D. Skirda
The characterization of asphaltenes by 1H NMR relaxation method: microsecond range of spin-spin relaxation times
pp. 20-24 A.A. Levantovsky, A.V. Komolkin
Application of Non-Linear Approximation for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrum Analysis: Visual Spectrum Decomposer Software
pp. 25-30 A.L. Kovarski, A.V. Bychkova, O.N. Sorokina, V.V. Kasparov
Temperature Effects in the FMR spectra of Magnetic Nanoparticles Dispersed in Polymer Film and Viscous Fluid
pp. 31-38 N.A. Mavrinskaya, L.A. Pesin, M. Baumgarten, A.V. Mavrinskiy, E.M. Baitinger, S.E. Evsyukov
ESR Studies of Chemically Dehydrofluorinated Poly(vinylidene fluoride)
pp. 39-45 Ya.V. Baklanova
H and 7Li NMR in Li2-xHxMO3 (M = Ti, Zr)
No 1.
pp. 1-6 A. Sinicin, S. Borcov, V. Nadolinny, I. Kireenko, V. Kirillov
EPR of the transition metal ions in micro-plasma coatings on aluminum alloy D16
pp. 7-12 M.V. Eremin and I.E. Lyubin
Binding energy of a Cooper pairs with non-zero center of mass momentum in d-wave superconductors
pp. 13-17 M.V. Burova, A.V. Fionov, M. Bonora, A. Lund, V.V. Lunin
Electron-acceptor Centers of Alkali Metal Modified Alumina Studied by the Anthraquinone as a Probe MoleculeNo 2.
pp. 1-5 M.A. Fayzullin, V.A. Zhikharev
Image-Potential States in Small Metal Particles
V.V. Demidov, F.S. Dzheparov, E.B. Feldman, N.P. Fokina, B.I. Kochelayev,
T.N. Khazanovich, Ye.K. Khenner, A.A. Lundin, A.Ye. Mefed, N.Ye. Noginova,
M.I. Rodak, O.A. Ryabushkin, K.M. Salikhov, M.S. Tagirov, V.A. Zhikharev, V.Ye. Zobov
Prof. V.A. Atsarkin (to 70th anniversary)No 1.
Preface M. Tagirov, V. Zhikharev
pp. 1-5 I.V. Romanova, R.Yu. Abdulsabirov, S.L. Korableva, B.Z. Malkin, I.R. Mukhamedshin, H. Suzuki, M.S. Tagirov
Magnetoelastic Effects and Magnetization in LiDyF4 and LiHoF4 Single Crystals
pp. 6-9 M.V. Sundukova, A.R. Mutina, A.I. Skorinkin
Inhibition of Water Transport Across Cell Membranes by Dimephosphon
pp. 10-14 S.I. Doronin, E.I. Kuznetsova, E.B. Feldman, S.D. Goren, G.B. Furman
Multiple Quantum NMR Dynamics in Spin Systems in Dipolar Ordered State
pp. 15-19 M.N. Uvarov, L.V. Kulik, M.A. Bizin, V.N. Ivanova, R.B. Zaripov, S.A. Dzuba
Triplet state dynamics of fullerene C60 studied by pulse EPR
pp. 20-23 K.A. Kozhanov, M.P. Bubnov, V.K. Cherkasov, G.K. Fukin, N.N. Vavilina, L.Yu. Efremova, G.A. Abakumov
An EPR Monitoring of Isomerism and Coordination Sphere Dynamics in Five-Coordinated Pincer Nickel Complexes
pp. 24-27 G.V. Mamin, A.A. Rodionov, M.S. Tagirov, D.A. Tayursky, B. Odintsov
The Surface Effects Influence on Magnetic Resonance in Carbonizate
pp. 28-32 A.A. Gippius, E.N. Morozova, K.S. Okhotnikov, A.S. Moskvin
NMR study of quasi-1D magnetic chain in cuprates LiCu2O2 and NaCu2O2
pp. 33-37 S.I. Doronin, E.B. Fel'dman, A.N. Pyrkov
Entanglement in One-Dimensional Open Chains of Spins 1/2 with XY-Hamiltonian
pp. 38-42 N.V. Shkalikov, V.D. Skirda, R.V. Arkhipov
Solid-like Component in the Spin-Spin NMR-Relaxation of Heavy Oils
pp. 43-47 D.M. Druzhnov, E.S. Demidov, Yu.A. Danilov,Yu.N. Drosdov, V.P. Lesnikov, V.V. Podolskii, M.V. Sapozhnikov, S.N. Gusev, A.I. Suchkov
Ferromagnetism in Thin Films of Germanium and Silicon Supersaturated by Manganese or Iron Impurities
pp. 48-52 D.V. Guseinov, A.A. Ezhevskii
Spin Relaxation of Electrons Localized on Shallow and Deep Donor Centers in Silicon with Different Isotopic Composition
No 1, A.D. Ineev, B.I. Kochelaev
Creation and Stability of Skyrmion State in Two-Dimensional Magnets at Doping
No 1, Dedicated to Boris I. Kochelaev's 70th birthday SPECIAL ISSUE (22 papers)
No 2, V.M. Vinokurov, A.R. Al-Sufi, A.E. Usachev
Jahn-Teller Effect of Cu2+ ions in a Zinc Selenate Hexahydrate Single Crystal
No 1, In commemoration of S.A. Al'tshuler SPECIAL ISSUE (20 articles)
No 1, B.M. Bolotov
Determination of NMR-spectrum moments of F19 in CaF2
No 1, B.M. Epel, S.B. Orlinskii, R.M. Rakhmatullin, Yu.K. Rosenzweig
Spin-lattice relaxation of Nd3+ and Tb3+ in phosphate and sodium borate silica glasses
No 2, G.V. Mamin, V.N. Efimov
EPR and evidence for two structural nonequivalent states of Tl2+(II) paramagnetic centers near noncentral positions in Rb2SO4 and Cs2SO4 crystals
No 1, A.S. Moskvin, Yu.D. Panov
The Singlet-Triplet Jahn-Teller Polar Centers in Copper Oxides
No 1, Andrei B. Bondarenko, Yurii N. Proshin
The Model Calculation of Angular Dependence of CESR Linewidth in Aluminium
No 2, I. Eremin
Influence of strong electron correlations on the spin susceptibility in High-Tc cuprates
No 3, R.M. Eremina,
Temperature dependencies of g-factors in GdBa2Cu3O6+x crystal
No 4, S.A. Efremova, Yu. N. Proshin, S.L. Tsarevskii
NMR Line Shape in Anisotropic Superconductors in Inclined Magnetic Fields
Title: The Model Calculation of Angular Dependence of CESR Linewidth in Aluminium
Authors: Andrei B. Bondarenko, Yurii N. Proshin
Address: Department of Theoretical Physics, Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: A simple model of the Fermi surface for an interpretation of the conduction electron spin resonance (CESR) results in Aluminium is developed. According to the real Aluminium Fermi surface 48 small rings with the large amount of the g-factor shift are arranged in five layers on the Fermi sphere, as distinct from the random distribution of them in the previous model proposed by Silsbee and Beuneu (SB). The present model reproduce known experimental CESR linewidth dependencies versus the frequency at different temperature region as well as the SB model. Additionally to the SB results the CESR linewidth is found to be independent from the magnetic field direction in the high temperature approximation. In both other cases (intermediate and low temperatures) the g-value anisotropy over Fermi surface is predicted to lead to the essential angular CESR linewidth dependence with five peaks. Some applications of the model to various systems with conduction electrons are discussed.
PACS: 76.30.Pk; 71.18.+y
Keywords: conduction electrons, Fermi surface,
spin resonance, Aluminium
Volume 1, No 2, 10 pages (accepted: December 8, 1997).
Title: Influence of strong electron correlations on the spin susceptibility in High-Tc cuprates
Author: I. Eremin
Address: Department of Theoretical Physics, Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: A new formula for the dynamic spin susceptibility has been analyzed with taking into account the strong electron correlations. The correlations sufficiently modify the Stoner-like factor and as a consequence change the phase diagram of the instability. It is remarkable to note that the instability area moves to the low doping. The possible approximates (lorentzian and gaussian) of the real part of the spin susceptibility have been considered. The behavior of the correlation length with doping and temperature in both cases is discussed.
PACS: 74.25.Jb; 74.72.Bk
Keywords: High-Tc superconductivity,
strongly correlated electronic system, spin susceptibility
Volume 1, No 3, 6 pages (accepted: December 11, 1997).
Title: Temperature dependencies of g-factors in GdBa2Cu3O6+x crystal.
Author: R. M. Eremina
Address: Kazan Physical-Technical Institute, 420029 Sibirskii trakt 10/7, Russia
Abstract: The temperature dependencies of the g-factors in GdBa2Cu3O6+x crystal are successfully explained using the suggestion that the big macroscopic magnetization of the samples due to the high concentration of Gd3+ ions (100 %) is responsible for the ESR signal. The difference of the temperature behavior of g-factors on the 35 GHz and 9.3 GHz is due to a different fraction of the penetration depth of the field in the superconductor.
PACS: 74.25.Jb; 74.72.Bk
Keywords: high-Tc superconductors,
Volume 1, No 4, 9 pages (accepted: December 23, 1997).
Title: NMR Line Shape in Anisotropic Superconductors in Inclined Magnetic Fields.
Authors: S.A. Efremova, Yu. N. Proshin, S.L. Tsarevskii
Address: Department of Theoretical Physics, Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
PACS: 74.60.-w; 74.60.Ge
Keywords: high-Tc superconductivity,
nuclear magnetic resonance, vortex lattice
Title: The Singlet-Triplet Jahn-Teller Polar Centers in Copper Oxides
Authors: A.S. Moskvin, Yu.D. Panov
Address: Department of Theoretical Physics, Ural State University, 620083, Lenin Ave. 51,Ekaterinburg , Russia
e-mail:Abstract: One of the most exciting features of the hole centers CuO45- in doped cuprates is in their unusually complicated ground state as a result of electronic quasi-degeneracy. An additional hole, doped to the basic CuO46- cluster with the b1g hole can occupy both the same hybrid Cu3d-O2p orbital state resulting in a Zhang-Rice singlet 1A1g and the purely oxygen eu molecular orbital resulting in singlet or triplet 1,3Eu term with the close energies. We present a detailed analysis of the (pseudo)-Jahn-Teller effect driven by the near-degeneracy within the (1A1g, 1,3Eu)-manifold.
PACS: 71.27.+a, 74.20.s, 74.25.Ha, 76.60.-k
Keywords: cuprates, spin fluctuations, hyperfine coupling, nuclear resonance
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Volume 3, No 1, 13 pages (accepted: April 23, 1999).
Title: Spin-lattice relaxation of Nd3+ and Tb3+ in phosphate and sodium borate silica glasses
Authors: B.M. Epel, S.B. Orlinskii, R.M. Rakhmatullin and Yu.K. Rosenzweig
Address: Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
e-mail: boris.epel@ksu.ruAbstract: The experimental study of the electron spin-lattice relaxation (SLR) of Nd3+ and Tb3+ ions in phosphate and sodium borate silica glasses was performed. Measurements were made with electron spin echo technique. Temperature dependences of spin-lattice relaxation of the rare earth ions reveal the contribution of different relaxation mechanisms. A stepped like change of the SLR rate observed for Tb3+ and Nd3+ ions was explained by cross relaxation.
PACS: 71.55; 76.30
Keywords: glass, EPR, ESE, spin-lattice relaxation
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Volume 3, No 2, 8 pages (accepted: October 5, 1999).
Title: EPR and evidence for two structural nonequivalent states of Tl2+(II) paramagnetic centers near noncentral positions in Rb2SO4 and Cs2SO4 crystals
Authors: G.V. Mamin, V.N. Efimov
Address: Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The EPR spectrum temperature dependence of Tl2+(II) paramagnetic centers in Rb2SO4, Cs2SO4 crystals have been investigated. At 100K>T>40K the local symmetry of Tl2+(II) paramagnetic centers is C2. The broadening and doubling of EPR spectrum lines with decreasing of T<40K were observed. The angular dependence of lines positions indicate that two structural nonequivalent positions of Tl2+(II) paramagnetic center exist at T<20K. The measurement of dielectric constant of crystals displayed the absence of phase transition in this temperature range. The transformation of EPR spectrum is explained by motion ofTl2+(II) paramagnetic center between two structural nonequivalent states arising near noncentral positions. Parameters of the potential have been extracted by fitting of the temperature dependence of EPR spectrum. Two nonequivalent states are possible due to large difference between ionic radius of Tl2+(II) and Rb+, Cs+.
PACS: 71.55; 76.30
Keywords: electron paramagnetic resonance,
noncentral ions, local dynamics
Title: Determination of NMR-spectrum moments of F19 in CaF2 from the line shape parameters.
Author: B.M. Bolotov
Address: Institute of Physics and Technology, Ibragimova, 1, Almaty 480082, Kazakhstan
e-mail: bolotov@satsun.sci.kzAbstract: Results of calculation of NMR line moments of F19 in CaF2 compared with experimental data are presented.
PACS: 76.60.-k;75.20.Ck
Keywords: nuclear magnetic resonance, line shape, moments
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Title: In commemoration of S.A. Al'tshuler. Recollections of friends, colleagues, disciples.
e-mail:Abstract: The collection is devoted to memory of Semjon Alexsandrovich Al'tshuler (1911-1983), eminent physicist-theorist, one of founders of the Kazan magnetic radiospectroscopy school. (Only in Russian!)
Top of Contents
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e-mail:This special issue (MRSej, Volume 6, No 1) is dedicated to Professor Boris I. Kochelaev on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. The 22 papers are originally written by Kochelaev's colleagues, friends, and pupils to his anniversary, and they cover the wide range of problems of modern condensed matter physics: from polymer physics up to superconductor physics.
Sources: SubContents of this Issiue here .
Volume 6, No 2, 5 pages (accepted: May 21, 2004).
Title: Jahn-Teller Effect of Cu2+ ions in a Zinc Selenate Hexahydrate Single Crystal
Authors: V.M. Vinokurov1, A.R. Al-Sufi1, A.E. Usachev2
Addresses: 1 Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2 Kazan State Power-Engineering University, Kazan, Russia
e-mail: Aleksandr_Usachev@rambler.ruAbstract: X- and Q-band studies of Cu2+ and Mn2+ doped ZnSeO4·6H2O single crystals in the temperature range of 4.2-300 K are carried out. Experimental data on EPR, spin-lattice relaxation time and optical absorption spectra are explained in the frame of the Jahn-Teller Effect of the Cu2+ ion under the low- symmetry deformation of the nearest environment of the Cu2+ ion.
PACS: 71.55; 76.30
Keywords: electron paramagnetic resonance, Jahn-Teller effect, spin-lattice relaxation time, optical absorption
Sources:Top of Contents
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Title: Creation and Stability of Skyrmion State in Two-Dimensional Magnets at Doping
Authors: A.D. Ineev*, B.I. Kochelaev
Address: Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
*e-mail:Abstract: It was shown that the hole introduced in CuO2 plane causes the creation of the skyrmion spin configuration. The stability of the skyrmion state is investigated. It was established that the critical values of the exchange interaction anisotropy and interaction between planes at which skyrmion starts to destroy, are much more than in real cuprates.
PACS: 75.10.-b;74.72.-h
Keywords: skyrmion, antiskyrmion, exchange coupling anisotropy
Sources:Top of Contents
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Pages: 1-5 (accepted: December 1, 2006)
Title: Magnetoelastic Effects and Magnetization in LiDyF4 and LiHoF4 Single Crystals
Authors: I.V. Romanova1,2,*, R.Yu. Abdulsabirov1, S.L. Korableva1, B.Z. Malkin1, I.R. Mukhamedshin1,2, H. Suzuki2, M.S. Tagirov1
Addresses: 1 Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18,
Kazan 420008, Russia
2 Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, 920-11, Kakuma-machi, Japan
Abstract: Temperature and magnetic field dependences of the magnetization of LiHoF4 and LiDyF4 single crystals were measured with a dc-SQUID magnetometer MPSM-2 (Quantum Design) with the magnetic field applied along and perpendicular to the c axis. Experimental data are well reproduced by simulations based on the microscopic model of the crystal field and magnetoelastic interactions.
PACS: 548.0
Keywords: magnetization, magnetostriction, crystal field, LiHoF4, LiDyF4
Pages: 6-9 (accepted: December 1, 2006)
Title: Inhibition of Water Transport Across Cell Membranes by Dimephosphon
Authors: M.V. Sundukova*, A.R. Mutina, A.I. Skorinkin
Address: Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The inhibitory effect of widely used drug dimephosphon on water transport in human red cells at 37?C was studied in comparison to intact human erythrocytes. Intracellular water residence time characterizing water permeability of cell membrane was obtained with doping NMR technique. Inhibitory effect of dimephosphon is concentration-dependent.
Keywords: water permeability, red blood cell membrane, NMR, drug-membrane interaction
Pages: 10-14 (accepted: December 3, 2006)
Title: Multiple Quantum NMR Dynamics in Spin Systems in Dipolar Ordered State
Authors: S.I. Doronin1, E.I. Kuznetsova1,*, E.B. Feldman1, S.D. Goren2, G.B. Furman2
Addresses: 1 Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS, Chernogolovka, 142432, Russia
2 Department of Physics, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel
Abstract: Multiple quantum (MQ) NMR dynamics in a system which was prepared initially in dipolar ordered state is investigated with analytical and numerical methods for linear open chains of nuclear spins 1/2 coupled by dipole-dipole interactions. We show that the phases of the signals of MQ coherences are shifted by p/2 with respect to the signals of the ordinary MQ NMR experiment. The sum of the intensities of MQ coherences of arbitrary opposite orders in this experiment is equal to zero. Many-spin correlations are created faster in the such experiments and can be used for investigations of many-spin dynamics of nuclear spins in solids.
PACS: 05.30.-d, 76.20.+q
Keywords: multiple quantum NMR spin dynamics, multiple quantum coherences, density matrix, high temperature approximation, dipolar ordered state
Pages: 15-19
(accepted: December 4, 2006)
Triplet state dynamics of fullerene C60 studied by pulse EPR
M.N. Uvarov1,*, L.V. Kulik1, M.A. Bizin1, V.N. Ivanova2,
R.B. Zaripov3, S.A. Dzuba1
Addresses: 1 Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, 630090,
Institutskaya 3, Novosibirsk,Russia
2 Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, 630090, Lavrentjev Ave. 3, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute of RAS,
420029, Sibirskii trakt 10/7, Kazan, Russia
Abstract: Multiple quantum (MQ) Spin-polarized EPR spectra of fullerene C60 dissolved in glassy ortho-terphenyl was measured in the temperature range of 80 - 240K. The temperature dependence of the spectra was successfully simulated using the model of fast pseudorotation of 3C60 in a potential created by the surrounding solvent molecules. The strength of this potential was estimated at different temperatures. Near 240K this potential was found to decrease remarkably.
PACS: 33.35.+r, 33.15.Vb.
Keywords: : electron spin echo, triplet state, fullerene
Pages: 20-23
(accepted: December 5, 2006)
An EPR Monitoring of Isomerism and Coordination Sphere Dynamics in Five-Coordinated Pincer Nickel Complexes
K.A. Kozhanov*, M.P. Bubnov, V.K. Cherkasov, G.K. Fukin,
N.N. Vavilina, L.Yu. Efremova, G.A. Abakumov
Address: G.A. Razuvaev Institute of Organometallic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, 603950,
Tropinina str, 49, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Abstract: A number of five-coordinated paramagnetic pincer nickel complexes have been obtained and investigated by X-band EPR spectroscopy. In general, these complexes can exist in solution as a pair of interconverting structure isomers. Activation parameters of this interconversion were estimated for several complexes.
PACS: 33.35.+r
Keywords: : electron paramagnetic resonance, o-semiquinonic complexes,
pincer nickel complexes
Pages: 24-27
(accepted: December 5, 2006)
The Surface Effects Influence on Magnetic Resonance in Carbonizate
G.V. Mamin1, A.A. Rodionov1,*, M.S. Tagirov1,
D.A. Tayursky1, B. Odintsov2
Addresses: 1 Kasan State University, 420008, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kasan, Russia
2 IIllinois Research EPR center, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801,USA
Abstract: The analysis of the ``astronium'' carbonizate powder surfaces with different particle dimensions are carried out. The behaviors of surface paramagnetic centers have been investigated by EPR method, it was established, that this behaviors depends on nature of the surfaces. The correlation of spin-lattice relaxation time of 3He nuclei and concentration of paramagnetic centers on surface of carbonizate was found
PACS: 76.30, 72.25
Keywords: : electron paramagnetic resonance, dynamic polarization, activate charcoal
Pages: 28-32
(accepted: December 8, 2006)
NMR study of quasi-1D magnetic chain in cuprates LiCu2O2 and NaCu2O2
A.A. Gippius1,2, E.N. Morozova1,2, K.S. Okhotnikov1,*,
A.S. Moskvin3
Addresses: 1 Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Moscow 119992,
2 Institute of Crystallography RAS, Moscow 117333, Russia
3 Ural State University, Ekaterinburg 620083, Russia
Abstract: NMR investigation of magnetic structure and phase transitions in two isostructural quasi-one-dimensional cuprates LiCu2O2 and NaCu2O2 has been performed. While LiCu2O2 exhibits a magnetic phase transition at Tc = 24 K, NaCu2O2 orders magnetically at around 13 K. 6,7Li and 23Na NMR spectra in LiCu2O2 and NaCu2O2, respectively, provide an unambiguous experimental evidence that below Tc an incommensurate in-chain helical spin structure is established in both compounds. However, the features of the observed low temperature NMR are different pointing to different properties of the helical magnetic structure.
PACS: 76.60; 75.90
Keywords: : Nuclear magnetic resonance, quadrupole resonance, incommensurate spin
Pages: 33-37
(accepted: December 9, 2006)
Entanglement in One-Dimensional Open Chains of Spins 1/2 with XY-Hamiltonian
S.I. Doronin, E.B. Fel'dman, A.N. Pyrkov*
Address: Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics
of RAS, 142432, Chernogolovka, Russia
Abstract: We investigate entanglement of spin pairs in a one-dimension open chain of spins coupled by the dipole-dipole interactions (DDI) in the equilibrium state in the external magnetic field. We suggest a method of calculation of the reduced density matrix. Concurrence, the quantitative measure of the entanglement, is estimated with Wootter's criteria. Analytical and numerical methods are used in order to investigate the influence of the temperature, chain's length, distance between the spins and their distance from the chain's ends on their entanglement.
PACS: 03.65.Ud, 73.43.Nq, 05.50.+q
Keywords: : XY-Hamiltonian, magnetic resonance, reduced density matrix, quantum register, quantum computing, entanglement, qubit, addressing problem
Pages: 38-42
(accepted: December 10, 2006)
Solid-like Component in the Spin-Spin NMR-Relaxation of Heavy Oils
N.V. Shkalikov*, V.D. Skirda, R.V. Arkhipov
Address: Kazan State University, 420008, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan, Russia
Abstract:The study of row heavy oil samples from Tatarstan and Vietnam oil wells was done by solid-echo nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique on the hydrogen nuclei. For the first time in the oil study, the component with short spin-spin relaxation time (T2s = 9.8-31.2 ms) and free induction decay (FID) shape similar to a solid one was detected for all oil samples. Density \rho, "zero" viscosity \eta_0, asphaltene content and solid part PS of 1H NMR signal were measured for whole row oil samples. The correlation between the part PS of 1H NMR signal and oil density r was found for samples of Tatarstan oil, by the other hand, data for samples of Vietnam oil did not show the correlation. No correlation dependences of the part PS of 1H NMR signal and "zero" viscosity \eta_0 from asphaltene amount for whole row of oil samples were confirmed, that indicates other crystalline supramolecular structures (more probably, crystalline paraffin) existence in the oil. As a main result, the correlation between oil viscosity and the amount of the solid-like structures in it was found. The significant differences of the solid-echo signal shapes and spin-spin relaxation times of the solid-like structures were obtained for the different oil samples, that demands additional studies.
PACS: 76.60; 82.56
Keywords: : Nuclear magnetic resonance, solid-echo, heavy oils, asphaltenes
Pages: 43-47
(accepted: December 18, 2006)
Ferromagnetism in Thin Films of Germanium and
Silicon Supersaturated by Manganese or Iron Impurities
D.M. Druzhnov1,*, E.S. Demidov1, Yu.A. Danilov1,2,Yu.N. Drosdov2, V.P. Lesnikov1,
V.V. Podolskii1, M.V. Sapozhnikov2, S.N. Gusev1, A.I. Suchkov3
Addresses: 1 Nizhni Novgorod State University, Gagarin prospect 23, Nizhni Novgorod 603950, Russia
2 Institute for Physics of Microstructures, RAS, Nizhni Novgorod 603950, Russia
3 Institute for chemistry of high-purity substances, RAS, Nizhni Novgorod 603950, Russia
Abstract: We inform an opportunity of a laser synthesis of the diluted magnetic semiconductors on the basis of germanium and silicon, doped by manganese or iron till 10-15 at. %. Thin 50-110 nanometers thickness layers Ge and Si were grown on heated up to 200-480?C monocrystal substrates of gallium arsenide or sapphire. The content of a 3d-impurity was measured by x-ray spectral method. The ferromagnetism of layers, high magnetic and acceptor activity of Mn in Ge, of Mn and Fe in Si were appeared in observation at 77-500 K of Kerr effect, abnormal Hall effect, high hole conductivity and anisotropic ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). On the FMR data the Curie point of Ge:Mn , Si:Mn on GaAs substrates and Si:Fe on Al2O3 were not lower 420, 500 and 220 K, respectively.
PACS: 75.50. Pp, 71.55.Eq, 76.50.+g, 78.20.Ls, 72.20.My
Keywords: diluted magnetic semiconductors, ferromagnetism, 3d-impurities
Pages: 48-52
(accepted: December 22, 2006)
Spin Relaxation of Electrons Localized on Shallow and
Deep Donor Centers in Silicon with Different Isotopic Composition
D.V. Guseinov*, A.A. Ezhevskii
Address: Nizhni Novgorod State University, Gagarin prospect 23, Nizhni Novgorod 603950, Russia
Abstract: The results of a numerical calculation of the contribution of ligand superhyperfine interactions to the line width for the phosphorus donor electron in silicon are reported and show linear behavior at lower concentrations compared to deep centers. The linear dependence for the phosphorus center in silicon predicts an electron spin-relaxation time for isotopically purified 28Si:P longer than expected on the basis of the common square-root law. The spin-lattice relaxation processes in chromium doped silicon samples enriched by 28Si isotope and with natural isotopic abundances were studied.
PACS: 76.30.Da, 71.55.Cn, 28.60.+s, 76.30.-v
Keywords: electron paramagnetic resonance, line width, hyperfine interaction,
silicon, paramagnetic centers, isotopic enrichment
Pages: 1-6 (accepted: January 22, 2007)
Title: EPR of the transition metal ions in micro-plasma coatings on aluminum alloy D16
Authors: A. Sinicin, S. Borcov, V. Nadolinny*, I. Kireenko, V. Kirillov
Address: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
*e-mail:Abstract: The influence of micro plasma oxidation (MPO) process conditions on creation of the Al2O3 coatings on aluminum alloy D16 was studied using EPR technique. Aluminum alloy D16 contains alloyed transition metals such as Cu, Mn, Fe, Ni, Ti, being incorporated into the coatings structure during MPO processes. EPR data on transition metal ions allow estimating an appearance of a high temperature phase of Al2O3 due to difference in incorporation coefficients and in the EPR parameters of transition metal ions in low and high temperature Al2O3 phases of MPO coatings. These data show that no high temperature Al2O3 phases were created during anodic MPO process.
PACS:71.55; 76.30
Keywords: electron paramagnetic resonance, transition metal ions, structure of micro plasma oxidation coatings
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Pages: 7-12 (accepted: January 24, 2007)
Title: Binding energy of a Cooper pairs with non-zero center of mass momentum in d-wave superconductors
Authors: M.V. Eremin, I.E. Lyubin*
Address: Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
*e-mail:Abstract: The binding energy of Cooper pairs has been calculated for the case of d-wave symmetry of the superconducting gap in layered cuprate superconductors. We assume that Cooper pairs are formed by the short range potential and then derive the binding energy in the form \Delta _{{\mathbf{kq}}} = \Delta _x ({\mathbf{q}})\cos k_x a + \Delta _y ({\mathbf{q}})\cos k_y a + \Omega _x ({\mathbf{q}})\sin k_x a + \Omega _y ({\mathbf{q}})\sin k_y a, where q is a total momentum of the pair. Numerical solutions of the self-consistent system of the integral equations for quantities \Delta _x ({\mathbf{q}}) , \Delta _y ({\mathbf{q}}) and \Omega _x ({\mathbf{q}}), \Omega _y ({\mathbf{q}}) along different lines in qx, qy plane have been obtained. Anisotropy of the depairing total momentum (or depairing current) has been calculated.
Keywords: high-Tc superconductors, depairing current
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Pages: 13-17 (accepted: January 29, 2007)
Title: Electron-acceptor Centers of Alkali Metal Modified Alumina Studied by the Anthraquinone as a Probe Molecule
Authors: M.V. Burova1,*, A.V. Fionov1, M. Bonora2, A. Lund2, V.V. Lunin1
Addresses: 1 Chemical Department, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2 Department of Physics and Measurement Technology IFM, Link?ping University Link?ping, Sweden
*e-mail:Abstract: Anthraquinone paramagnetic complexes have been used to study electron-acceptor centers on the surface of alumina modified with alkali metal ions (Li+, Na+, K+). Complexes have been characterized by CW EPR, ENDOR and pulse EPR (HYSCORE) techniques. It has been shown that alkali metal ions decreased the strength of electron-acceptor centers due to the inductive effect. As a result the concentration of anthraquinone complex with two Lewis acid sites (LAS) decreased, but the concentration of complex with one LAS increased with the increasing of alkali metal content. At large alkali metal concentration other kinds of anthraquinone paramagnetic complexes are formed, that are anthrasemiquinone weakly bound with LAS as well as anthrasemiquinone ion pair with alkali metal cation (lithium).
Keywords: EPR, ENDOR, HYSCORE, electron-acceptor centers, paramagnetic complexes of anthraquinone, alumina, aluminates
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Pages: 1-5 (accepted: December 11, 2007)
Title: Image-Potential States in Small Metal Particles
Authors: M.A. Fayzullin1,*, V.A. Zhikharev2
Addresses: 1 Kazan State University, 420008, Kremlyovskaya 18, Kazan, Russia
2 Kazan State Technological University, 420015, Karl Marks 68, Kazan, Russia
*e-mail:Abstract: Electron states near the surface of small metal particle caused by an image charge (image-potential states) have been investigated. The wave functions were calculated and the energy spectrum of these states was found depending on particle size. To estimate the influence of static magnetic field on the image-potential states the model problem, in which electron is localized on a surface of a sphere in uniform magnetic field was solved. In this case the field dependence of the energy levels represents a complex level crossing structure.
PACS: 73.20; 73.22
Keywords: image-potential states, energy level crossing
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Pages: 1-5 (accepted: January 25, 2008)
Title: Models of Gd3+ Paramagnetic Centers in Tetrahedral Yttrium Clusters in Cadmium Fluoride
Authors: A.V. Fokin*, V.B. Guseva, M.Yu. Artyomov
Address: Ural State University, Lenin pr., 51, Yekaterinburg 620083, Russia
*e-mail:Abstract: Zero-field splitting parameters of Gd3+ ions localized in three types of tetrahedral clusters were estimated using the superposition approximation. The cluster structures were determined from the minimum condition of the energy of a lattice with a rare earth cluster. The monoclinic centers with b20 = -345 MHz and b20 = -600 MHz were related to [CdY2GdF26] and [Cd2YGdF26] clusters, respectively.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 76.30.Kg
Keywords: fluorite, rare earth clusters, electron paramagnetic resonance, zero-field splitting parameters, superposition approximation
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Pages: 6-10 (accepted: February 4, 2008)
Title: Copper NQR studies of Ag-doped ternary sulfide Cu12As4S13 (tennantite)
Authors: A.Yu. Orlova1, R.R. Gainov1,*, A.V. Dooglav1, I.N. Pen'kov2, N.N. Mozgova3
Addresses: 1 Department of Physics, Kazan State University, Kazan 420008, Russia
2 Department of Geology, Kazan State University, Kazan 420008, Russia
3 Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow 119017, Russia
*e-mail:Abstract: The investigations of Ag-contaning tennantite, belonging to the group of tetrahedrite-based sulfides, were performed by means of copper nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) in a temperature range from 4.2 K up to 60 K. These experiments showed that copper nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate T1-1 and nuclear spin-echo decay rate T2-1 depend on temperature in the same way as earlier studied samples with other impurity compositions. The obtained data are interpreted from the viewpoint of internal motions in the structure of tennantite. The analysis of copper NQR data at low temperatures points to magnetic phase transition near 60 K from paramagnetic phase to the phase, which resembles spin-glass-like constitution.
PACS: 76.60.Gv; 91.25.F - ; 91.60.Pn
Keywords: NQR, tennantite, tetrahedrite, magnetic phase transition
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Pages: 11-19 (accepted: February 21, 2008)
Title: The characterization of asphaltenes by 1H NMR relaxation method: microsecond range of spin-spin relaxation times
Authors: N.V. Shkalikov1,*, Yu.M. Ganeeva2, T.N. Yusupova2, V.D. Skirda1
Addresses: 1 Kazan State University, Kazan 420008, Russia
2 Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan 420088, Russia
*e-mail:Abstract: The asphaltene powders have been studied by 1H NMR relaxation method, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray structure analysis. The asphaltene samples were extracted from three oils with different component and hydrocarbon-group compositions. It was found that free induction decays (FID) of various asphaltene samples contain Gaussian component with spin-spin relaxation times T2 about 10?20 μs, which was named a solid component. The detecting possibilities of equilibrium first-order phase transitions and non-equilibrium glass-transitions on temperature dependence of part Ps of solid component in the 1H NMR signal are presented. The 1H NMR relaxation and DSC methods to study temperature properties of asphaltenes are compared. The glass-transition temperatures of side aliphatic chains of asphaltene molecules are measured. We set up that crystallization of high-molecular side aliphatic chains of asphaltene molecules is possible.
PACS: 76.60.Es, 61.18.Fs, 82.56.Na, 82.56.Ub
Keywords: Nuclear magnetic resonance, solid-echo, asphaltenes, solid component
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Pages: 20-24 (accepted: March 11, 2008)
Title: Application of Non-Linear Approximation for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrum Analysis: Visual Spectrum Decomposer Software
Authors: A.A. Levantovsky*, A.V. Komolkin
Address: Saint Petersburg State University, Ulianovskaya st., 1, Petrodvorets, Saint Petersburg 198504, Russia
*e-mail:Abstract: The new application of non-linear approximation for spectrum processing and multiplatform software for spectrum analysis with friendly user interface is suggested. Experimental spectrum is approximated by a sum of a number of functions. Each function can be approximated on selected interval separately when other functions are subtracted from experimental spectrum. All actions can be made using graphical user interface.
PACS: 87.80Lg, 76.30.-v
Keywords: spectrum analysis, spectrum processing, approximation, peak fitting, GUI, electron paramagnetic resonance, EPR
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Pages: 25-30 (accepted: April 23, 2008)
Title: Temperature Effects in the FMR spectra of Magnetic Nanoparticles Dispersed in Polymer Film and Viscous Fluid
Authors: A.L. Kovarski*, A.V. Bychkova, O.N. Sorokina, V.V. Kasparov
Address: Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, RAS, Kosygin Str., 4, Moscow 119334, Russia
*e-mail:Abstract: Temperature dependences of ferromagnetic resonance spectra of nanoparticles of magnetite dispersed in polyethylene glycol films and nickel in vaseline oil have been studied. Sharp changes in spectra position (g-value) and linewidth have been found for both systems in the temperature interval 60 - 100 K above glass transition point. These effects have not been observed for polyethylene glycol films prepared under external magnetic field. It has been shown that the effects observed are connected with formation of anisotropic aggregates from nanoparticles under magnetic field action. The main factors determining the temperature of spectra parameters changes are the matrix viscosity, particles translational mobility and spectrum sweeping time.
PACS: 82.35.Np, 76.50.+q, 78.66.Vs
Keywords: magnetite nanoparticles, nickel nanoparticles, nanoparticles dispersions, polyethylene glycol films, vaseline oil, ferromagnetic resonance, temperature effects, nanoparticles aggregation
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Pages: 31-38 (accepted: May 6, 2008)
Title: ESR Studies of Chemically Dehydrofluorinated Poly(vinylidene fluoride)
Authors: N.A. Mavrinskaya1*, L.A. Pesin1, M. Baumgarten2, A.V. Mavrinskiy1, E.M. Baitinger3, S.E. Evsyukov4
Addresses: 1 Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk 454080, Russia
2 Max-Planck-Institut fur Polymerforschung, Mainz 55128, Germany
3 NanoCompound, Baesweiler 524999, Germany
4 Evonik Technochemie GmbH, Dossenheim 69221 , Germany
*e-mail:Abstract: X-band ESR of chemically dehydrofluorinated poly(vinylidene fluoride) films has been studied in the 150 ? 375 K temperature range. Dehydrofluorinated films reveal an ESR signal with g-factor close to that of the free electron. The ESR parameters (integral intensity, width, g-factor) of the samples depend on duration of the chemical reaction, storage conditions and temperature. Heating above 375 K modifies paramagnetic component of the samples stored in air irreversibly, probably, as a result of hydrogenous radicals desorption and/or removal of oxygen, hydroxyl groups and moisture from the samples on heating. The deviation from the Curie law has been revealed for all the investigated samples.
PACS: 76.30; 81.65
Keywords: electron spin resonance, poly(vinylidene fluoride), chemical dehydrofluorination
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Pages: 39-45 (accepted: May 28, 2008)
Title: 1H and 7Li NMR in Li2-xHxMO3 (M = Ti, Zr)
Author: Ya.V. Baklanova
Address: Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Yekaterinburg 620219, Russia
*e-mail:Abstract: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Raman spectroscopy and thermogravimetric methods were used to study the peculiarities of lithium ion replacement by protons in lithium metallates Li2MO3 (M=Ti, Zr). In this article we show that almost all protons in the final substitution products H2MO3 enter into the crystal structure. All protons in zirconium hydroxide belong to hydrogen-bonded OH-groups. Contrary, titanium hydroxide contains both hydrogen-bonded and isolated OH-groups. Protons in H2ZrO3 form hydrogen bonds weaker than in H2TiO3.
PACS: 61.05.Qr, 82.56.Ub, 82.80.Gk
Keywords: nuclear magnetic resonance, hydroxide compounds, titanium dioxide, zirconium dioxide
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Pages: 1-6 (accepted: July 17, 2009)
Title: The Coulomb interaction between an s-orbital electron
and ionic crystal lattice
Author: O.A. Anikeenok
Address: Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Analytical expressions for the Coulomb interaction between an s-orbital electron and the surroundings, infinite ionic crystal lattice are derived. The s-orbital wave functions are presented in the form of a Gaussian expansion. As a test, Madelung constants and interaction energy for NaCl, KMgF3, CaF2 are calculated using a single Gaussian exponent. The calculated values are coincided with known literature data with a high degree of accuracy.
PACS: 31.15.Ar, 61.44.Fw, 61.66.Fn
Keywords: localized orbitals, Madelung energy, orbital energy
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Pages: 7-13 (accepted: October 22, 2009)
Title: Determination of tetragonal crystalline electric field parameters for Yb3+ and Ce3+ ions from experimental g-factors values and energy levels of Kramers doublets
Authors: A.S. Kutuzov*, A.M. Skvortsova
Address: Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
*e-mail:Abstract: The tetragonal crystalline electric field parameters for Yb3+ and Ce3+ ions are expressed via ground multiplet exited doublets energies and parameters defining doublets' wave functions. The crystalline electric field parameters for Yb3+ ion in YbRh2Si2, YbIr2Si2 and KMgF3 crystals extracted from excited state doublets energies and g-factors of ground state doublet are compared with parameters determined in other works.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v, 75.20.Hr
Keywords: crystalline electric field parameters, g-factors, Yb-based intermetallides, heavy-fermion systems
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Pages: 14-19 (accepted: November 8, 2009)
Title: Electron-phonon interaction in the 4f125d electronic configuration of the Tm2+ ion in CaF2
Author: O.V. Solovyev*
Address: Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
*e-mail:Abstract: The low temperature 4f13-4f125d absorption and emission band shapes of the impurity Tm2+ ions have been simulated within adiabatic approximation on the basis of a microscopic model operating with the real phonon spectrum of the host CaF2 lattice. Crystal field parameters and electron-phonon coupling constants were treated in the framework of the exchange charge model. Results of simulations of the spectral envelopes agree satisfactorily with the experimental data available from literature.
PACS: 78.20.Bh; 78.40.Ha
Keywords: 4f-5d spectra, electron-phonon interaction, CaF2
- PDF-file (186 kB) Top of Contents
Pages: 20-23 (accepted: November 27, 2009)
Title: XII International School for Young Scientists «Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its applications»
Authors: M.S. Tagirov 1*, V.A. Zhikharev2
Addresses: 1 Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2 Kazan State Technological University, Marx str., 68, Kazan 420015, Russia
Pages: 24-28 (accepted: November 27, 2009)
Title: Multiple quantum NMR of interacting equivalent spins
Authors: A.V. Fedorova*, E.B. Fel'dman
Address: Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS, N.N. Semenov av. 1, Chernogolovka 142432, Russia
Abstract: A theory of multiple quantum (MQ) NMR dynamics is developed for systems of interacting equivalent spins (s=1/2). The theory can be applied for the interpretation of both MQ NMR spectra of bullvalene molecules dissolved in nematic liquid crystal solution and MQ NMR of nanopores in an external magnetic field. Numerical realization of the developed approach allows us to investigate MQ NMR dynamics in systems consisting of several hundred spins. The dependence of the MQ NMR coherence intensities on their orders (the profile of MQ coherence) is investigated in many-spin systems. It is shown that the profile is exponential in such systems. We discuss the information which can be extracted from MQ NMR spectra of systems of interacting equivalent spins.
PACS: 76.60.-k
Keywords: multiple quantum NMR, nanopores, coherences, degeneration
Pages: 29-32 (accepted: December 14, 2009)
Title: Lorentzian form for the imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility: comparison with NQR and Neutron Scattering data in copper oxide superconductors
Author: I.A. Larionov
Address: Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: We present some new results based on the relaxation function theory for a doped two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic system with damping of paramagnon-like excitations. The Lorentzian form for the imaginary part of the dynamic spin susceptibility gives a reasonable agreement with neutron scattering and plane copper nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 63(1/T1) data in right up to optimally doped La2-xSrxCuO4.
PACS: 74.72.-h; 74.25.Ha; 75.40.Gb
Keywords: cuprate superconductors, dynamic spin susceptibility
Pages: 33-37 (accepted: December 26, 2009)
Title: Inverse Laplace transform of 3He NMR relaxation data in porous media
Authors: Gazizulin R.R.*, Klochkov A.V., Kuzmin V.V., Safiullin K.R., Tagirov M.S., Yudin A.N.
Address: Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: For the first time the inverse Laplace transform was applied for analysis of 3He relaxation in porous media. It was shown that inverse Laplace transform gives new information about these systems. The uniform-penalty algorithm has been performed to obtain the 3He relaxation times distribution in pores of clay sample. It is possible to obtain pores' sizes distribution by using applicable model.
PACS: 67.30.E-;; 67.30.-n; 67.30.ej; 76.60.Es; 89.20.Bb.
Keywords: inverse Laplace transform, uniform-penalty algorithm, liquid 3He, pulse nuclear magnetic resonance, clay, porous media.
Pages: 1-6 (accepted: January 18, 2010)
Title: Studying the initial stages of gelation process in colloidal silica on basis of synthetic silicates by NMR microimaging and relaxometry
Authors: E.V. Morozov1,2,*, O.V. Shabanova2 , V.F. Pavlov2, O.V. Falaleev1,2
1Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS, Akademgorodok, 50, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
2Special Designing and Technological Bureau "Nauka", Mira, 53, Krasnoyarsk 660049, Russia
Abstract: The acid silicious sols obtained from synthetic silicates were investigated in this work. Using NMR microimaging it was found out the formation of considerable inhomogeneities in optically limpid samples at different stages of gel formation. They were interpreted as silicic acid polycondensation fronts. It was observed the character of spreading and fine structure of the fronts. By means of NMR relaxometry were discovered the some interesting effects at the relaxation dependences in time intervals, corresponding to gel formation transitional stages.
PACS: 76.60.Pc; 76.60.Es; 81.20.Fw
Keywords: NMR microimaging, relaxometry, colloidal silica, foamed silicate, basalt mineral wool.
Source: PDF-file (532 kB)
Pages: 7-11 (accepted: February 1, 2010)
Title: Photoinduced EPR in KTa0.988Nb0.012O3 crystals
Authors: A.I. Gubaev1, A.A. Rodionov2, M.Kh. Salakhov2, I.N. Subacheva2,*, P.P. Syrnikov3, V.A. Trepakov3,4, Yusupov2
1Basel University, Klingelbergstr. 50-70, Basel 4056, Switzerland
2Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
3A. F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, St.-Petersburg 194021, Russia
4Institute of Physics, ASCR, 182 21 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Abstract: We report the first experimental observation of the photoinduced EPR spectra in KTa1-xNbxO3 crystals (x = 0.012). The signal has two components: nearly isotropic with geff = 2 and strongly anisotropic one. Isotropic signal originates most probably from single localized photo-carriers - electrons or holes. Anisotropic spectrum is observed below 10 K and reveals a set of characteristic properties. It originates from the axial centers with axes coinciding with the C4 axes of the crystal. Effective g-factor values are gparallel = 2.106(3) and gnormal < 0.8. Angle dependencies of the intensity and the width of the anisotropic signal as well as the resonance field can qualitatively be explained within the simple J = 1 model. The observed anisotropic photoinduced EPR spectrum is tentatively assigned to excitons or bipolarons.>
PACS: 71.38.Mx, 76.30.-v, 77.84.Ek.
Keywords: photoinduced electron paramagnetic resonance, potassium tantalate, KTN
Source: PDF-file (451 kB)
Pages: 12-16 (accepted: March 19, 2010)
Title: Calculation of ZnO nanoparticle size distribution based on EPR line shape analysis
Authors: Y.S. Kutin*, G.V. Mamin, S.B. Orlinskii, N.I. Silkin
Address: Kazan State University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Quantum confinement of the shallow-donor electron wave function in ZnO nanoparticles is used to study nanocrystal samples by means of High-Frequency EPR. A method for deriving nanoparticle size distribution in the sample from the EPR line shape of the shallow donor is developed based on dependence of the shallow donor g-factor on nanoparticle size.
PACS: 73.22.-f, 76.30.Da, 61.72.uj
Keywords: ZnO, nanoparticles, shallow donor, High Frequency EPR, g-factor
Source: PDF-file (383 kB)
Pages: 17-21 (accepted: December 13, 2010)
Title: Spin dynamics and charge order-disorder phase transition detected by EPR in α'-(BEDT-TTF)2IBr2
Authors: A.I. Dmitriev*, A.S. Chernenkaya
Address: Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Semenova, 1, Chernogolovka 142432, Russia
Abstract: Stepwise changes in electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) parameters (integral intensity, linewidth) accompanying localization of charge carriers have been found in the α'-(BEDT-TTF)2IBr2 crystals. In single crystal exchange narrowing of the EPR lines and sharp decrease in static and dynamic magnetic susceptibility caused by antiferromagnetic interaction of localized charge carriers is observed at T < 50 K. At T > 50 K a difference between static and dynamic magnetic susceptibility is observed in the α'-(BEDT-TTF)2IBr2 crystals which is due to that the frequency of thermally activated charge carrier jumps is higher than the microwave frequency of measuring field of an EPR spectrometer.
PACS: 75.50.Xx, 76.30.-v
Keywords: charge order, order-disorder, BEDT-TTF
Source: PDF-file (251 kB)
Pages: 22-25 (accepted: December 16, 2010)
Title: EPR, structural characteristics and intramolecular movements of some phenoxyl radicals in toluene
Authors: I.R. Nizameev1,*1, M.S. Pudovkin2, M.K. Kadirov1
1A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, RAS, 420088, Arbuzov Str., 8, Kazan, Russia
2Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The method of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used for studying magnetic and dynamic properties of phenoxyl radicals in toluene at 170-370K. Characteristics of intramolecular motion and structure of phenoxyl radicals were determined from the temperature dependence of EPR spectra. For all the given compounds the activation energies of transitions between the conformers were calculated.
PACS: 31.15.xv, 31.30.Gs, 75.20.Ck
Keywords: phenoxyl radical, phenol, conformer, EPR
Source: PDF-file (328 kB)
Pages: 1-4 (accepted: February 10, 2011)
Title: EPR investigation of nanosized silver particles in polymer composites
Authors: S.S. Khutsishvili*, T.I. Vakul'skaya, N.P. Kuznetsova, T.G. Ermakova, A.S. Pozdnyakov
Address: Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry, SB RAS, Favorsky st., 1, Irkutsk 664033, Russia
Abstract: In this work new paramagnetic composite materials based on (co)polymers of 1-vinyl-1,2,4-triazole containing silver nanoparticles were investigated and characterized. It was found that form and width of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals for silver particles of nanocomposites obtained depend on microwave power. Also the effect of temperature on intensity, g-factor and width of signal silver clusters was determined.
PACS: 82.35.Np, 76.30.-v, 75.75.-c, 75.50.Pp.
Keywords: continuous wave EPR, pulse EPR, g-factor, Ag, nanosized particles, relaxation characteristics, polymers.
Source: PDF-file (451 kB)
Pages: 5-9 (accepted: September 23, 2011)
Title: NMR study of cholesterol complexes with glycyrrhizic acid
Authors: O.Yu. Gluschenko*, N.E. Polyakov, T.V. Leshina
Address: Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Institutskaya str., 3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Abstract: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation technique was applied to study the interaction of cholesterol with natural complexant - glycyrrhizic acid. Stoichiometry, stability constants and thermodynamic parameters of the complex have been measured. We propose that the complexation with glycyrrhizic acid could be an effective approach to regulate the cholesterol level inside and outside of cage membranes.
PACS: 81.16.Fg, 87.64.kj, 87.80.Lg
Keywords: NMR, relaxation, cholesterol, glycyrrhizic acid, atherosclerosis, complex of cholesterol.
Source: PDF-file (196 kB)
Pages: 10-13 (accepted: October 14, 2011)
Title: Spin probe orientation distribution functions in aligned nematic liquid crystal
Authors: T.S. Yankova*, N.A. Chumakova, D.A. Pomogailo, A.Kh. Vorobiev
Address: Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University,Leninskie gory, 1/3, Moscow 119991, Russia
Abstract: Orientation distribution functions of nitroxide spin probe in nematic liquid crystal 5CB embedded into porous polyethylene film were determined at 295 K and at 77 K by numerical simulation of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra. The procedure of simulation of EPR spectra at 77 K in the absence of molecular mobility of spin probe molecules allows determination of non-equilibrium orientational distribution function in supercooled liquid crystals. The suggested procedure yields an orientation distribution function of orientational axis of a spin probe molecule. Orientation distribution functions for the sample at 295 K and 77 K were found to be similar.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 61.30.Gd
Keywords: spin probe method, orientation distribution function, EPR spectra angular dependence, aligned liquid crystals, numerical simulation, spectrum fitting.
Source: PDF-file (246 kB)
Pages: 14-20 (accepted: November 4, 2011)
Title: Temperature dependence of the conduction electron g-factor in silicon: theory and experiment
Authors: A.A. Konakov*, A.A. Ezhevskii, A.V. Soukhorukov, D.V. Guseinov, S.A. Popkov, V.A. Burdov
Address: University of Nizhniy Novgorod, Gagarin ave. 23, Nizhniy Novgorod 603950, Russia
Abstract: Temperature dependence of the conduction electron Lande g-factor in silicon has been investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical consideration is based on the renormalization of the electron energy in the magnetic field by the electron-phonon interaction in the second-order perturbation theory. Interaction with lattice vibrations decreases the conduction electron g-factor. The g-factor was measured in the electron spin resonance experiments for n-Si samples. In the high temperature limit the g-factor linearly decreases with temperature in good agreement with the experimental data.
PACS: 72.25.Rb, 71.38.-k, 76.30.Pk
Keywords: g-factor, electron-phonon interaction, spin flip, renormalization, temperature dependence, conduction electron spin resonance.
Source: PDF-file (147 kB)
Pages: 21-26 (accepted: November 25, 2011)
Title: Obtaining spatial structure of cyclosporine (CsA) in chloroform using 2D NMR
Authors: A.Y. Manin*, S.V. Efimov, V.V. Klochkov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: In this work the cyclic peptide cyclosporine was investigated. Signal assignment was made according to 2D NMR spectra. Using NOESY spectra and computer simulation the spatial structure was also obtained.
PACS: 82.56.Dj, 82.56.Ub, 87.64.-t, 87.14.ef.
Keywords: high-resolution NMR, structure determination by NMR, spectroscopic techniques in biophysics and medical physics.
Source: PDF-file (454 kB)
Pages: 27-35 (accepted: December 25, 2011)
Title: Approach to calculation of long range Coulomb interaction matrix elements in ion crystals
Author: O.A. Anikeenok
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Expressions for the calculation of matrix elements of the Coulomb interaction of the electron with an infinite crystal lattice in ion crystals have been obtained. In the general case, matrix elements are calculated on the orbitals belonging to ions of different sites. Gaussian type orbitals are used in the calculations. All expressions are absolutely and rather rapidly converging series in the space of the inverse lattice vectors. At present the value of this interaction being only one center is estimated by the Madelung constant, in other words, by calculating the electrostatic potential in the lattice site, i.e., in a point.
PACS: 61.50.Ah, 61.72.S
Keywords: localized orbitals, infinite crystal lattice, Madelung energy, orbital energy.
Source: PDF-file (108 kB)
Article No. 12101 (9 pp.) (accepted: November 16, 2012)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 14, 12101 (2012)
Title: Spin-magnon relaxation of Yb3+-ions in antiferromagnetic cuprate Y1-xYbxBa2Cu3O6+y
Authors: A.A. Vishina1,*, A. Maisuradze2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich, Winterhurerstrasse 190, ZH-8057, Switzerland
Abstract: The spin relaxation of Yb3+-ions due to their coupling to antiferromagnetic spin waves existing in CuO2 planes in YBa2Cu3O6+y compound is reported. It is shown that it results in a strong temperature dependence of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) linewidth. The temperature dependence of EPR g-factor was also obtained and shows a good agreement with experimental data.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 71.27.+a, 74.72.-h
Keywords: YBCO, electron paramagnetic resonance, rare-earth ions.
Source: PDF-file (303 kB)
Article No. 12102 (5 pp.) (accepted: November 24, 2012)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 14, 12102 (2012)
Title: Inhomogeneous broadening of the EPR signal of Yb3+ ions in domain walls of lightly doped antiferromagnetic cuprates
Authors: A.A. Vishina1,*, A. Maisuradze2, A. Shengelaya3, B.I. Kochelaev1, H. Keller2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich, Winterhurerstrasse 190, ZH-8057, Switzerland
3Tbilisi State University, Chavchavadze av. 3, GE-0128, Georgia
Abstract: Distortion of the long-range antiferromagnetic order in the YBa2Cu3O6+y is investigated by the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements for y=0.1-0.4. In the case of the doping level y=0.2, 0.3 the EPR signal consists of narrow and broad lines, which we relate to formation of the charged domain walls. Our theoretical analysis of the inhomogeneous EPR broadening due to the local antiferromagnetic order distortion in domain walls is well consistent with experimental results for the case of coplanar elliptical domain walls.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 71.27.+a, 74.72.-h
Keywords: YBCO, elliptical domain wall, EPR.
Source: PDF-file (405 kB)
Article No. 12103 (15 pp.) (accepted: December 4, 2012)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 14, 12103 (2012)
Title: Spin kinetics in Kondo lattice with heavy fermions
Authors: S.I. Belov*, A.S. Kutuzov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: We investigated the spin dynamics in the heavy fermion compounds YbRh2Si2 and YbIr2Si2. The contributions of the resonant and nonresonant parts of the total transverse magnetization to the electron spin resonance (ESR) parameters are analyzed for different orientations of the static and microwave magnetic fields. It is shown that at high temperatures, when the Kondo effect is absent, the nonresonant terms may be essential in the case of the perpendicular orientation of the static magnetic field to the crystal symmetry axis. In the presence of the Kondo effect the nonresonant parts do not make a significant contribution to the ESR parameters for any configuration of the magnetic fields.
PACS: 72.15.Qm, 76.30.He, 75.30.Cr, 71.27.+a
Keywords: electron paramagnetic resonance, Kondo lattice, heavy fermions, Kondo effect, collective spin mode.
Source: PDF-file (346 kB)
Article No. 12200 (3 pp.) (accepted: December 4, 2012)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 14, 12200 (2012)
Title: XV years of International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of the magnetic resonance and its application"
Authors: M.S. Tagirov1,*, V.A. Zhikharev2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Kazan National Research Technological University, Karl Marx street, 68, Kazan 420015, Russia
Source: PDF-file (67 kB)
Article No. 12201 (9 pp.) (accepted: November 20, 2012)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 14, 12201 (2012)
Title: Interplay of classical and quantum spin dynamics
Author: F.S. Dzheparov
Address: Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, B. Cheremushkinskaya, 25, Moscow 117218, Russia
Abstract: Quantum and classical spin dynamics have more similarity than difference in theoretical part. Many processes can be described within general formalism where the type of dynamics became important at final steps only. The lecture is illustrated by consideration of operator perturbation theory and multi-spin resonance transitions.
PACS: 45.10.Hj, 76.60.-k, 76.30.-v, 75.75.Jn
Keywords: spin dynamics, perturbation theory, master equation, magnetic nanoparticles, nuclear relaxation, electron relaxation, combination frequency resonance.
Source: PDF-file (134 kB)
Article No. 12202 (5 pp.) (accepted: November 30, 2012)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 14, 12202 (2012)
Title: NMR studies and molecular dynamics simulation of cyclosporin in complex with detergent micelles
Authors: S.V. Efimov*, V.V. Klochkov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Cyclosporin A is a highly hydrophobic peptide, but its complex with sodium dodecyl sulphate micelles can be readily dissolved in water. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) investigations of cyclosporin bound to detergent micelles were carried out (including NOE spectroscopy) and yielded internuclear distances for a set of atom pairs. Based on these structural data, conformation of cyclosporin was obtained by means of molecular dynamics simulation.
PACS: 82.56.-b, 82.70.Uv, 87.14.ef, 87.15.B-.
Keywords: peptide conformation, model membrane, NOE spectroscopy, molecular dynamics simulation.
Source: PDF-file (568 kB)
Article No. 12203 (6 pp.) (accepted: December 15, 2012)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 14, 12203 (2012)
Title: Studies of magnetization of lithium-rare earth tetra-fluoride single crystals
Authors: I.V. Romanova 1, 2, *, A.V. Klochkov1, S.L. Korableva1, V.V. Kuzmin1, B.Z. Malkin1, I.R. Mukhamedshin1, 2, H. Suzuki2, M.S. Tagirov1
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, 920-11, Kakuma-machi, Japan
Abstract: Temperature and magnetic field dependences of the magnetization of LiHoF4 and LiDyF4 single crystals were measured with a dc-SQUID magnetometer and by the inductance method with the magnetic field applied along and perpendicular to the c-axis. The results of measurements are compared with the results of simulations.
PACS: 75.30.Gw, 75.50.-y, 75.50.Dd, 75.60.Ej
Keywords: crystal field parameters, magnetization, magnetostriction, magnetoelastic interactions.
Source: PDF-file (236 kB)
Article No. 12204 (7 pp.) (accepted: December 12, 2012)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 14, 12204 (2012)
Title: Investigation of "cholesterol + model of biological membrane" complex by NMR spectroscopy
Authors: L.F. Galiullina*, D.S. Blokhin, A.V. Aganov, V.V. Klochkov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: On the basis of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments it was established that molecules of sodium dodecyl sulfate can form micelles in dimethyl sulfoxide solution. The nuclear Overhauser effect between OH-group of cholesterol and "tail" groups of sodium dodecyl sulfate hydrophobic part was observed in 1D selective NOESY experiment. This observation corresponds to close spatial arrangement of these parts of different molecules and the presence of a complex between cholesterol and sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles.
PACS: 82.56.Dg, 82.56.Ub,87.64.-t, 87.15.-v.
Keywords: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, cholesterol, sodium dodecyl sulfate, micelles, nuclear Overhauser effect.
Source: PDF-file (1.32 MB)
Article No. 12205 (5 pp.) (accepted: December 20, 2012)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 14, 12205 (2012)
Title: Versatile coordination sphere dynamics in o-semiquinonato pincer nickel complexes: an EPR study and mechanistic aspects
Authors: K.A. Kozhanov*, M.P. Bubnov, V.K. Cherkasov, G.A. Abakumov
Address: G.A. Razuvaev institute of organometallic chemistry of RAS, Tropinina, 49, Nizhniy Novgorod, GSP 445, 603950, Russia
Abstract: o-Semiquinonato pincer nickel complexes demonstrate different kinds of coordination sphere dynamics depending from the nature of the phosphorus substituents, the rigindess of the linker in the pincer fragment and the nature of the o-semiquinone.
PACS: 33.35.+r, 82.20.-w, 82.37.-j.
Keywords: EPR, spin labels, pincer complexes, o semiquinones, coordination sphere dynamics.
Source: PDF-file (1.55 MB)
Article No. 13101 (7 pp.) (accepted: January 10, 2013)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 15, 13101 (2013)
Title: A novel data on Ag5SbS4 and CuPbSbS3 probed by antimony NQR spectroscopy
Authors: A.Yu. Orlova*, R.R. Gainov, A.V. Dooglav, I.N. Pen'kov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Investigations of Sb-based chalcogenides, stephanite Ag5SbS4 and bournonite CuPbSbS3, have been performed by 121,123Sb nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR). In stephanite a phase transition at 140 K and internal diffusion motions with an activation energy of 0.29 eV have been experimentally detected. The analysis of experimental results for bournonite revealed two crystal-chemical positions of Sb in the unit cell with distinct local symmetry. The NQR frequencies ν and line-widths Δν data indicate that Sb(A)S3 complex has almost axial symmetry, but Sb(B)S3 complex is substantially distorted.
PACS: 76.60.Gv, 91.60.Ed, 91.60.Tn.
Keywords: NQR spectroscopy, chalcogenides, stephanite, bournonite, crystal chemistry, transport properties.
Source: PDF-file (431 kB)
Article No. 13102 (7 pp.) (accepted: March 23, 2013)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 15, 13102 (2013)
Title: Atherosclerotic plaque and hydroxyapatite nanostructures studied by high-frequency EPR
Authors: M.R. Gafurov1, B.V. Yavkin1, T.B. Biktagirov1, G.V. Mamin1, S.B. Orlinskii1,*, V.V. Izotov1, M.Kh. Salakhov1, E.S. Klimashina2, V.I. Putlayev2, V.A. Abdul'yanov3, I.M. Ignatjev3, R.N. Khairullin3, A.V. Zamochkin3, Yu.A. Chelyshev1,4
1Kazan Federal University, Institute of Physics, Kazan 420008, Russia
2M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry, Moscow 119992, Russia
3Interregional Clinic and Diagnostic Center, Kazan 420101, Russia
4Kazan State Medical University, 420012 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: A series of nanosized (20 nm and larger) samples of hydroxyapatite powders synthesized by wet preparation method and doped with Mn2+ and Pb2+ ions were studied by 94 GHz pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The results are compared with those obtained in the samples of aorta walls from male patients with atherosclerosis as well as in bulk hydroxyapatite materials. It is shown that in contrast to bulk materials Pb ions at least partially replace the Ca(1) site in the hydroxyapatite structure. The spectral characteristics of the Mn2+ ions revealed in atherosclerotic plaque and synthetic hydroxyapatite are found to be practically identical. The hypothesis about the important role of (nano)hydroxyapatite in formation and rupture of atherosclerotic plaques is supported.
PACS: 83.80.Lz, 87.64.-t
Keywords: hydroxyapatite, nanomaterials, atherosclerotic plaque, EPR, ENDOR.
Source: PDF-file (323 kB)
Article No. 13103 (11 pp.) (accepted: April 9, 2013)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 15, 13103 (2013)
Title: TEMPOL as a polarizing agent for dynamic nuclear polarization of aqueous solutions
Author: M.R. Gafurov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Institute of Physics, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: High-resolution proton NMR (400 MHz) and multifrequency EPR (9 - 260 GHz) characterization of aqueous solutions of the nitroxyl radical TEMPOL in the temperature range (10 - 40) °C is performed for the liquid-state DNP. Characteristic features of the in-situ DNP observations at high frequencies are presented. Optimal conditions (concentration, temperature, position of the microwave pumping, repetition/build-up time for the DNP experiments) are extracted. The results are compared with the DNP experiments, molecular dynamic calculations, saturation models, and classical models of translational and rotational diffusion. Perspectives for using TEMPOL as polarizing agent in even higher magnetic fields are discussed.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 76.60.-k, 76.70.Fz
Keywords: DNP, NMR, EPR, Overhauser effect, polarizing agent, nitroxide.
Source: PDF-file (246 kB)
Article No. 13104 (6 pp.) (accepted: May 10, 2013)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 15, 13104 (2013)
Title: The home-built pulse nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer with digital quadrature detection for 3He research at low temperatures
Authors: E.M. Alakshin*, R.R. Gazizulin, A.V. Klochkov, V.V. Kuzmin, A.M. Sabitova, T.R. Safin, M.S. Tagirov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The home-built pulse nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer for 3He research is described. The temperature range is 1.5 - 4.2 K, the frequency range is 3 - 20 MHz, the dead time is 10 μs at 10 MHz. The spectrometer software is based on programming language LabVIEW. The advantages of digital technique are described; particularly the implementation of digital quadrature detector.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v, 75.20
Keywords: 3He, nuclear magnetic resonance, spectrometer, low temperature, digital detection.
Source: PDF-file (486 kB)
Article No. 13201 (9 pp.) (accepted: August 19, 2013)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 15, 13201 (2013)
Title: Specific features of electron spin resonance in quasi-1D magnet β-TeVO4
Authors: Yu. Savina1,*, A. Bludov1, V. Pashchenko1, S. Gnatchenko1, A. Stepanov2, P. Lemmens3
1B.I. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering NASU, Lenin ave., 47, Kharkiv 61103, Ukraine
2 Insitut Matériaux Microélectronique Nanosciences de Provence, CNRS UMR 6242, FST, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille Cedex 20 F-13397, France
3Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig D 38106, Germany
Abstract: The angular and temperature dependences of single crystal ESR spectra at X-band frequency of quasi-1D spin 1/2 antiferromagnetic zigzag chain system β-TeVO4 are reported. Two resonance components in the ESR spectrum have been detected: a weak narrow resonance on the top of the extremely broad signal. The narrow line might be due to an impurity, the characteristics of the broad absorption do not correlate with a picture of the typical behavior for the V4+ ions (S = 1/2) with a square pyramidal environment. It was found that at low temperatures the divergence of the spin susceptibility and linewidth of the observed excitations can be due to a realization of three dimensional magnetic ordering.
PACS: 76.30. v, 76.30.Fc, 75.50.Ee, 75.10.Pq, 75.30.Gw
Keywords: electron spin resonance, antiferromagnets, spin chain systems, magnetic anisotropy, g-factors.
Source: PDF-file (391 kB)
Article No. 13202 (7 pp.) (accepted: August 28, 2013)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 15, 13202 (2013)
Title: Spatial structure of tetrapeptide N-AC-Ser-Phe-Val-Gly-OMe in "protein-micelle of sodium dodecyl sulfate" complex and in solid state by NMR spectroscopy
Authors: D.S. Blokhin1, S. Berger2, V.V. Klochkov1,*
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2University of Leipzig, Augustusplatz 10, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
Abstract: In the present paper the applicability of a structure determination for a four amino acid residues containing oligopeptide N-Ac-Ser-Phe-Val-Gly-OMe was investigated. The spatial structure of the "tetrapeptide (N-Ac-Ser-Phe-Val-Gly-OMe) - sodium dodecyl sulfate micelle" complex in aqueous solution was studied by 2D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The complexation was confirmed NOEs signs and values in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The spatial structure of the tetrapeptide in the complex was determined by 2D NOESY NMR spectroscopy. In present paper by the comparison 13C NMR chemical shifts was shown that tetra peptide's spatial structure in solid state and tetrapeptide structure in "peptide-micelle" complex are identical.
PACS: 82.56.Dj, 82.56.Ub, 87.64-t, 87.15.-v.
Keywords: oligopeptides, micelles, 2D NMR spectroscopy (TOCSY, NOESY), sodium dodecyl sulfate.
Source: PDF-file (730 kB)
Article No. 13203 (9 pp.) (accepted: October 8, 2013)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 15, 13203 (2013)
Title: EPR study of the CaF2 powder mechanochemical doping with rare-earth ions
Authors: I.A. Irisova*, A.A. Rodionov, D.A. Tayurskii, R.V. Yusupov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: In the present work we show with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy that in the process of the mechanochemical doping of the CaF2 fine particles with Er3+ and Yb3+ ions the cubic symmetry rare-earth (RE) ion centers are formed with the concentration proportional to the particles surface in the sample. Amount of the mechano-doped RE-ion centers is proportional to ηα, where η is the weight fraction of the RE fluoride in the initial mixture and α~0.8. Cubic symmetry centers dominate in the EPR spectrum up to η=0.1. A hypothesis of the cubic RE-ion center formation is proposed according to which its origin is associated with the presence of the ideal cleavage planes in the CaF2 crystals: during the mechano-doping a considerable fraction of the rare-earth ions is trapped between the cleavage planes of the agglomerating particles, thereby getting into the crystal field of the cubic symmetry.
PACS: 73.20.Hb, 76.30.-v, 76.30.Kg
Keywords: fluorite, rare-earth ions, mechanochemical doping, electron paramagnetic resonance.
Source: PDF-file (578 kB)
Article No. 14101 (7 pp.) (accepted: March 18, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14101 (2014)
Title: Transferred hyperfine interactions for O17: LaMnO3
Author: O.A. Anikeenok
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Parameters of the transferred hyperfine interactions (THFI) for O17: LaMnO3 have been estimated at room temperature. Satisfactory agreement with experiment has been obtained.
PACS: 76.70.Dx, 76.30.Kg, 71.70.Ch
Keywords: transferred hyperfine interactions, NMR, LaMnO3.
Source: PDF-file (237 kB)
Article No. 14102 (8 pp.) (accepted: March 29, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14102 (2014)
Title: Anisotropic exchange and effective crystal field parameters for low dimensional systems, EPR data
Author: R.M. Eremina
Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Sibirskii trakt, 10/7, Kazan 420029, Russia
Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: We review some aspects of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies in quasi-one-dimensional inorganic compounds with special emphasis on the angular dependencies of g-factors, linewidth and the information they reveal about the physical system. In particular, we employ for the analysis of the data the method of moments and outline the expressions for the second and the fourth moments which is related to different spin-spin interactions.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v, 75.20.
Keywords: anisotropic exchange interaction, EPR, crystal field parameters, low-dimensional systems.
Source: PDF-file (192 kB)
Article No. 14103 (7 pp.) (accepted: March 29, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14103 (2014)
Title: Scaling corrections to the static magnetic susceptibility of the heavy fermions compounds YbRh2Si2 and YbIr2Si2
Authors: S.I. Belov*, A.S. Kutuzov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: We theoretically investigated the static magnetic susceptibility in the heavy fermion compounds YbRh2Si2 and YbIr2Si2. The molecular field approximation together with the renormalization of the Kondo interaction by the high energy conduction electrons excitations result in the Curie Weiss law and Van Vleck susceptibility with temperature dependent Curie and Weiss parameters.
PACS: 72.15.Qm, 76.30.He, 75.30.Cr, 71.27.+a
Keywords: static magnetic susceptibility, Kondo lattice, Kondo effect.
Source: PDF-file (239 kB)
Volume 16, No 2, SPECIAL ISSUE dedicated to Boris I. Kochelaev's 80th birthday
Article No. 14201 (9 pp.) (accepted: April 19, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14201 (2014)
Title: Resonance dc phenomena in manganite thin films
Authors: V.A. Atsarkin*, V.V. Demidov, B.V. Sorokin
Address: V.A. Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS 125009 Moscow
Abstract: The resonance spin rectification (RSR) and resonance magnetoresistance (RMR) have been studied on La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 epitaxial thin films in the temperature range of 300-365 K, including the Curie point (TC). The RSR effect is found to be caused by anisotropic magnetoresistance under conditions of the magnetic-resonance microwave pumping; it decreases upon heating and disappears at TC. Unlike that, the RMR is maximal at TC and shows clear correlation with the colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) of the material under study. The interpretation implies decreasing of the sample magnetization due to resonance saturation, thus leading to an increase in electric resistivity in terms of the CMR mechanism. Quantitative agreement is demonstrated between the experimental RMR data and theory accounting for Bloch-type relaxation in the vicinity of the phase transition.
PACS: 76.50.+g, 75.47.Gk, 76.30.-v, 75.40.-s
Keywords: ferromagnetic resonance, rare-earth manganites, thin films, magnetoresistance, spin rectification, magnetic relaxation.
Source: PDF-file (194 kB)
Article No. 14202 (7 pp.) (accepted: April 19, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14202 (2014)
Title: Short-time diffusion behavior of Brownian particles in porous solids
Authors: N.F. Fatkullin1,*, R. Valiullin2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2University of Leipzig, Linnestraße 5, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany
Abstract: The process of self-diffusion of particles confined to porous solids is studied for time intervals corresponding to particle displacements shorter than the characteristic pore size. The solid matrix is modeled as a (random) potential field with an infinitely large potential within the solid which decays to zero at distances of the order of a few particle sizes from the pore walls. Diffusion of particles in the thus created potential field is described by the Smoluchowski diffusion equation. It is shown that, for short diffusion times, the resulting equation for the time-depended diffusivity reproduces that earlier obtained in the literature [Mitra et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3555 (1992)], but with the numerical constant differing by factor 2. The conditions under which this discrepancy arises are highlighted and discussed.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 68.65.-k
Keywords: diffusion, porous solids, short-time expansion, Smoluchowski equation.
Source: PDF-file (136 kB)
Article No. 14203 (19 pp.) (accepted: April 19, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14203 (2014)
Title: How to reduce reproducible measurements to an ideal experiment?
Author: R.R. Nigmatullin*, R.M. Rakhmatullin, S.I. Osokin
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, 420008 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: Is it possible to suggest a general theory for consideration of reproducible data that are measured in many experiments? One can prove that successive measurements have a memory and this important fact allows separate all data on two large classes: ideal experiments without memory and experiments with a memory. We introduce the concept of an intermediate model (IM) that helps to describe quantitatively a wide class of reproducible data. Experiments with memory require for their description the Prony's decomposition while experiments without memory are needed for their presentation the Fourier decomposition only. In other words, it means that a measured function extracted from reproducible data can have a universal description in the form of the amplitude-frequency response (AFR) that belongs to the generalized Prony's spectrum (GPS). It is shown also how real data distorted by the experimental equipment and how to eliminate these uncontrollable factors in order to reproduce approximately the conditions corresponding to ideal experiment. New and elegant solution of elimination of the apparatus (instrument) function is suggested. In an ideal case the decomposition coefficients belong to the Fourier transform and presentation of reproducible data in this form leads to the IM for this case. The suggested general algorithm allows considering many experiments from the unified point of view. The real example based on available electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data confirms this general concept. The unified “bridge” between the treated experimental data and a set of competitive hypothesis that pretend for their description is discussed. The results obtained in this paper help to put forward a new paradigm in data/signal processing.
PACS: 89.75.-k, 06.30.-k, 02.50
Keywords: Fourier transform, Prony's decomposition, intermediate model, data/signal processing, EPR measurements with/without memory, apparatus function.
Source: PDF-file (537 kB)
Article No. 14204 (6 pp.) (accepted: April 19, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14204 (2014)
Title: Spin relaxation of Mn ions in rare earth manganites in paramagnetic region
Author: E.P. Sharin
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, 420008 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: Within the framework of the London model the distribution of local magnetic field near the surface of plate of anisotropic type-II superconductor is found when the external magnetic field is perpendicular to the axis of symmetry of the crystal. There is obtained the distribution of the local magnetic field depending on the distance to the surface of the superconducting plate. It is shown that the lineshape of distribution of local magnetic field near the surface changes considerably as compared with the distribution in the depth of massive superconductor. This change should be taken into account when interpreting experimental data on the observation of the local magnetic field in the near-surface region of massive superconductor and in thin superconducting films (thickness is less than the depth of penetration of the magnetic field in the superconductor).
PACS: 76.30.-v, 68.65.-k
Keywords: high-temperature superconductor, magnetic field distribution, lineshape of nuclear magnetic resonance.
Source: PDF-file (249 kB)
Article No. 14205 (6 pp.) (accepted: April 19, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14205 (2014)
Title: Exponential temperature dependence of the Yb3+ relaxation in Y0.98Yb0.02Ba2Cu3Ox
Authors: A. Maisuradze1, A. Shengelaya2,*, E. Pomjakushina3, K. Conder3, H. Keller1, K.A. Müller1
1Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland
2Department of Physics, Tbilisi State University, Chavchavadze av. 3, GE-0128 Tbilisi, Georgia
3Laboratory for Developments and Methods, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Abstract: The relaxation of Yb3+ in YBa2Cu3Ox (x = 6.1 and 6.4) was studied using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). In these samples the Yb3+ relaxation is dominated by a phonon mechanism. It was shown that the conventional Raman two-phonon process involving acoustic phonons can not describe the temperature dependence of the Yb3+ relaxation. Instead, the Raman process involving optical phonons or an Orbach-like process via the excited vibronic levels of Cu2+ ions with energy Ω = 500(50) K is responsible for the phononic part of the Yb3+ relaxation in YBa2Cu3Ox. The present results provide clear experimental evidence that optical phonons or local vibrations are the dominant source of spin-lattice relaxation at sufficiently high temperatures, which cannot be described by the traditional approach using the Debye approximation.
PACS: 74.72.-h, 76.30.-v, 76.20.+q
Keywords: spin-lattice relaxation, optical phonons, high-temperature superconductivity.
Source: PDF-file (178 kB)
Article No. 14206 (21 pp.) (accepted: April 19, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14206 (2014)
Title: Spin response in HTSC cuprates: generalized RPA approach with projection operators method
Authors: M.V. Eremin1,*, I.M. Shigapov1, I.M. Eremin1,2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Institut fur Theoretische Physik III, Ruhr-Universit at Bochum, D-44801 Bochum, Germany
Abstract: We derive the dynamical spin susceptibility in the t-J-G model combining the random phase approximation (RPA) and projection operator method, which allows describing the mutual interplay between the local and the itinerant components of susceptibility. Near the antiferromagnetic wave vector the calculated dispersion of the spin excitations reproduces well the so-called hour-glass dispersion, characteristic for several layered cuprates. It is formed as a result of competition between the original spin-gap in magnon-like excitations spectrum and the superconducting gap, which affects the itinerant component of the susceptibility. Furthermore, the calculated collective spin excitations along (0,0)-(0,π) are in agreement with the positions of the absorption peaks in the inelastic X-ray scattering spectra. They refer to the paramagnon-like modes, characteristic to the itinerant spin system, rather than magnon-like excitations that originate from short range order effect in the system of local spins at Cu sites.
PACS: 71.27.+a, 74.72.-h
Keywords: HTSC, cuprates, dynamical spin susceptibility, collective spin excitations.
Source: PDF-file (597 kB)
Article No. 14207 (5 pp.) (accepted: April 19, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14207 (2014)
Title: Spin relaxation of Mn ions in rare earth manganites in paramagnetic region
Author: S.I. Andronenko
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, 420008 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: Role of bottlenecked spin relaxation and proportionality between small polaron hopping conductivity and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) linewidth (intensity) was emphasized. This idea gave a background for several experimental and theoretical investigations and it was starting point for its further generalization on variable range hopping conductivity and its influence on EPR linewidth in rare earth manganites.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 75.47.Lx
Keywords: EPR, bottlenecked spin relaxation, rare-earth manganites.
Source: PDF-file (109 kB)
Article No. 14208 (14 pp.) (accepted: April 19, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14208 (2014)
Title: The peculiarities of the operation of the superconducting spin valve
Authors: I.A. Garifullin1,*, N.N. Garif'yanov1, P.V. Leksin1, A.A. Kamashev1, Ya.V. Fominov2,3, J. Schumann4, V. Kataev4, B. Büchner4,5
1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, 420029 Kazan, Russia
2L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, 119334 Moscow, Russia
3Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 141700 Dolgoprudny, Russia
4Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research IFW Dresden, D-01171 Dresden, Germany
5Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, D-01062 Dresden, Germany
Abstract: Review of our recent results concerning the spin valve effect are presented. Using the spin switch design F1/F2/S proposed theoretically that comprises a ferromagnetic bilayer (F1/F2) as a ferromagnetic component, and an ordinary superconductor (S) as the second interface component, we have realized for the first time a full spin switch effect for the superconducting current. For CoOx/Fe1/Cu/Fe2/In multilayered systems with varying Fe2-layer thickness we observed the sign-changing oscillating behavior of the spin valve effect ΔTc = TcAP - TcP (here TcAP and TcP are the superconducting transition temperatures for antiparallel and parallel orientations of magnetizations of the F1 and F2 layers, respectively). We have also studied the angular dependence of Tc for the spin valve system CoOx/Fe1/Cu/Fe2/Pb. We found that this dependence is nonmonotonic when passing from the parallel to the antiparallel case of mutual orientation of magnetizations of the Fe1 and Fe2 layers and reveals a distinct minimum near the orthogonal configuration. The analysis of the data in the framework of the superconducting triplet spin valve theory gives direct evidence for the long-range triplet superconductivity arising due to noncollinearity of the two magnetizations.
PACS: 74.45+c, 74.25.Nf, 74.78.Fk
Keywords: superconductor, ferromagnet, proximity effect.
Source: PDF-file (1.02 MB)
Article No. 14209 (9 pp.) (accepted: April 19, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14209 (2014)
Title: Magnetic and superconducting heterostructures in spintronics
Authors: R.G. Deminov*, N.Kh. Useinov, L.R. Tagirov
Address: Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, 420008 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: This paper is a brief review of investigations, which were carried out during last years by team of magnetic nanostructures and spintronics laboratory, and is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of our Teacher - professor B.I. Kochelaev.
PACS: 74.45.+c, 74.50.+r, 74.78.Fk, 75.30.Et, 74.80.Fp
Keywords: magnetic, superconducting, heterostructures, spintronics.
Source: PDF-file (321 kB)
Article No. 14210 (10 pp.) (accepted: June 18, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14210 (2014)
Title: Probing the Metal-to-Insulator Transition in LaCu3RuxTi4-xO12 by Gd-ESR
Authors: B. Schmidt1, H.-A. Krug von Nidda1,*, S. Riegg1, S.G. Ebbinghaus2, A. Reller3, A. Loidl1
1Experimental Physics V, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, University of Augsburg, D-86159 Augsburg, Germany
2Solid State Chemistry, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, D-06099 Halle, Germany
3Resource Strategy, University of Augsburg, D-86159 Augsburg, Germany
Abstract: LaCu3RuxTi4-xO12 undergoes a metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) from a heavy-fermion metal (x = 4) with moderately enhanced electronic masses to an antiferromagnetic insulator (x = 0) with colossal dielectric constants. So far, the exact value xc of the MIT could not be obtained from electrical resistivity or specific-heat data, which are governed by local-moment scattering and Schottky anomalies, respectively. To investigate the MIT by electron spin resonance (ESR) technique, polycrystalline samples of the solid-solution series La1-yGdyCu3RuxTi4-xO12 were synthesized for the substitution range 1 ≤ x ≤ 4 and 0.05 ≤ y ≤ 0.15, where Gd3+ (8S7/2 ground state) serves as ESR probe. For x = 4 the Gd3+ ESR linewidth exhibits an enhanced Korringa relaxation at low temperatures (T<50 K) as typically expected for heavy-fermion metals. This metallic contribution gradually diminishes on decreasing Ru content x and vanishes for x = 2.25 localizing the MIT close to the onset of spin-glass behavior arising for x ≤ 2.
PACS: 71.27.+a, 71.30.+h, 76.30.-v
Keywords: heavy fermions, metal-to-insulator transition, electron spin resonance.
Source: PDF-file (1.01 MB)
Article No. 14301 (5 pp.) (accepted: July 25, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14301 (2014)
Title: Alternative theoretical approach of the exact ferromagnetic resonance frequency for common sample shapes by considering the phenomenological damping parameter - A tribute to C. Kittel and T.L. Gilbert
Authors: K. Seemann*, H. Leiste, K. Krüger
Address: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT (Campus North), Institute for Applied Materials, Hermann von Helmholtz Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Abstract: In order to establish an expression for the ferromagnetic resonance frequency of specimen with general shape, the Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert differential equation was solved by considering demagnetisation effects and damping. By beginning the approach of calculation in a three dimensional space the sample was regarded as a uniformly magnetised ferro- or ferrimagnetic conventional ellipsoid. The condition for calculation must be a one-domain state which can be obtained by introducing a marked uniaxial anisotropy field and/or by applying an external magnetic saturation field. This can now be put on the level with a macro-spin precessing about its preferred direction. As a result, a more exact solution for the ferromagnetic resonance frequency was achieved which takes the phenomenological damping parameter as well as the demagnetisation factors into account. Applying it to certain sample shapes (plane, spherical or cylindrical) the uniaxial anisotropy field, the saturation magnetisation and especially the damping parameter show a different impact on the resonance frequency value. It could be shown that a plane sample (film) is more influenced by the damping parameter.
PACS: 75.30.Gw, 75.40.Gb, 76.20.+q, 76.50.+g
Keywords: Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert differential equation, FMR, damping parameter, demagnetisation factors.
Source: PDF-file (122 kB)
Article No. 14302 (4 pp.) (accepted: August 1, 2014)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 16, 14302 (2014)
Title: Long-lived free induction decay signal in CsMnF3 single crystal
Authors: E.M. Alakshin1, Yu.M. Bunkov1,2, R.R. Gazizulin1,2, A.M. Gazizulina1, L.I. Isaenko3,4, A.V. Klochkov1, T.R. Safin1,*, K.R. Safiullin1, M.S. Tagirov1,
V.N. Vedenyapin3, S.A. Zhurkov3
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, 420008 Kazan, Russia
2Institut Neel, CNRS et Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
3V.S. Sobolev Institute of geology and mineralogy, SBranch RAS, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
4Novosibirsk State University, 630090, Russia
Abstract: Elementary excitations in antiferromagnets are magnons, and these quasiparticles with integer spin are governed by Bose statistics. In certain conditions their density can be controlled by applied radiofrequency pulse leading to the formation of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). We report the investigations of free induction decay signal duration in CsMnF3 under different conditions and discuss it in the framework of the magnon BEC. The observed results in CsMnF3 and previous investigations in superfluid 3He-A are compared.
PACS: 71.45.-d, 74.25.nj, 75.50.Ee
Keywords: Bose-Einstein condensation, nuclear magnetic resonance, antiferromagnets, magnons, CsMnF3.
Source: PDF-file (147 kB)
Article No. 15101 (7 pp.) (accepted: December 11, 2015)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 17, 15101 (2015)
Title: Size-dependent concentration of N0 paramagnetic centres in HPHT nanodiamonds
Authors: B.V. Yavkin*, G.V. Mamin, M.R. Gafurov, S.B. Orlinskii
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Size-calibrated commercial nanodiamonds synthesized by high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) technique were studied by high-frequency W- and conventional X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The numbers of spins in the studied samples were estimated. The core-shell model of the HPHT nanodiamonds was proposed to explain the observed dependence of the concentration of the N0 paramagnetic centers. Two other observed paramagnetic centers are attributed to the two types of structures in the nanodiamond shell.
PACS: 75.20.-g, 76.30.Mi,
Keywords: diamond, nanodaimond, EPR, ESR, crystal defect.
Source: PDF-file (196 kB)
Article No. 15102 (5 pp.) (accepted: December 17, 2015)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 17, 15102 (2015)
Title: The method of secondary quantization in the strong bond approximation
Author: O.A. Anikeenok
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Expressions for the calculation of the Fourier transform of the direct Coulomb interaction of electrons have been derived in the method of strong bond. It was shown that in the elaborated method it is not necessary to spread out nuclear charges over the crystal as it is done in the case of delocalized electrons.
PACS: 76 60.-k, 74 72.Dn, 74.25 Jb
Keywords: strong bond approximation, secondary quantization, NQR, NMR.
Source: PDF-file (77 kB)
Article No. 15103 (8 pp.) (accepted: December 19, 2015)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 17, 15103 (2015)
Title: Crystal field parameters and g-factors of the ground Kramers doublet of Ce3+ ion in LiYF4 crystal
Author: O.V. Solovyev
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Analytical expressions are obtained for g-factors of the ground Kramers doublet of the impurity Ce3+ ions in LiYF4 crystal that rigorously take into account mixing of the 2F5/2 and 2F7/2 multiplets by crystal field. Dependence of g-factors on crystal field parameters is studied and possibilities of making conclusions about crystal filed parameters values on the basis of comparison with g-factors given in literature are considered.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v
Keywords: crystal field parameters, g-factors, LiYF4:Ce3+.
Source: PDF-file (272 kB)
Article No. 15104 (9 pp.) (accepted: December 26, 2015)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 17, 15104 (2015)
Title: Magnetic properties and spin kinetics in Kondo lattices
Authors: S.I. Belov*, A.S. Kutuzov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: We present a theoretical model to describe unusual properties of Kondo lattices. The influence of the Kondo effect on the static magnetic susceptibility and electron spin resonance (ESR) parameters is studied in a simple molecular field approximation together with a scaling perturbative approach. Theoretical expressions well agree with the ESR and static magnetic susceptibility experimental data.
PACS: 72.15.Qm, 76.30.He, 75.30.Cr, 71.27.+a
Keywords: Kondo lattice, Kondo effect, ESR, static magnetic susceptibility.
Source: PDF-file (205 kB)
Volume 17, No 2.
This issue was selected at XVIII International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application", Kazan, 26 - 30 October 2015. All papers were recommended to publication in our journal and they are published after additional MRSej reviewing. The MRSej Editors, Prof. M.S. Tagirov and Prof. V.A. Zhikharev, are responsible for the issue.
Article No. 15200 (3 pp.) (accepted: December 21, 2015)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 17, 15200 (2015)
Title: XVIII International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application"
Authors: M.S. Tagirov1,*, V.A. Zhikharev2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Kazan National Research Technological University, Karl Marx st. 68, Kazan 420015, Russia
Source: PDF-file (1.64 MB)
Article No. 15201 (6 pp.) (accepted: December 24, 2015)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 17, 15201 (2015)
Title: Computer simulation of growth and magnetic properties of quasi 2D magnetic cluster
Authors: N.A. Balakirev, V.A. Zhikharev*
Address: Kazan National Research Technological University, K. Marx 68, 420015 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: The computer simulation of the formation of 2D magnetic cluster is performed. It is shown that the magnetic interaction between growing cluster and randomly walking atoms results in the cluster elongation in the cluster magnetization direction. The features of microwave field absorption (FMR or SPR signals) in thin granular film consisting of elongated clusters are discussed. Magnetic resonance measurements can provide the detailed information on shape anisotropy of the particles and give an evidence for considered model of magnetic cluster growth.
PACS: 75.30.Gw, 75.50.Bb,75.70.Ak
Keywords: silicide, ferromagnetic clusters, implantation, granular film, diffusion limited aggregation,
ferromagnetic resonance.
Source: PDF-file (274 kB)
Article No. 15202 (5 pp.) (accepted: December 25, 2015)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 17, 15202 (2015)
Title: Double magnetic resonance in MnCO3
Authors: Yu.M. Bunkov1,2, A.V. Klochkov1, T.R. Safin1,*, K.R. Safiullin1,3, M.S. Tagirov1,3
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Institut Neel, CNRS et Universite Joseph Fourier, F-38042 Grenoble, France
3Institute of Perspective Research, TAS, L.Bulachnaya 36a, 420111 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: Results of experiments on MnCO3 investigations by double magnetic resonance are presented. Additional mode of oscillation has been observed in a created Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons state in MnCO3. The properties of observed signals are similar to Goldstone modes.
PACS: 71.45.-d, 74.25.nj, 75.50.Ee
Keywords: Bose-Einstein condensation, magnetic resonance, antiferromagnetics, magnons, MnCO3.
Source: PDF-file (146 KB)
Article No. 15203 (6 pp.) (accepted: December 23, 2015)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 17, 15203 (2015)
Title: Electron spin resonance study of the demagnetization fields of the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic films
Authors: I.I. Gimazov1,2,*, Yu.I. Talanov2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Sibirsky tract 10/7, Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: The results of the electron spin resonance study of the La1-xCaxMnO3 manganite and the diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl thin films for the magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to plane of the films are presented. The temperature dependence of the demagnetizing field is obtained. The parameters of the Curie-Weiss law are estimated for the paramagnetic thin film.
PACS: 75.30.Kz, 75.50.Dd, 75.70.-i, 76.30.Rn
Keywords: ferromagnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance, thin films, free radicals, manganites.
Source: PDF-file (283 KB)
Article No. 15204 (8 pp.) (accepted: December 22, 2015)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 17, 15204 (2015)
Title: Electron paramagnetic resonance and quantitative color investigations of various vacuum heat treated wood species
Authors: E.I. Kondratyeva1,2,*, K.R. Safiullin1,2, I.G. Motygullin1, A.V. Klochkov1,2, M.S. Tagirov1,2, V.V. Kuzmin1
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, 420008 Kazan, Russia
2Institute of Perspective Research, TAS, L.Bulachnaya 36a, Kazan 420111, Russia
Abstract: The effect of the heat treatment duration on the electron paramagnetic resonance signal amplitude of free radicals for various wood species was observed. It was found that the amplitude of the electron paramagnetic resonance signal grows linearly with the vacuum heat treatment duration. The quantitative measurements of color changes for various wood species (pine, spruce, larch, birch and small-leaved lime) were performed. It is found that results of EPR experiments and color measurements of heat treated samples correlate with each other.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 07.60.Dq
Keywords: colorimetry, EPR, vacuum, thermal modification, heat treatment, wood.
Source: PDF-file (222 KB)
Article No. 15205 (4 pp.) (accepted: December 25, 2015)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 17, 15205 (2015)
Title: Nonlinear FMR spectra in yttrium iron garnet
Authors: Yu.M. Bunkov1,2, P.M. Vetoshko3, I.G. Motygullin1, T.R. Safin1, M.S. Tagirov1, N.A. Tukmakova1,*
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, 420008 Kazan, Russia
2Institut Neel, CNRS et Universite Joseph Fourier, F-38042 Grenoble, France
3Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, RAS, 125009, Moscow, Russia
Abstract: Results of demagnetizing effect studies in yttrium iron garnet Y3Fe5O12 thin films are reported. Experiments were performed on X-Band of electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer at room temperature. The ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectra were obtained for one-layer single crystal YIG films for different values of the applied microwave power. Nonlinear FMR spectra transformation by the microwave power increasing in various directions of magnetic field sweep was observed. It is explained by the influence of the demagnetization action of nonequilibrium magnons.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 74.25.nj, 75.50.Gg
Keywords: yttrium iron garnet, EPR, magnons.
Source: PDF-file (253 KB)
Prof. V.A. Atsarkin (to 80th anniversary)
Source: PDF-file (122 KB)
Article No. 16101 (7 pp.) (accepted: November 8, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16101 (2016)
Title: Concentration of paramagnetic centres at low-temperature thermal destruction of asphaltenes of heavy petroleum distillates
Authors: M.U. Dolomatov1,2, A.A. Rodionov3, M.R. Gafurov3,*, A.V. Petrov4, T.B. Biktagirov3, R.Z. Bakhtizin1, S.O. Makarchikov3, I.Z. Khairudinov4, S.B. Orlinskii3
1Bashkir State University, Validy 32, Ufa 450076, Russia
2Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Kosmonavtov 1, Ufa 450000, Russia
3Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
4Institute of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry, Iniciativnaya 12, Ufa 450065, Russia
Abstract: Changes of paramagnetic centers (PC) concentration in dispersed petroleum systems were studied in the process of low-temperature thermolysis. The kinetic model of PC concentration dynamics based on the processes of unpaired electrons formation during singlet-triplet transitions, weak chemical bonds dissociation and recombination of free radicals is proposed.
PACS: 75.20.-g, 96.20.Dt, 02.30.Hq
Keywords: petroleum disperse system, asphalt, asphaltene, paramagnetic centers, temperature dependence, EPR, ESR.
Source: PDF-file (304 KB)
Article No. 16102 (5 pp.) (accepted: November 15, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16102 (2016)
Title: ENDOR study of nitrogen hyperfine and quadrupole tensors in vanadyl porphyrins of heavy crude oil
Authors: I.N. Gracheva*, M.R. Gafurov, G.V. Mamin, T.B. Biktagirov, A.A. Rodionov, A.V. Galukhin, S.B. Orlinskii
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: We report the observation of pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectrum caused by interactions of the nitrogen nuclei 14N with the unpaired electron of the paramagnetic vanadyl complexes VO2+ of vanadyl porphyrins in natural crude oil. We provide detailed experimental and theoretical characterization of the nitrogen hyperfine and quadrupole tensors.
PACS: 76.70.Dx, 75.10.Dg, 61.43.Bn
Keywords: crude oil, vanadyl porphyrins, ENDOR, EPR, DFT.
Source: PDF-file (405 KB)
Article No. 16103 (5 pp.) (accepted: November 24, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16103 (2016)
Title: Electronic and magnetic properties of [Fe(3-MeO-Qsal)2]Y•n solvent (n = 0,1) complexes
Authors: T.A. Ivanova1,*, O.A. Turanova1, L.V. Mingalieva1, I.F. Gilmutdinov2, I.V. Ovchinnikov1
1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Sibirskii trakt 10/7, Kazan 420029, Russia
2Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: [Fe(3-MeO-Qsal)2]Y (Y = PF6, BF4, NCS, NO3, BPh4) compounds were synthesized using the diffusion method and studied by the electron spin resonance and the magnetic susceptibility methods in the temperature range (5-300) K. Coexistence of spatially separated high-spin and low-spin fractions in these compounds was observed. Low-spin fraction of all compounds reveals the antiferromagnetic correlations at low temperatures. High-spin fraction of complexes with Y = PF6 demonstrate the weak ferromagnetic properties due to exchange interaction between complexes in whole temperature range. Influence of outer-sphere anion on the spin state, the electronic properties of low-spin Fe(III) complexes is demonstrated.
PACS: 75.20-g, 75.30.Et, 76.30.-v, 75.40Cx
Keywords: high-spin and low-spin state, intermolecular interactions, outer-sphere anions.
Source: PDF-file (298 KB)
Article No. 16104 (5 pp.) (accepted: December 20, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16104 (2016)
Title: Paramagnetic properties and antioxidant activity of metal-containing bionanocomposites based on humic substances
Authors: N.I. Tikhonov1, S.S. Khutsishvili1,*, M.V. Lesnichaya1, G. Dolmaa2, T.I. Vakul'skaya1, G.P. Aleksandrova1, B.G. Sukhov1
1A.E. Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Favorskogo 1, Irkutsk 664033, Russia
2Chemistry and Chemical Technology Institute of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Enkhtaivan av. 54b, Ulaanbaatar 13330, Mongolia
Abstract: Paramagnetic properties of novel bioactive nanocomposite materials based on humic substances and the precious metals (Ag, Au) are investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance and compared to their antioxidant properties. The possible mechanisms of antioxidant activity in the light of the free radical activation or inhibition of oxidation processes are analyzed.
PACS: 61.46.+w, 76.30.-v, 81.65.Mq, 87.15.-v, 81.65.Mq.
Keywords: antioxidant activity, EPR, spin density, nanocomposite, humic substance.
Source: PDF-file (327 KB)
Volume 18, No 2.
This issue was selected at XIX International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application", Kazan, 24 - 28 October 2016. All papers were recommended to publication in our journal and they are published after additional MRSej reviewing. The MRSej Editors, Prof. M.S. Tagirov and Prof. V.A. Zhikharev, are responsible for the issue.
Article No. 16200 (2 pp.) (accepted: December 12, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16200 (2016)
Title: XIX International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application"
Authors: M.S. Tagirov1,2,*, V.A. Zhikharev3
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Institute of Perspective Researches of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, L. Bulachnaya 36a, Kazan 420111, Russia
3Kazan National Research Technological University, Karl Marx st. 68, Kazan 420015, Russia
Source: PDF-file (67 KB)
Article No. 16201 (8 pp.) (accepted: December 17, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16201 (2016)
Title: Impurity spin in normal stochastic field: basic model of magnetic resonance
Authors: F.S. Dzheparov*, D.V. Lvov
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, B. Cheremushkinskaya 25, Moscow 117258, Russia
National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Kashirskoe shosse 31, Moscow 115409, Russia
Abstract: Famous Anderson-Weiss-Kubo model of magnetic resonance is reconsidered in order to bridge existing gaps in its applications for solutions of fundamental problems of spin dynamics and theory of master equations. The model considers the local field fluctuations as one-dimensional normal random process. We refined the conditions of applicability of perturbation theory to calculate the spin depolarization. It is shown that for very slow fluctuations the behavior of the longitudinal magnetization is simply related to the correlation function of the local field. The effect could be checked by the experimental studies of magnetic resonance in quasi-Ising paramagnets.
PACS: 45.10.Hj, 76.60.-k, 76.30.-v, 75.75.Jn, 05.40.-a
Keywords: magnetic resonance, spin relaxation, normal stochastic field, longitudinal correlation function, Anderson-Weiss-Kubo model.
Source: PDF-file (157 KB)
Article No. 16202 (6 pp.) (accepted: December 17, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16202 (2016)
Title: Dipolar relaxation of multiple-quantum NMR coherences in a linear homogeneous chain of 19F nuclei in calcium fluoroapatite
Authors: G.A. Bochkin*, E.B. Fel'dman, S.G. Vasil'ev
Address: Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Semenov avenue 1, Chernogolovka 142432, Moscow Region, Russia
Abstract: Experimental and theoretical investigations of dynamics and relaxation of multiple quantum (MQ) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) coherences of the zeroth and second orders are performed in a quasi-one-dimensional chain of nuclear spins of 19F in calcium fluorapatite. MQ NMR dynamics are studied on the preparation period of the MQ NMR experiment in the approximation of nearest neighbor interactions. The density matrix of the system at the end of the preparation period is used as the initial condition for the study of the relaxation process on the evolution period of the MQ NMR experiment. The relaxation asymptotics of the intensity of the MQ NMR coherence of the zeroth order is obtained. Relaxation of the MQ NMR coherence of the second order is investigated with ZZ part of the dipole-dipole interactions. The experimental data qualitatively agree with the results of the developed theory.
PACS: 03.65-w,03.67.Mn, 76.60-k
Keywords: multiple quantum NMR, multiple quantum coherence, relaxation, fermions, dipole-dipole interactions, zz-model, decoherence, coherent clusters.
Source: PDF-file (729 KB)
Article No. 16203 (5 pp.) (accepted: December 17, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16203 (2016)
Title: Superconducting fluctuations above critical temperature in the Bi2Sr2Ca1-xYxCu2O8 single crystals
Authors: I.I. Gimazov1,2,*, V.O. Sakhin2, Yu.I. Talanov2, T. Adachi3, T. Noji4, Y. Koike4
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Sibirsky tract 10/7, Kazan 420029, Russia
3Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Sophia University, 7-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8554, Japan
4Department of Applied Physics, Tohoku University, 6-6-05 Aoba, Aramaki, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
Abstract: The superconducting fluctuations above critical temperature in the Bi2Sr2Ca1-xYxCu2O8 single crystals are studied. The boundaries of the superconducting fluctuations area are defined by the MWA measurement. The estimation of the fluctuations lifetimes is made.
PACS: 74.25.Dw, 74.40.+k, 74.72.h, 52.70.Gw
Keywords: high temperature superconductors, superconducting order parameter uctuations, non-resonant microwave absorption, AC-susceptibility.
Source: PDF-file (145 KB)
Article No. 16204 (6 pp.) (accepted: December 17, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16204 (2016)
Title: Magnetic properties of powders LiTbF4 and TbF3
Authors: E.M. Alakshin1, A.V. Klochkov1, S.L. Korableva1, V.V. Kuzmin1, D.S. Nuzhina1,*, I.V. Romanova1, A.V. Savinkov1, M.S. Tagirov1,2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Institut of Perspective Research, TAS, L. Bulachnaya 36a, Kazan 420111, Russia
Abstract: Samples LiTbF4 and TbF3 were synthesized by modified methods of colloidal chemistry. The magnetization of these samples was measured in the external magnetic field at 100 Oe and 1 T and in temperature range 2-300 K. Temperatures of phase transition to the magnetic ordering dipolar ferromagnet state were determined for synthesized samples.
PACS: 75.50.-y, 75.90+w, 81.10-h
Keywords: synthesis, magnetization, Curie temperature.
Source: PDF-file (425 KB)
Article No. 16205 (10 pp.) (accepted: December 17, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16205 (2016)
Title: Simulations of equilibrium magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of non-conducting rare-earth compounds
Authors: D.S. Nuzhina, I.V. Romanova*
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The Hamiltonian of the magnetic subsystem containing rare-earth ions involves energies of the localized 4f-electrons in free ions, energies of interactions of the 4f-electrons with the static crystal field in the perfect crystal lattice as well as in the homogeneously deformed lattice, interactions with the external magnetic field and lattice vibrations (electron-phonon interaction), magnetic dipolar and exchange interactions between the ions. This Hamiltonian is used in calculations of different measurable physical parameters versus temperature and the magnetic field strength and direction (energy levels of rare earth ions, the magnetization, magnetic dc- and ac-susceptibilities, elastic constants, lattice deformations).
PACS: 31.15.Ne, 75.50.-y, 75.80.+q, 76.30.Kg.
Keywords: crystalline electric field parameters, magnetostriction, magnetoelastic interaction, electron-phonon interaction.
Source: PDF-file (545 KB)
Article No. 16206 (5 pp.) (accepted: December 18, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16206 (2016)
Title: Study of the crystal field in CeF3 and CeF3:Pr3+
Authors: F.F. Shafikov1, A.V. Savinkov1,*, M.S. Tagirov1, 2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Institute of Perspective Research, TAS, L. Bulachnaya 36a, Kazan 420111, Russia
Abstract: The crystal field analysis based on calculations in the framework of the semi phenomenological exchange charge model was carried out. The set of crystal field parameters for Ce3+ and Pr3+ ions in the matrix CeF3 related to the crystallographic system of coordinates has been obtained and used to reproduce satisfactory the crystal field energies of Ce3+ and Pr3+ ions.
PACS: 71.70.Ch, 71.70.Ej.
Keywords: crystal field parameters, exchange charge model, trifluorides.
Source: PDF-file (186 KB)
Article No. 16207 (8 pp.) (accepted: December 18, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16207 (2016)
Title: Lithium diffusion in a new cathode material Li0.8[Ni0.6Sb0.4]O2 studied by 7Li NMR
Authors: T. Salikhov1,*, E. Klysheva1, E. Zvereva2, V. Nalbandyan3, I. Shukaev3, B. Medvedev3, E. Vavilova1
1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute of RAS, Sibirskii trakt 10/7, Kazan 420029, Russia
2Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory 1-2, Moscow 119991, Russia
3Chemistry Faculty, Southern Federal University, Sorge 7, Rostov-on-Don 344090, Russia
Abstract: A rhombohedral layered α-NaFeO2-type compound, Lix[Ni(1+x)/3Sb(2-x)/3]O2 (x=0.8) has been prepared from the sodium analogue by ion exchange at 570 K. In contrast to the stoichiometric composition Li3Ni2SbO6, it shows considerable Li/Ni inversion and no long-range Ni/Sb ordering. The temperature dependence of the 7Li NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate and linewidth data measured at temperature range from 30-450 K show the sharp increase of lithium ions mobility comparing to the stoichiometric compound Li3Ni2SbO6. From the NMR data the activation energy was estimated by different methods.
PACS: 76.60.-k, 76.60.Es, 66.30.H-, 82.47.Aa, 82.56.Lz, 82.56.Na
Keywords: NMR, lithium, diffusion, cathode material.
Source: PDF-file (848 KB)
Article No. 16208 (4 pp.) (accepted: December 19, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16208 (2016)
Title: EMR searching of quantum behavior of magnetic γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles encapsulated into poly(propylene imine) dendrimer
Authors: V.E. Vorobeva1,2, N.E. Domracheva1,*, M.S. Gruzdev3
1Zavoisky Physical Technical Institute, Sibirsky tract 10/7, Kazan 420029, Russia
2Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
3G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry RAS, Akademicheskaja 1, Ivanovo 153045, Russia
Abstract: The superparamagnetic γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles (average diameter of 2.5 nm) encapsulated in poly(propylene imine) dendrimer have been investigated by electron magnetic resonance (EMR). EMR measurements have been recorded in perpendicular and parallel configurations in the wide temperature range (4.2-300 K). It has been shown that the model based on the spin value S = 30, corresponding to the total magnetic moment of the nanoparticle, can be used to interpret the experimental results and the proof of the quantum behavior of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles.
PACS: 76.30.–v, 75.10. Dg, 61.46.+w, 75.20.-g, 96.15.Gh
Keywords: ESR/EPR, iron oxide nanoparticles, magnetism, quantum behavior, dendrimers.
Source: PDF-file (495 KB)
Article No. 16209 (9 pp.) (accepted: December 12, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16209 (2016)
Title: New vector/scalar Overhauser DNP magnetometers POS-4 for magnetic observatories and directional oil drilling support
Authors: V.A. Sapunov1,*, A.Y. Denisov1, D.V. Saveliev1, A.A. Soloviev2,3, S.Y. Khomutov4, P.B. Borodin5, E.D. Narkhov1, A.V. Sergeev1, A.N. Shirokov1
1Ural Federal University, Quantum Magnetometry Laboratory, Mira 21, Ekaterinburg 620002, Russia
2Geophysical Center, RAS, Molodezhnaya 3, Moscow 119296, Russia
3Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS, B. Gruzinskaya 10, Moscow 123242, Russia
4Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation, FEB RAS, Mirnaya 7, Kamchatskiy Kray, Paratunka 684034, Russia
5Geophysical Observatory "Arti", Institute of Geophysics, UB RAS, Geofizicheskaya 2a, Sverdlovskaya oblast, Arti 623341, Russia
Abstract: This paper covers same results of the research directed at developing an absolute vector proton magnetometer POS-4 based on the switching bias magnetic fields methods. Due to the high absolute precision and stability magnetometer POS-4 found application not only for observatories and to directional drilling support of oi and gas well. Also we discuss the some basic errors of measurements and discuss the long-term experience in the testing of magnetic observatories ART and PARATUNKA.
PACS: 75.20.-g, 76.30.Mi,
Keywords: magnetometer, Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization, nitroxide radical solution, magnetic observatory, INTERMAGNET, directional drilling.
Source: PDF-file (1.01 MB)
Article No. 16210 (4 pp.) (accepted: December 17, 2016)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 18, 16210 (2016)
Title: Application of Overhauser DNP and K optics INTERMAGNET quantum magnetometers to fundamental physics and cosmology
Authors: V.A. Sapunov1,*, J. Rasson2, A.V. Sergeev1, E.D. Narkhov1, A.Y. Denisov1, B.Y. Rubinstein3, A.V. Sapunov1,4
1Ural Federal University, Quantum Magnetometry Laboratory, Mira 21, Ekaterinburg 620002, Russia
2Institut Royal Météorologique Centre de Physique du Globe, Belgium
3Stowers Institute for Medical Research, USA
3Bernecker + Rainer Industrie Elektronik GmbH, Austria
Abstract: This article provides suggestions and ideas on the use of magnetic observatories to observe the stability of the gyromagnetic ratio of the proton and the electron in order to detect the effects of new fundamental physics and cosmology. The idea consist in long continuous recording of the signals Overhauser and optical pumping K magnetometers. Such systems can be highly effective network for forecasting earthquakes due to highest long term sensitivity.
PACS: 75.20.-g, 76.30.Mi,
Keywords: magnetometer, comagnetometer, optical pumping magnetometer, Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization, magnetic observatory, INTERMAGNET, earthquakes forecasting, dark matter, dark energy, spin-gravity coupling.
Source: PDF-file (168 KB)
Prof. V.A. Zhikharev (to 70th anniversary)
Source: PDF-file (258 KB)
Article No. 17101 (17 pp.) (accepted: February 3, 2017)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 19, 17101 (2017)
Title: Angular and temperature dependencies of EPR linewidth and Gorter relaxation rates in concentrated paramagnets: Application to La0.9Sr0.1MnO3 and La0.875Sr0.125MnO3
Authors: E.Kh. Khalvashi1,*, N.P. Fokina2, M.O. Elizbarashvili3
1Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Ninoshvili str. 35, Batumi 6010, Georgia
2Department of Science, Georgian Technical University, Kostava str. 77, Tbilisi 0175, Georgia
3Vladimir Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics, Georgian Technical University, Sandro Euli str. 5, Tbilisi 0186, Georgia
Abstract: The angular and temperature dependencies of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) linewidth in the weak constant field and of the relaxation rates measurable by the Gorter type experiments in zero constant magnetic field (Gorter RRs) are analytically investigated in magnetically concentrated paramagnets with the dominating exchange interaction. The consideration is restricted to the experiments, where the EPR linewidth is both anisotropic and linear over the temperature. It is suggested that under such conditions the EPR broadening is caused by the spin-lattice relaxation of the anisotropic interaction via the one-phonon mechanism. The analytical results are brought to the form suitable for the extraction of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya and the crystal field interaction constants from the experiment. It is shown that the EPR linewidth at the constant field direction along any crystal axis is equal to the half sum of the zero-field RRs for the two other crystal axes. The obtained results are successfully used for the interpretation of the EPR experimental results in the La0.9Sr0.1MnO3 and La0.875Sr0.125MnO3 single crystals in the Jahn-Teller strongly distorted phase in the definite temperature interval. The angular dependencies of the Gorter RRs and the EPR linewidth are presented graphically at the constant field continuous rotations in the three crystallographic planes in La0.9Sr0.1MnO3.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 75.30.Gw, 76.60.Es.
Keywords: EPR linewidth angular dependence, anisotropic relaxation rates, one-phonon spin-lattice relaxation.
Source: PDF-file (363 KB)
Article No. 17102 (11 pp.) (accepted: May 22, 2017)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 19, 17102 (2017)
Title: EPR study of hydrocarbon generation potential of organic rich domanik rocks
Authors: N.M. Khasanova1, D.T. Gabdrakhmanov1,*, G.P. Kayukova1,2, A.N. Mikhaylova2, V.P. Morozov1
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry KSC RAS, Arbuzova 8, Kazan 420088, Russia
Abstract: The objects of investigation were samples of domanik formation rocks of Berezovskaya area of Romashkinskoye oil field. Content of Mn2+, SO3−, SO2− ions, vanadyl-ions and free radicals has been estimated with the X-band (9.43 GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Composition of rock and extracted from it bitumen has been studied with methods of thermal analysis, X-ray-structural analysis and gas chromatography. Significant differences in mineralogical composition and content of organic matter were revealed in samples taken from adjacent intervals. Pyrolytic experiments have been conducted to simulate kerogen maturation and petroleum generation. The increasing number of free radicals was registered in all samples after pyrolysis in a hydrogen atmosphere at 350°C. A new organic free radical C350 was registered after pyrolysis. It is suggested that domanik source rocks have not fully realized their hydrocarbon generation potential.
PACS: 76.30.-v.
Keywords: EPR spectroscopy, generation potential, kerogen, pyrolysis, domanik rocks.
Source: PDF-file (826 KB)
Article No. 17201 (11 pp.) (accepted: November 14, 2017)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 19, 17201 (2017)
Title: Random walks in disordered lattice, CTRW, memory and dipole transport
Author: F.S. Dzheparov
National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, ITEP, Moscow 117258, Russia
National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow 115409, Russia
Abstract: Application of CTRW (continuous time random walks) to dipole hopping transport is reviewed. Conditions of applicability of basic kinetic equations to spin systems are indicated. Correct versions of derivation of the CTRW-equations are presented. Existence of different forms of memory kernels is demonstrated. Correction of Scher-Lax memory kernel within geometrical memory approach is fulfilled in accordance with leading terms of concentration expansion. Approximate solution for autocorrelation function is considered. Modern state of numerical simulation and experimental measurements of autocorrelation function in nuclear polarization delocalization are described. It is shown, that application of the CTRW was more successful in description of dipole transport than for hopping conductivity.
PACS: 45.10.Hj, 76.60.-k, 82.56.-b, 76.30.-v, 05.40.-a
Keywords: random walks, random media, disordered lattice, survival probability, dipole transport, hopping transport, master equation, memory kernel, projection operator, spin diffusion.
Source: PDF-file (222 KB)
Article No. 17202 (7 pp.) (accepted: December 5, 2017)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 19, 17202 (2017)
Title: Spectral and magnetic properties of impurity Tm3+ ions in YF3
Authors: A.V. Savinkov1,*, G.S. Shakurov2, I.E. Mumdzhi1, B.Z. Malkin1, S.I. Nikitin1, S.L. Korableva1, M.S. Tagirov1,3
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Kazan Physical-Technical Institute, Sibirskiy trakt 10/7, Kazan 420029, Russia
3Institute of Perspective Research, TAS, L. Bulachnaya 36a, Kazan 420111, Russia
Abstract: Stark structure of 3H6, 3H5, 3H4, 3F4, 3F3, 3F2 and 1G4 multiplets of impurity non-Kramers Tm3+ ions in the orthorhombic YF3 crystal has been determined from luminescence studies. High frequency electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra (~ 207 GHz) of Tm3+ ions have been measured at temperature 4.2 K in external magnetic field applied perpendicular to the b-axis of YF3:Tm3+ single crystal. The results of measurements are interpreted in the frameworks of the crystal field theory. The set of crystal field parameters related to the crystallographic system of coordinates of the YF3 lattice has been obtained and used to reproduce satisfactory the crystal field energies and the EPR spectra.
PACS: 71.70.Ch, 71.70.Ej.
Keywords: crystal field parameters, exchange charge model, EPR, trifluorides.
Source: PDF-file (323 KB)
Article No. 17203 (4 pp.) (accepted: December 6, 2017)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 19, 17203 (2017)
Published as Rapid Communication
Title: 89Y nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in SrY2O4:Ho3+ single crystals
Authors: A.V. Dooglav*, I.F. Gilmutdinov, V.I. Katkov, A.G. Kiiamov, I.R. Mukhamedshin
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Measurements of 89Y nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in SrY2O4:Ho3+ crystals for the magnetic field B parallel to the crystal c axis show that 89Y at T < 20 K relaxes due to fluctuating magnetic field created only by Ho13+ transitions between the ground and the first excited Zeeman sublevels of the 5I8 multiplet.
PACS: 76.60.-k,, 67.80.
Keywords: frustrated magnets, Van Vleck ions, nuclear spin-lattice relaxation.
Source: PDF-file (231 KB)
Article No. 17204 (5 pp.) (accepted: December 9, 2017)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 19, 17204 (2017)
Published as Rapid Communication
Title: Magnetic properties of DyF3 micro- and nanoparticles
Authors: E.M. Alakshin 1,3, E.I. Kondratyeva 1,*, D.S. Nuzhina 1, M.F. Iakovleva 1,2, I.F. Gilmutdinov 1, V.V. Kuzmin 1, K.R. Safiullin 1, A.G. Kiiamov 1, A.V. Klochkov 1,3, M.S. Tagirov 1,3
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, IFW Dresden, D-01171 Dresden, Germany
3Institute of Perspective Research, TAS, L. Bulachnaya 36a, Kazan 420111, Russia
Abstract: The AC/DC magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity of microsized and nanosized DyF3 particles were measured. These measurements were used to estimate the influence of the size of DyF3 particles on their magnetic properties. Dipolar ferromagnetic transition was observed in susceptibility measurements for DyF3 microparticles at TC = 2.54 K, whereas DyF3 nanosized particles remain paramagnetic down to the lowest achieved temperature of 1.8 K. This peculiar behaviour might indicate the change of magnetic properties due to crossover from macro to nanoscale physics.
PACS: 75.50.-y, 75.90+w, 81.10-h.
Keywords: magnetization, heat capacity, Curie temperature, DyF3.
Source: PDF-file (260 KB)
Article No. 17205 (5 pp.) (accepted: December 11, 2017)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 19, 17205 (2017)
Published as Rapid Communication
Title: Study of the crystal field and rare-earth magnetism in YF3:Yb3+
Authors: A.V. Savinkov 1,*, B.F. Gabbasov 1, O.A. Morozov 1, A.G. Kiiamov 1, M.S. Tagirov 1,2
1Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Institute of Perspective Research, TAS, L. Bulachnaya 36a, Kazan 420111, Russia
Abstract: The electron paramagnetic resonance spectra (X-band, f ~ 9.42 GHz) of Yb3+ ions have been measured at temperature 15 K in YF3:Yb3+ single crystals. The principal values of the g-tensors, gb = g1 = 1.67, g2 = 2.42, g3 = 5.41, and directions n1 = [0, 1, 0], n2 = [±sin(54.8°), 0, cos(54.8°)], n3 = [∓sin(35.2°), 0, cos(35.2°)] of the corresponding principal axes for the Yb3+ ions which replace Y3+ ions at two magnetically nonequivalent sites with the local Cs symmetry in the orthorhombic crystal lattice have been obtained from analysis of the angular dependences of the spectra taken in the static magnetic fields lying in the crystallographic (bc) and (ac) planes. Experimental data are interpreted in the frameworks of the crystal field theory. Using the obtained set of crystal field parameters for Yb3+ ions in the YF3 host related to the crystallographic system of coordinates, we can reproduce satisfactorily the crystal field energies of Yb3+ ions determined earlier from optical measurements.
PACS: 71.70.Ch, 71.70.Ej.
Keywords: crystal field parameters, exchange charge model, EPR, trifluorides.
Source: PDF-file (300 KB)
Article No. 17206 (4 pp.) (accepted: December 13, 2017)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 19, 17206 (2017)
Published as Rapid Communication
Title: Superhyperfine interactions in Ce3+ doped LiYF4 crystal: ENDOR measurements
Authors: M.R. Gafurov*, G.V. Mamin, I.N. Kurkin, A.A. Rodionov, S.B. Orlinskii
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The first observation of the resolved Mims electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra from the nearby and remote nuclei of 19F and 7Li nuclei on impurity Ce3+ ions in LiYF4 crystal is reported. It shows that LiYF4:Ce3+ system can be exploited as a convenient matrix for performing spin manipulations and adjusting quantum computation protocols while ENDOR technique could be used for the investigation of electron-nuclear interaction with all the nuclei of the system and exploited for the electron-nuclear spin manipulations.
PACS: 76.70.Dx, 75.10.Dg, 61.43.Bn.
Keywords: crystal, fluoride, rare earth, ENDOR, EPR.
Source: PDF-file (193 KB)
Article No. 17207 (10 pp.) (accepted: December 17, 2017; published December 27, 2017)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 19, 17207 (2017)
Title: Conventional electron paramagnetic resonance for studying synthetic calcium phosphates with metal impurities (Mn2+, Cu2+, Fe3+)
Authors: F. Murzakhanov1, B. Gabbasov1, K. Iskhakova1, A. Voloshin1, G. Mamin1, V. Putlyaev2, E. Klimashina2, I. Fadeeva3, A. Fomin3, S. Barinov3, T. Biktagirov1,4, S. Orlinskii1, M. Gafurov1,*
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Lomonosov Moscow State University, GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, Russia
3Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Leninskii Pr. 49, Moscow, Russia
4University Padeborn, Warburger Str. 100, Padeborn, Germany
Abstract: Calcium phosphate (CaP) based materials are widely recognized as the most suitable matrix for bone tissue engineering. The cationic and anionic substitution of CaP structure by the elements and groups of biological importance is the effective way to improve the properties of CaP based substances to achieve the material's desired parameters. Some aspects of application of the conventional electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) approaches for characterization of CaP powders and ceramics such as hydroxyapatite (HAp) and tricalcium phosphates (TCP) containing intrinsic impurities or intentional dopants like manganese, copper, iron are demonstrated. It is shown that the radiation induced EPR spectra for the nominally pure HAp and TCP reveal the presence of stable nitrogen containing or hydrogen radicals and depend on the CaP synthesis route. It is found that the experimental values of the hyperfine splitting (A) for the nitrogen containing radicals in TCP differ from those known for HAp. The observed narrowing of the central EPR line and increase of its amplitude with the concentration of Mn2+ in the range from 0.05 up to 5 wt. % could be exploited for the quantitative determination of manganese in CaP. Analysis of the EPR spectra of the iron containing CaP allows to determine the presence of iron in Fe3+ state. The values of the components of g and A for Cu2+ ions in TCP are determined and it is demonstrated that they can be influenced by the presence of the codoped Mn2+. Therefore, conventional EPR can be used to study cation-cation codoping.
PACS: 83.80.Lz, 87.64.-t.
Keywords: hydroxyapatite, calcium phosphates, tricalciumphosphate, ENDOR, EPR.
Source: PDF-file (401 KB)
Article No. 17208 (10 pp.) (accepted: December 24, 2017; published December 28, 2017)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 19, 17208 (2017)
Title: Calculation of g-tensor of rare-earth ions with account of isotropic reduction of orbital momentum
Authors: A.S. Dudalov, O.V. Solovyev*
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: g-tensor components for a Kramers doublet of an impurity ion doped into dielectric crystal are expressed through coefficients of expansion of the doublet wavefunctions in the basis of full momentum of the impurity ion taking into account isotropic reduction of orbital momentum in Zeeman energy due to covalence. Mixing of terms and multiplets of the impurity ion is considered rigorously in the expansion of doublet wavefunctions. The obtained expressions can be useful in calculations and analysis of g-factors dependence on the impurity ion Hamiltonian parameters. The derived formulas are applied to calculation of g-factors of the ground Kramers doublet of Ce3+ ion doped in LiYF4 crystal. It is shown that considering reduction of orbital momentum of the 4f electron of the Ce3+ ion in Zeeman energy can significantly improve agreement with experimentally measured g-factors for this compound, available in literature.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v.
Keywords: g-factors, orbital momentum reduction, LiYF4:Ce3+.
Source: PDF-file (227 KB)
Article No. 17209 (9 pp.) (accepted: December 26, 2017; published December 30, 2017)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 19, 17209 (2017)
Title: Electron paramagnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction study of PbF2 fine powders mechanochemically doped with Er3+ ions
Authors: I.A. Irisova1,*, I.N. Gracheva1, Y.V. Lysogorskiy1, A.A. Shinkarev2, A.A. Rodionov1, D.A. Tayurskii1, R.V. Yusupov1
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Kazan National Research Technological University, K. Marx str. 68, 420015 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: Investigation of the mechanochemical doping of PbF2 powders with Er3+ ions with electron paramagnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction is presented. In the analysis of the results a possibility of the structural transformation between the cubic β-PbF2 and orthorhombic α-PbF2 phases in the course of synthesis was taken into account. It is shown that regardless of the initial state of PbF2 it reveals high efficiency of the mechanochemical doping with Er3+ ions. Obtained particles are found in (α/β)-PbF2 structurally inhomogeneous state with the majority of the Er3+ ions located in the equilibrium α-PbF2 fraction. Preferrable location of the Er3+ ions in the α-PbF2 phase is related to the fact that the formation of the cation vacancies necessary for a mechanically activated diffusion of erbium ions into the particles and nucleation of the α-PbF2 phase proceed in parallel and is mediated by dislocations created in the course of synthesis. Annealing of the sample leads to a conversion of its entire volume into the metastable β-PbF2 phase with all the Er3+ centers possessing the cubic symmetry.
PACS: 73.20.Hb, 76.30.-v, 76.30.Kg.
Keywords: fluorite, rare-earth ions, mechanically activated doping, electron paramagnetic resonance.
Source: PDF-file (1.06 MB)
Article No. 18101 (8 pp.) (accepted March 19, 2018; published March 30, 2018)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 20, 18101 (2018)
Title: EPR of the V4+ ion in single crystals of pyrovanadates β-Mg2V2O7, α-Zn2V2O7: Spin-Hamiltonian parameters
Authors: S.K. Misra1, S.I. Andronenko2,*
1Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd West, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8, Canada
2Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The angular variation of V4+ electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) line positions were recorded in single crystals of β-Mg2V2O7 and α-Zn2V2O7 at 120 K and 295 K in three mutually perpendicular planes in the temperature range from 120 to 295 K and at some intermediate temperatures. Least-squares fitting was used by diagonalization of the Spin-Hamiltonian (SH) matrix to determine the SH parameters and the orientations of the principal axes of the g- and A-matrices from the angular variations of the EPR line positions. Although the V4+ SH parameters were found to be similar in the two crystals, the orientations of the principal axes of the g- and A-matrices were not found to be coincident in the two crystals.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v, 75.20.
Keywords: V4+ ion, Spin-Hamiltonian parameters, g-matrix, A-matrix, EPR, pyrovanadates.
Source: PDF-file (515 KB)
Article No. 18102 (9 pp.) (accepted March 19, 2018; published April 4, 2018)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 20, 18102 (2018)
Title: Investigation of molecular mobility and exchange of n-hexane and water in silicalite-1 by 2D 1H NMR relaxometry
Authors: B.I. Gizatullin1,2, A.V. Savinkov1,*, T.V. Shipunov1, D.L. Melnikova1, M.M. Doroginitzky1, V.D. Skirda1
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Ilmenau Technical University, Unterpoerlitzer 38, Ilmenau 98693, Germany
Abstract: Molecular mobility and exchange of adsorbed fluid in porous media of silicalite-1 were studied by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques in fully and partly saturated samples. Three porous volumes were determined in silicalite-1 where n-hexane and water molecules are adsorbed: intracrystallite channels, mesopores and intercrystallite space. The molecular exchange between all porous volumes was observed and typical exchange times were estimated for n-hexane and water. Using the exchange times the self-diffusion coefficients were estimated as D ~ 1.11×10−10 for n-hexane and D ~ 6.67×10−11 m2/s for water in fully saturated silicalite-1 and found in a good agreement with literature data.
PACS: 76.60.Es, 76.60.-k, 76.70.-r, 75.78.-n.
Keywords: Nuclear magnetic resonance, silicalite-1, molecular exchange, T1-T2 and T2-T2 correlations.
Source: PDF-file (417 KB)
Article No. 18103 (7 pp.) (accepted April 7, 2018; published April 15, 2018)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 20, 18103 (2018)
Title: Disorder effect and the vortex phase transition in layered organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br
Authors: H. El Ouaddi1,*, A. Tirbiyine1, A. Taoufik1, Y. Ait Ahmed1, A. Hafid1, M. Mamor2, H. Chaib3, A. Nafidi3, S. Snoussi4
1E.M.S, Research Laboratory, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zoh, Agadir, Morocco
2M.S.I.S.M, Research Laboratory, Polydisciplinary Faculty, University Cadi Ayyad, Safi, Morocco
3L.P.M.C.N.E.R, Research Laboratory, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zoh, Agadir, Morocco
4Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, UMR 8502, Université Paris-Sud, Bat.510, 91405 Orsay, France
Abstract: We report systematic detailed measurement of the superconducting properties on the layered organic superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br near 80 K and the effect of disorder on the superconducting transition temperature Tc. The reversible part of the magnetization (reversible magnetization) and the magnetic entropy change (ΔS) were studied. Using the London model, we determine the temperature dependence of the London penetration depth (λ) from the slope of the linear M(lnH) dependence of the isothermal magnetization. Our results show the strong dependence of ΔS and λ on the temperature. The structural transformation which occurs at the vicinity of 80 K very strongly influences the physics of vortex lattice and the associated magnetic behavior.
PACS: 74.25.Ha, 74.25.Sv, 74.70.Kn. 75.60.Ej.
Keywords: Organic superconductor, reversible magnetization, magnetic entropy change, vortex pinning, London penetration depth.
Source: PDF-file (285 KB)
Article No. 18104 (8 pp.) (accepted May 10, 2018; published May 23, 2018)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 20, 18104 (2018)
Title: Degenerated nuclear magnetostatic modes in ferromagnets
Authors: M.A. Borich1,2,* S.P. Savchenko1, A.P. Tankeyev1,2
1Institute of Metal Physics of Ural Branch of RAS, S. Kovalevskoy 18, Ekaterinburg 620108, Russia
2Ural Federal University, Mira 19, Ekaterinburg 620002, Russia
Abstract: The detailed calculations of dependence of the frequency of oscillations on the external magnetic field and on the shape of ferromagnet sample with interacting electronic and nuclear subsystems were done. Such system possesses a discrete number of eigenfrequencies of precession of magnetization. It is shown that these magnetostatic eigenmodes can be degenerated, i.e. different modes can have the same frequency. The dependence of these degenerated modes on the sample shape is investigated. It is shown that the properties of magnetization precession and even the number of eigenmodes depend on the external magnetic field and on the shape of the sample. These effects may produce specific features on the NMR spectra of magnetic materials.
PACS: 76.60.-k, 75.78.-n.
Keywords: Electron-nuclear interaction, magnetostatic boundary conditions, NMR.
Source: PDF-file (324 KB)
Article No. 18105 (8 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2018; published June 4, 2018)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 20, 18105 (2018)
Title: Calculation of the matrix elements of the long-range Coulomb interaction in low-symmetry crystals
Author: O.A. Anikeenok
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The expressions for calculating the matrix elements of the Coulomb interaction between an electron and a low-symmetry infinite crystal lattice have been obtained. One-center matrix elements are considered. The Gaussian type of orbitals (GTO) is used in calculations. All expressions are absolutely and rapidly converging series in the space of reciprocal lattice vectors.
PACS: 61.50.Ah, 61.72.S.
Keywords: localized orbitals, infinite crystal lattice, Madelung energy, orbital energy.
Source: PDF-file (285 kB)
Article No. 18201 (9 pp.) (accepted September 10, 2018; published September 18, 2018)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 20, 18201 (2018)
Title: Experimental evidences of the shape-induced structural distortion of SrTiO3 single crystals from impurity Mn4+ ions electron paramagnetic resonance
Authors: B.F. Gabbasov1, I.N. Gracheva1, S.I. Nikitin1, D.G. Zverev1, A. Dejneka2, V.A. Trepakov2,3, R.V. Yusupov1,*
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Institute of Physics, ASCR, v.v.i. Na Slovance 2, 18221 Prague, Czech Republic
3Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia
Abstract: A study of high-quality SrTiO3 single crystals doped with the Mn4+ ions in the cubic phase (T > 105 K) with X-band electron paramagnetic resonance reveals direct correspondence between a shape of a sample and magnetic anisotropy of the impurity Mn4+ centers. In particular, for a sample with the shape of a square base rectangular prism, a size of (a × a × h) and faces perpendicular to the <100> crystallographic directions, zero-field splitting parameter D is approximately proportional to (a / h − 1) quantity. Temperature dependence of D indicates that this peculiar symmetry lowering is a feature characteristic for the cubic Fm3m phase of the strontium titanate. Diminishing of the D value with the decrease of the surface roughness for a thin (001)-oriented SrTiO3:Mn platelet shows that the observed effect originates from the sample surface.
PACS: 73.20.Hb, 76.30.-v, 76.30.Kg.
Keywords: strontium titanate, impurity, electron paramagnetic resonance, surface-induced effect, paramagnetic probe.
Source: PDF-file (465 KB)
Article No. 18202 (7 pp.) (accepted November 15, 2018; published November 29, 2018)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 20, 18202 (2018)
Title: 31P and 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance studies on silver phosphate glasses
Authors: G. El-Damrawi*, A.K. Hassan, A. Shahboub
Address: Glass Research Group, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, 35516 Mansoura, Egypt
Abstract: Phosphate glasses of mol% xAl2O3:(40-x)Ag2O:60P2O5 have been prepared and studied by different techniques. X-ray diffraction measurement (XRD) has indicated the amorphous nature of the glasses. The hardness of the glasses increases with increasing Al2O3 concentrations. Data based on 27Al, 31P MAS NMR and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been presented. The structural changes within the ternary phosphate glasses were correlated with that of the simple binary silver phosphate glasses. The obtained data led to suggest that aluminum plays a dual role, i.e., acts primarily as intermediate ions which means that Al2O3 enters the network of the glass both as a modifier and glass former. But silver oxide acts as a strong glass modifier. The number of non-bridging oxygen bonds (NBO) on average in the phosphate network decreases with increasing Al content. The Al2O3 in the structure of glasses exists in both Al(6) and Al(4). The concentration of Al(6) increases with increasing Al2O3 content. The concentration of Al(4) is much lower than that of Al(6) in the glass of 20 mol % Al2O3.
PACS: 74.25.nj.
Keywords: NMR, phosphate glasses, aluminum addition, structure and analysis.
Source: PDF-file (624 KB)
Article No. 18203 (5 pp.) (accepted December 6, 2018; published December 10, 2018)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 20, 18203 (2018)
Published as Rapid Communication
Title: Radiation-induced paramagnetic centers in nanoporous synthetic opals - a probe for near surface protons
Authors: A. Galukhin, Y. Osin, A. Rodionov, G. Mamin, M. Gafurov, S. Orlinskii*
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The studies of chemical processes in spatially confined conditions are of interest from the fundamental and industrial points of view. By means of the W-band EPR and 1H Mims electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) we show that the radiation-induced paramagnetic centers (E') in the synthetic nanoporous silica opals could be used as sensitive probes to investigate the surface modification and, potentially, reactions of polymerization in the confined by opal pores.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 76.30.Rn, 33.40.+f, 82.30.Rs.
Keywords: pores, opal films, hydrogen bonding, ENDOR, EPR.
Source: PDF-file (648 KB)
Article No. 18204 (5 pp.) (accepted December 12, 2018; published December 25, 2018)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 20, 18204 (2018)
Published as Rapid Communication
Title: Magnetic and magnetoresonant properties of thin-film Fe/Ag/Co/CoO heterostructure synthesized by combined molecular beam epitaxy and reactive magnetron sputtering
Authors: I.V. Yanilkin1,*, I.R. Vakhitov1, A.I. Gumarov1, M.V. Pasynkov1, E.T. Mukhametova1, M.N. Aliyev2, R.V. Yusupov1, L.R. Tagirov1,3
1Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Baku State University, AZ-1148 Baku, Azerbaijan
3Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan FRC of RAS, Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: In the paper, we report on growth conditions, structure characterization, magnetic and magnetoresonance studies of thin-film Fe/Ag/Co/CoO heterostructure deposited ontop of the single-crystal (001)-MgO substrate utilizing in situ combination of molecular beam epitaxy and magnetron sputtering. The molecular beam deposition was applied to grow the first, iron layer epitaxially on MgO realizing the 45-degree lattice matching between the magnesium oxide and the body-centered cubic iron. Subsequent silver layer was also grown epitaxially with the favorable 45-degree lattice matching between the iron and silver. Next, Co-metal and the top, cobalt oxide, layers were deposited by magnetron sputtering and reactive sputtering, respectively, after moving the sample into a magnetron sputtering chamber without breaking the ultra-high vacuum conditions. Magnetometry and ferromagnetic resonance studies of the resulting heterostructure have revealed a combination of the four-fold and uniaxial anisotropies in the film plane at temperatures well above the Neel temperature for antiferromagnetic CoO (TN = 291 K). After field-cooling of the sample down to T = 180 K, ferromagnetic resonance measurements following the major magnetic hysteresis loop have shown a correlated precession of the iron and cobalt layers magnetizations giving the evidence of the interlayer coupling through the silver interlayer.
PACS: 75.30.Gw, 75.70.Cn, 76.50.+g.
Keywords: magnetic anisotropy, ferromagnetic resonance, magnetron sputtering, magnetic hysteresis, interlayer coupling.
Source: PDF-file (393 KB)
Article No. 18205 (6 pp.) (accepted December 19, 2018; published December 28, 2018)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 20, 18205 (2018)
This material is prefaced a publication of papers selected at XX International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application", Kazan, 24-29 September 2018. The MRSej Editors, Prof. M.S. Tagirov and Prof. V.A. Zhikharev, are responsible for the publication.
Title: Magnetic resonance: from investigation of the aging processes in human brain to the study of the structure of heavy oil fractions
Authors: M.S. Tagirov1,*, V.A. Zhikharev2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Kazan National Research Technological University, K. Marx street 68, Kazan 420015, Russia
Abstract: A review of the twenty-year history of the activities of the International School of Young Scientists "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its applications" in Kazan, Russia, is presented.
PACS: 01.10.Hx, 76.00.
Keywords: magnetic resonance, magnetic phenomena in solids.
Source: PDF-file (887 KB)
Article No. 18206 (9 pp.) (accepted December 19, 2018; published December 28, 2018)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 20, 18206 (2018)
This paper was selected at XX International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application", Kazan, 24-29 September 2018. The MRSej Editors, Prof. M.S. Tagirov and Prof. V.A. Zhikharev, are responsible for the publication.
Title: The home-built pulse NMR spectrometer with CPMG sequence for 3He research at low temperatures
Authors: G.A. Dolgorukov1,*, V.V. Kuzmin1, A.V. Bogaychuk1,2, E.M. Alakshin1,2, K.R. Safiullin1,2, A.V. Klochkov1, M.S. Tagirov1,2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Institute of Applied Research, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 420111 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: The home-built pulse NMR spectrometer for 3He investigations is described in this article. It operates in the 1.5-4.2 K temperature range, 0-850 mT magnetic field range, and 3-150 MHz frequency range with a dead time as short as 8 μs at 8 MHz that makes possible multinuclear NMR measurements. The spectrometer includes: saturation-recovery and inversion-recovery pulse sequences for spin-lattice relaxation time measurements by FID and Hahn echo amplitude measuring, CPMG pulse sequence for spin-spin relaxation time measurements, pulse gradient coils for diffusion measurements and a possibility to modify surface of porous samples by preadsorption of certain amount of nitrogen. The block diagrams of the spectrometer, the transmit-receive path and the amplifier are also presented.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v, 75.20.
Keywords: pulsed NMR, CPMG, diffusion, 3He, low temperatures.
Source: PDF-file (2.16 MB)
Article No. 19101 (7 pp.) (accepted December 28, 2018; published January 17, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19101 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19101
Title: Probing the surface of synthetic opals with the vanadyl containing crude oil by using EPR and ENDOR techniques
Authors: M. Gafurov, A. Galukhin, Y. Osin, F. Murzakhanov, I. Gracheva, G. Mamin, S.B. Orlinskii*
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Porous silica materials offer wide range of possibilities for enhancement of the productivity of oil reservoirs. However the mechanism of adsorption of polar components of crude oil on silica surface is poorly understood that hinders technological improvement of supports and oil extraction. We have synthesized opal films with the silica microspheres size of about 360 ± 20 nm, specific surface area of 5.2 m2 × g−1 and pore size of 230 nm. We have fractionated and characterized oil and oil asphaltenes from heavy (Ashalchinskoe) oil. By pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and double electron nuclear resonance (ENDOR) in the W-band frequency range (microwave frequency of 94 GHz, magnetic field of 3.4 T) we have studied the adsorption of oil asphaltenes on the surface of opal samples using the intrinsic for asphaltenes paramagnetic vanadylporphyrins (VO) complexes. 1H ENDOR spectra are found to be different for initial and the adsorbed samples in their central parts (that is a sign of asphaltenes VO disaggregation) whereas no significant changes in the W-band EPR spectra were detected. Contrasting to alumina support, no strong electron proton interaction with the protons on the surface of SiO2 (presumably, silanol groups) was found and infiltration of the oiled opal films with gasoline changes the central part of 1H ENDOR spectra. It shows that the proton containing groups on the surface of amorphous SiO2 sample can significantly change the asphaltene adsorption properties and ENDOR of the intrinsic for oil paramagnetic centers could be used for the characterization of surface state in porous media in situ or operando.
PACS: 76.70.Dx, 75.10.Dg, 61.43.Bn.
Keywords: pores, opal, surface, oil, asphaltene, hydrogen, ENDOR, EPR.
Source: PDF-file (691 KB)
Article No. 19102 (6 pp.) (accepted January 16, 2019; published January 25, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19102 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19102
Title: Electron paramagnetic resonance study on phosphosilicate glasses
Authors: G. El-Damrawi1,*, M. Abou Elzahab1, A. Dowadair1, A. Hosny2
1Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, 35516 Mansoura, Egypt
2Delta University for Science and Technology, Gamasa, Egypt
Abstract: The phospho-silicate glass containing 10 mol% CrF2 was studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) equipped with electron diffraction apparatus which is specified for measuring the electron diffraction pattern (EDP). EPR spectroscopy offers information about oxidation states of Cr ions and their coordination symmetry in the vitreous network. The EPR spectra of Cr3+ of glass containing 10 mol% CrF2 have revealed two essential resonance signals with effective g values at geff = 4.93 and geff = 2.14. Presence of the two resonances is considered as a good evidence for the presence of trivalent chromium ions of octahedral coordination in glass containing 10 mol.% CrF2. X-ray and electron diffraction measurements on sample containing 10 mol% CrF2 have confirmed that there are some crystalline phases distributed in the main glass network. TEM micrograph has revealed a heavy accumulation of crystalline species. The glass which was exposed to irradiation process has showed different EPR signal when it compared with that of unirradiated sample.
PACS: 81.05.Pj, 75.47.Lx, 75.50.Kj.
Keywords: magnetic resonance, geff-factors, CrF2 based glass, irradiation effects.
Source: PDF-file (429 KB)
Article No. 19103 (5 pp.) (accepted December 19, 2018; published January 30, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19103 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19103
This paper was selected at XX International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application", Kazan, 24-29 September 2018. The MRSej Editors, Prof. M.S. Tagirov and Prof. V.A. Zhikharev, are responsible for the publication.
Title: Anomalous 141Pr nuclear magnetic relaxation in PrF3 Van Vleck paramagnet
Authors: A.S. Aleksandrov1, A.V. Egorov1,2,*, S.L. Korableva1, M.S. Tagirov1,2
1Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, 420008 Kazan, Russia
2Institute of Applied Research, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 420111 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: The magnetic nuclear spin-lattice relaxation has been studied in PrF3. It was found that 141Pr spin lattice relaxation rate is untypically high for the Van Vleck insulator. According to all existing experimental data the only relaxation channel for enhanced nuclear moments at low temperatures is interaction with paramagnetic impurities and typical nuclear relaxation rate in rare earth Van Vleck paramagnets at liquid helium temperatures is 1 s−1. The measured value is 100 s−1. At the assumption that relaxation is caused by the strong 4f-4f cooperative interaction mediated by phonons [1], we measured 141Pr relaxation rates in a number of PrxLa1−xF3 samples and found that in diluted samples relaxation slows down to the usual for insulators values.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v, 75.20.
Keywords: Van Vleck paramagnet, nuclear spin-lattice relaxation, enhanced NMR, pseudoquadrupole interac-tion, Davydow splitting, 4f-4f cooperative interaction.
Source: PDF-file (306 KB)
Article No. 19104 (7 pp.) (accepted December 19, 2018; published January 30, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19104 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19104
This paper was selected at XX International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application", Kazan, 24-29 September 2018. The MRSej Editors, Prof. M.S. Tagirov and Prof. V.A. Zhikharev, are responsible for the publication.
Title: The home-built high-field multifunctional pulsed NMR spectrometer
Authors: V.V. Kuzmin1, A.V. Bogaychuk1,2,*, I.K. Nekrasov1, K.R. Safiullin1,2, M.H. Salakhov2, E.M. Alakshin1,2, A.V. Klochkov1, M.S. Tagirov1,2
1Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, 420008 Kazan, Russia
2Institute of Applied Research, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 420111 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: The home-built pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer is described, it consists of rather cheap commercial hardware for radio frequency (RF) pulse generation and signal acquisition system. The old-stuff superconducting magnet (9 T) and modified current insert allows to vary first order cold shim gradient fields and the B0 field in the range of 0-8.5 T. The helium cryostat inserted in a wide bore of the magnet and the sample temperature control system allow to perform nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments in the temperature range of 1.65-300 K. The software created in Labview development environment synchronizes the RF excitation and acquisition systems and controls the parameters of pulse sequences and data acquisition in the 5-500 MHz range of frequencies. The maximum achieved resolution in 1H NMR spectra using first order cold shims is ca. 0.5 ppm in a spherical water sample of 5-mm diameter.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v, 75.20.
Keywords: NMR spectrometer, low temperature, varying magnetic field, digital detection.
Source: PDF-file (1.26 MB)
Article No. 19105 (7 pp.) (accepted December 19, 2018; published January 30, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19105 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19105
This paper was selected at XX International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application", Kazan, 24-29 September 2018. The MRSej Editors, Prof. M.S. Tagirov and Prof. V.A. Zhikharev, are responsible for the publication.
Title: Study of radiation-induced stable radicals in synthetic octacalcium phosphate by pulsed EPR
Authors: D. Shurtakova1,*, B. Yavkin1,2, M. Gafurov1, G. Mamin1, S. Orlinskii1, L. Kuznetsova3, S. Bakhteev4, I. Ignatyev5, I. Smirnov6 , A. Fedotov6, V. Komlev6
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Physikalisches Institut, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, Stuttgart 70569, Germany
3Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Zelenaya 1, Kazan 420043, Russia
4Kazan National Research Technological University, K. Marx Str. 41, Kazan 420015, Russia
5Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Centre, Karbysheva 12a, Kazan 420101, Russia
6A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Pr. 49, Moscow 119991, Russia
Abstract: Created at room temperature by X-ray irradiation at the dose of about 5 kGy radiation-induced centers in stable octacalcium phosphate (OCP) powders obtained by double transformation of α-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) are studied by means of pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). No EPR signals within the sensitivity of the used equipment in the non-irradiated samples were detected. In the irradiated species complex EPR spectrum signals appeared. Three types of the paramagnetic centers are decomposed in the investigated samples. Their spectroscopic parameters (components of g-factors and hyperfine constants) are defined. Based on the extracted parameters two of them are ascribed to CO2− and NO32− radicals while the nature of the third one is still questionable. The spectroscopic parameters of NO32− stable radical is found to be differ than these for TCP or hydroxyapatite. The obtained results could be used for the tracing of the mineralization processes from its initiation to the completion of the final product and for the identification of the OCP phase.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v, 75.20.
Keywords: calcium phosphate, octacalcium phosphate, EPR, radiation-induced paramagnetic centers.
Source: PDF-file (506 KB)
Article No. 19106 (5 pp.) (accepted December 19, 2018; published February 8, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19106 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19106
This paper was selected at XX International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application", Kazan, 24-29 September 2018. The MRSej Editors, Prof. M.S. Tagirov and Prof. V.A. Zhikharev, are responsible for the publication.
Title: Decay of multiple quantum NMR coherences in quasi-one-dimensional chains in calcium fluorapatite
Authors: G.A. Bochkin1,*, E.B. Fel'dman1, I.D. Lazarev1,2, S.G. Vasil'ev1, V.I. Volkov1
1Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, 142432 Chernogolovka, Russia
2Faculty of Fundamental Physical-Chemical Engineering, Lomonosov Moscow State University, GSP-1, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Abstract: Multiple quantum (MQ) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiment is considered on chains of fluorine atoms in calcium fluorapatite. The second moments of the line shapes of the MQ coherences on the evolution period of the MQ NMR experiment are calculated analytically in the approximation of nearest neighbor interactions. The calculated values are used for a description of the experimental data with semi-phenomenological formulas assuming that the relaxation of the MQ coherences follows the Gaussian law on the evolution period. A satisfactory agreement with the experimental data is demonstrated.
PACS: 03.65.-w, 76.60.-k.
Keywords: multiple quantum NMR, multiple quantum coherence, relaxation, dipole-dipole interactions, zz model, second moments.
Source: PDF-file (311 KB)
Article No. 19107 (10 pp.) (accepted December 19, 2018; published February 8, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19107 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19107
This paper was selected at XX International Youth Scientific School "Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application", Kazan, 24-29 September 2018. The MRSej Editors, Prof. M.S. Tagirov and Prof. V.A. Zhikharev, are responsible for the publication.
Title: Contributions of different parts of dipole-dipole interactions to relaxation of multiple quantum NMR coherences in a single crystal of calcium fluorapatite
Authors: G.A. Bochkin1,*, E.B. Fel'dman1, I.D. Lazarev1,2,*, S.G. Vasil'ev1
1Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, 142432 Chernogolovka, Russia
2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Abstract: Dipolar relaxation of multiple quantum (MQ) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) coherences on the evolution period of the MQ NMR experiment is investigated experimentally and theoretically in a single crystal of calcium fluorapatite. The theoretical approach is based on the zz model when the flip-flop part of the dipole-dipole interactions is not taken into account. The analytical results obtained in the zz model are compared with the numerical calculations for a chain consisting of 12 spins. The role of heteronuclear interactions of 19F and 31P nuclear spins in the dipolar relaxation of MQ NMR coherences is also investigated. A comparison of the experimental data and the theoretical predictions is discussed.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 68.65.-k.
Keywords: multiple quantum NMR, multiple quantum coherence, multiple quantum dynamics, dipolar relaxation, fermions, zz model, heteronuclear interactions.
Source: PDF-file (818 KB)
Article No. 19108 (9 pp.) (accepted March 5, 2019; published March 15, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19108 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19108
Title: Tables of functions transforming according to the irreducible representations of crystal point cubic T and Th groups
Author: A.M. Leushin
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The functions transforming according to the nonequivalent irreducible representations (IR) Γ'2, Γ'3 and Γ'6, Γ'7 have been found using the projection operators of the IR DS of the full rotation group on the subspaces of IR of T, T' and Th, T'h cubic groups. With allowance for the properties with respect to the operation of the time reversal sign, the functions are combined into representations Γ'23 and Γ'67 respectively, of twice the larger dimension. Along with the functions transforming according to all other IRs Γ'1, Γ'4 and Γ'5 presented earlier, they will facilitate the consideration of various kinds of effects due to the energy level splitting of rare-earth ions in the crystal electric fields of T, and Th group symmetry.
PACS: 31.15.xh, 71.70.Ch, 75.10.Dg, 76.30.Kg.
Keywords: crystal electrical fields, cubic T and Th groups, function of irreducible representations, rare earth, EPR, inelastic neutron scattering spectra.
Source: PDF-file (286 KB)
Article No. 19201 (10 pp.) (accepted April 5, 2019; published April 8, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19201 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19201
Title: Size effect for asphaltene particles in the resin by NMR
Authors: D.S. Ivanov1,*, E.E. Barskaya2, V.D. Skirda1
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: The resin-asphaltene model systems with different sizes of asphaltenes are studied by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) using the solid-echo sequence. For systems with particle sizes of asphaltenes greater than 50 µm, the form of relaxation attenuation consists of two components, one of which is characterized by a typical asphaltene relaxation time of about 20 µs. In this case, the Gaussian form describes the relaxation attenuation of this component, which is typical for the NMR signal in disordered solids. At the same time, it is found that the share of the solid component in the NMR signal decreases with decreasing particle size of asphaltenes. The signal drops to zero when the size of asphaltenes particles reaches 10 microns. Based on the estimates of the rotational motion correlation time for an asphaltene particle in a dispersion medium (resin) with a known viscosity value, the influence of two factors is discussed: the difference in the values of macro- and microviscosity of the resin, as well as the possibility of partial dissolution of asphaltenes particles in the resin. The results of repeated measurements for a long time indicate the existence of a reverse process in the system, leading to the aggregation of asphaltene particles.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v, 75.20.
Keywords: NMR, solid-echo, spin-spin relaxation, correlation time, asphaltene, resin, aggregation.
Source: PDF-file (490 KB)
Article No. 19202 (10 pp.) (accepted April 5, 2019; published April 8, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19202 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19202
Title: The processes of aggregation and dissolution in model systems resin-asphaltene by NMR
Authors: D.S. Ivanov1,*, E.E. Barskaya2, V.D. Skirda1
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: The resin-asphaltene model samples are studied by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). According to the differences in spin-spin relaxation times, we are able to distinguish two components of the resin in the mixture. The first component with slower relaxation rate corresponds to the resin in bulk. The second component with the much higher relaxation rate conforms to the resin interacting with the asphaltene particles. The dependence of the ratio between the contributions of these functions on the particle size of asphaltenes is found. It is shown that the fraction of resin molecules interacting with asphaltenes is described by the power dependence on the particle size in terms of one particle. In this case, the proportionality to the volume is given by the value of the exponent (0.9) that is closer to unity, while this exponent is 1.33 for the particle surface. This result is not consistent with the conventional simple model of an asphalt particle surrounded by a solvate resin layer. A hypothesis is formulated about the partial dissolution of asphaltene molecules in the resin is formulated, which is also confirmed by the dependence in the NMR signal of the fraction of the solid component on the particle size of asphaltenes. It is shown that the kinetic dependences of the fraction of the solid component, as well as the fraction of the resin molecules in the state of interaction with asphaltenes, reflect in general the opposite processes, although they are characterized by a close time value of 20 days.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v, 75.20.
Keywords: NMR, solid-echo, CPMG, spin-spin relaxation, asphaltene, resin, aggregation, dissolution.
Source: PDF-file (468 KB)
Article No. 19203 (6 pp.) (accepted April 5, 2019; published April 10, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19203 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19203
Title: Pulsed NMR spectrometer with dynamic nuclear polarization for weak magnetic fields
Authors: A.S. Alexandrov1,*, A.A. Ivanov1, R.V. Archipov1, M.R. Gafurov1, M.S. Tagirov1,2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Institute of Applied Research, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan 420111, Russia
Abstract: Pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer operating in weak magnetic field (~100 Oe) with the dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is described. The spectrometer is designed to study the Overhauser DNP effect in natural hydrocarbons for potential using DNP techniques to enhance the 1H NMR signal in crude oil and petroleum products. The unit was tested on a sample of the ethylene glycol chromium complex at room temperature. A DNP enhancement of ε = −50 for 1H NMR signal from solvent protons by pumping 52Cr5+ electronic transitions with the optimized pumping parameters was achieved.
PACS: 76.70.Fz, 83.80.Nb.
Keywords: magnetic resonance, Overhauser effect, dynamic polarization of nuclei, NMR, DNP.
Source: PDF-file (383 KB)
Article No. 19204 (7 pp.) (accepted May 7, 2019; published May 16, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19204 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19204
Title: High frequency EPR spectroscopy of Er3+ ions in LiYF4 and LiLuF4: a case study of crystal fields
Authors: G.S. Shakurov1,*, S.L. Korableva2, B.Z. Malkin2
1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Sibirsky trakt 10/7, Kazan 420029, Russia
2Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: We report the electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies on single crystals of LiRF4 (R = Y and Lu) doped with Er3+ ions in the frequency range of 37-1040 GHz at the liquid helium temperature. Resonance transitions between the Zeeman sublevels of three lower crystal field Kramers doublets of Er3+ ions in magnetic fields up to 1 Tesla are registered. A prominent anisotropy of the EPR spectra in magnetic fields lying in the ab plane of the tetragonal crystal lattice is revealed. The revised set of free-ion and crystal field parameters for LiYF4:Er3+ and the new one for LiLuF4:Er3+ allow us to reproduce successfully the measured frequency and angular dependences of the resonant magnetic fields.
PACS: 71.70.Ej,75.10.Dg, 76.30.Kg.
Keywords: crystal field parameters, g-factors, magnetic anisotropy, optical spectra.
Source: PDF-file (311 KB)
Article No. 19205 (7 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 14, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19205 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19205
Title: Influence of structure effects and orbital ordering on the magnetic hyperfine field in pyrochlore oxides R2V2O7 (R = Lu, Yb, Tm, Er, Ho): ab initio calculations
Author: P.A. Agzamova
M.N. Miheev Institute of Metal Physics of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, S. Kovalevskaya str. 18, Ekaterinburg 620108, Russia
Ural Federal University, Mira str. 19, Ekaterinburg 620002, Russia
Abstract: The detailed ab initio calculations of crystal structure and hyperfine interaction parameters are presented for R2V2O7 system (R = Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) to investigate the effect of the V-ion environment due to R-ion substitution on the local magnetic properties of 51V nucleus. It is shown that this effect is very small, but the orbital ordering dictates a large anisotropy of magnetic hyperfine tensor in R2V2O7 system.
PACS: 71.15.Mb, 71.20.Be, 74.25.nj, 75.25.Dk, 75.47.Lx.
Keywords: density functional theory, hyperfine interactions, NMR, orbital ordering, pyrochlores.
Source: PDF-file (962 KB)
Volume 21, No 3. SPECIAL ISSUE dedicated to Boris I. Kochelaev's 85th birthday
Article No. 19300 (3 pp.) (accepted March 31, 2019; published April 19, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19300 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19300
Title: Professor Kochelaev, Boris Ivanovich
Authors: A.V. Aganov1, M.N. Aliyev2, A.V. Aminova1, L.K. Aminov1, V.A. Atsarkin3, I.M. Eremin1,4, M.V. Eremin1, N.F. Fatkullin1, D. Fushman5, I.A. Garifullin6, V.A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov7, H. Keller8, H.-A. Krug von Nidda9, A. Loidl9, B.Z. Malkin1, R.R. Nigmatullin10, S.I. Nikitin1, I.V. Ovchinnikov6, Yu.N. Proshin1,*, E.K. Sadykov1, M.H. Salakhov1, V.G. Shavrov3, A. Shengelaya11, V.D. Skirda1, S.V. Sushkov1, M.S. Tagirov1, L.R. Tagirov1,6, Yu.I. Talanov6, D.A. Tayurskii1, G.B. Teitel'baum6, V.A. Zhikharev12
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russian Federation
2Baku State University, Baku AZ-1148, Azerbaijan
3Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow 125009, Russian Federation
4Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum D-44801, Germany
5University of Maryland, College Park MD 20742-3360, USA
6Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan 420029, Russian Federation
7Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan 420066, Russian Federation
8Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zürich CH-8057, Switzerland
9University of Augsburg, Augsburg D-86135, Germany
10Kazan National Research Technical University (KAI), Kazan 420111, Russian Federation
11Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi 0179, Georgia
12Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan 420015, Russian Federation
Abstract: This note is dedicated to Professor B.I. Kochelaev on the occasion of his 85th anniversary.
Source: PDF-file (330 KB)
Article No. 19301 (9 pp.) (accepted March 31, 2019; published April 19, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19301 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19301
Title: Boris in Zurich ‐ Hugo in Kazan
Author: H. Keller
Address: Physik-Institut der Universität Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland
Abstract: In this article I present a short review on the intense and fruitful collaboration of Boris Kochelaev with our group around K. Alex Müller at the Physics Institute of the University of Zurich. I will not only focus on the scientific part of this collaboration, but also rather on the human and social side of Boris as a friend and scientist.
Source: PDF-file (15.1 MB)
Article No. 19302 (6 pp.) (accepted March 31, 2019; published April 19, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19302 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19302
Title: FMR line shape effect on spin pumping in bilayer structures
Authors: V.A. Atsarkin*, V.V. Demidov, T.A. Shaikhulov, G.A. Ovsyannikov
Address: V.A. Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, Mokhovaya 11, Moscow 125009, Russia
Abstract: Pure spin current induced by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) excitation in thin-film heterostructures consisting of ferromagnetic (FM) and normal metal (NM) layers is studied as a function of FMR line shape and width. Experiments were carried out with thin films of ferromagnetic La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO) grown epitaxially on NdGaO3 substrate and covered with Pt. The spin current injected into the NM layer was measured using the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) in the temperature range of 100-350 K. The samples under study revealed different width of the FMR line, which was attributed to inhomogeneous broadening with a specific Voigt shape of the ISHE signal. To take this effect into account, substantial corrections are proposed to the existing theory of spin pumping.
PACS: 75.76.+j, 76.50.+g, 75.70.Cn.
Keywords: pure spin current, spin pumping, ferromagnetic resonance, ferromagnetic-normal metal thin-film structure, manganite, inverse spin Hall effect, inhomogeneous broadening.
Source: PDF-file (421 KB)
Article No. 19303 (6 pp.) (accepted March 31, 2019; published April 19, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19303 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19303
Title: Magnetoelectric coupling in noncollinear ferrimagnets
Author: M.V. Eremin
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The analytical expressions for the energy coupling of exchange coupled spins with electric field, induced by odd crystal field has been derived in the third order perturbation theory, combining the action of electric field, spin-orbit and exchange interactions. The magnetoelectric coupling due to the partial replacement of the Cu2+ positions by Li+ in LiCuVO4 has been discussed.
PACS: 77.80.-e, 76.30.Fc.
Keywords: multiferroics, LiCuVO4, incommensurate magnetic structure.
Source: PDF-file (326 KB)
Article No. 19304 (11 pp.) (accepted March 12, 2019; published April 19, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19304 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19304
Title: Superconducting spin-valves in spintronics
Authors: R.R. Gaifullin1,*, R.G. Deminov1, M.N. Aliyev2, L.R. Tagirov1,3
1Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Baku State University, Baku AZ-1148, Azerbaijan
3Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan FRC of RAS, Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: A brief review of investigations carried out in recent years by teams of the Laboratory of Physics of Magnetic Nanostructures and Spintronics and the Laboratory of the Synthesis and Analysis of Thin-Film Systems is presented.
PACS: 74.45.+c, 74.50.+r, 74.78.Fk, 75.30.Et, 74.80.Fp.
Keywords: superconducting, spin-valves, spintronics.
Source: PDF-file (303 KB)
Article No. 19305 (9 pp.) (accepted March 12, 2019; published April 19, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19305 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19305
Title: Fluctuations of various order parameters in cuprate and Fe-based superconductors as revealed by microwave absorption measurements
Authors: I.I. Gimazov1,*, Yu.I. Talanov1, T. Adachi2, T. Noji3, Y. Koike3, K. Omori3, Y. Tanabe3,4, D. Chareev5,6, A. Vasiliev6,7
1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan 420029, Russia
2Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Sophia University, Tokyo 102-8554, Japan
3Department of Applied Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
4Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
5Institute of Experimental Mineralogy, RAS, Chernogolovka 142432, Russia
6Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg 620002, Russia
7M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia
Abstract: Fluctuations of various order parameters are considered as the significant components of understanding the mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity. To study these fluctuations in the cuprate and Fe-based superconductors we use the joint measurements of direct current resistivity and non-resonant microwave absorption. Comparing data obtained with both methods allowed us to extract the contribution of dynamic charge density waves in La2−xSrxCuO4, superconducting fluctuations in Bi2Sr2Ca1−xYxCu2O8 and nematic fluctuations in FeTe1−xSex.
PACS: 74.40.+k, 74.70.-b, 74.72.-h, 52.70.Gw.
Keywords: high temperature superconductors, superconducting order parameter fluctuations, nonresonant microwave absorption.
Source: PDF-file (389 KB)
Article No. 19306 (8 pp.) (accepted April 12, 2019; published April 19, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19306 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19306
Title: Intrinsic spin resonance in iron pnictides
Authors: H.-A. Krug von Nidda*, M. Hemmida, S. Kraus, N. Pascher, J. Deisenhofer, A. Loidl
Address: Experimentalphysik V, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, Institute for Physics, University of Augsburg, D-86135 Augsburg, Germany
Abstract: We report on ESR measurements in polycrystalline LaFeAsO and PrFeSbO and in single crystalline Mn-doped Ba(Fe0.975Mn0.025)2As2. The absorption spectrum can be described by a broad resonance line with Lorentzian lineshape. The intensity of the resonance absorption follows the temperature dependence of the dc-susceptibility and mirrors the spin-density wave anomaly, while the linewidth roughly agrees with the electrical resistivity.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 76.30.Fc, 76.30.Pk.
Keywords: iron based superconductors, electron spin resonance.
Source: PDF-file (651 KB)
Article No. 19307 (7 pp.) (accepted March 10, 2019; published April 19, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19307 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19307
Title: Magnetoelectric coupling in Y-type hexaferrite studied by a novel magnetic resonance technique
Authors: G. Khazaradze1, D. Daraselia1, D. Japaridze1, A. Shengelaya1,2,*
1Department of Physics, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi 0179, Georgia
2Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Andronikashvili Institute of Physics, Tbilisi 0177, Georgia
Abstract: Magnetoelectric materials with coupled and microscopically coexisting magnetic and electric polarizations have attracted great interest. The motivation behind this interest stems from the novel and interesting physical phenomena involved, but also from possible applications for novel electronic devices. Here we demonstrate the existence of magnetoelectric coupling at room temperature in ferrimagnetic Y-type hexaferrite Ba0.6Sr1.4Zn2Fe12O22 single crystal. By using a recently developed electrically modulated magnetic resonance spectroscopy, we determined quantitatively the magnetoelectric coupling strength in this compound. Obtained results show that Y-type hexaferrites belong to the rare class of materials with significant magnetoelectric coupling and large magnetic moment at room temperature.
PACS: 75.50.Gg, 75.85.+t, 76.50.+g.
Keywords: FMR, magnetoelectric, hexaferrites.
Source: PDF-file (1.14 MB)
Article No. 19308 (18 pp.) (accepted March 31, 2019; published April 19, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19308 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19308
Title: New approach in correlation analysis
Author: R.R. Nigmatullin
Address: Kazan National Research Technical University (KAI), Kazan 420111, Russia
Abstract: In this paper, a new method for restoration of the desired correlations is proposed. It allows to evaluate the "content" of the external factors (l = 1, 2,..., L) setting in the form of data arrays ym(l)(x) (m = 1, 2,..., M) inside the given Ym(x) function that is supposed to be subjected by the influence of these factors. As contrasted to the conventional correlation analysis, the proposed method allows finding the "influence" functions bl(x) (l = 1, 2,..., L) and evaluating the "remnant" array Gm(x) that is remained as a "quasi-independent" part from the influence of the factors ym(l)(x). The general expression works as a specific "balance" and reproduces the wellknows cases, when bl(x) = Cl (it is reduced to the linear least square method with Gm(x) ≅ 0) and coincides with the remnant function Ym(x) ≅ Gm(x), when the influence functions becomes negligible (bl(x) ≅ 0). The available data show that the proposed method allows to extract a small signal from the "pattern" background and it conserves its stability/robustness in the presence of a random fluctuations/noise. The method is rather flexible and allows to consider the cases of strong correlations, when the external factors act successively, forming the causeand-effect chains. It can be generalized for expressions containing the bonds expressed in the form of memory functions. The proposed method adds new quantitative ties expressed in the form of the desired functions to the conventional correlation relationships expressed in the form of the correlation coefficients forming, in turn, the correlation matrices. New relationships allow to understand deeper the existing correlations and make them more informative, especially in detection of the desired deterministic and stable bonds/laws that can be hidden inside.
PACS: 02.50.-r, 02.60.-x, 02.70.Rr, 05.40.Ca.
Keywords: correlations, functional least-square method, extraction of a small signal, influence and
remnant functions.
Source: PDF-file (798 KB)
Article No. 19309 (7 pp.) (accepted April 8, 2019; published April 19, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19309 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19309
Title: Effect of doping on the electronic properties of graphene
Authors: E.P. Sharin*, K.V. Evseev
Address: North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk 677000, Russia
Abstract: In the framework of a density functional theory, an ab initio calculation of a band structure of single-layer graphene doped by nitrogen atoms was carried out. It is established that structural and electronic properties of such systems are strongly influenced by a dopant concentration and its location in a crystal lattice of graphene. Effects of doping of the graphene monolayer on its electronic spectrum are studied. These results indicate a possibility to regulate a band gap width by an appropriate choice of the dopant concentration and its location in the crystal lattice of graphene.
PACS: 73.22.-f.
Keywords: density functional theory, band structure, doped graphene.
Source: PDF-file (6.78 MB)
Article No. 19310 (13 pp.) (accepted March 31, 2019; published April 19, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19310 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19310
Title: Resonant magnetoresistance in double-barrier antiferromagnetic tunnel junction
Author: N.Kh. Useinov
Address: Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Resonant tunneling is studied theoretically for the asymmetric double-barrier antiferromagnetic tunnel junction (DAMTJ) with a bias voltage is applied. In this nanostructure, the direction of magnetization of the middle ferromagnetic layer is parallel (antiparallel) to the direction of magnetization of the top layer and antiparallel (parallel) to the direction of magnetization of the bottom ferromagnetic layer. Analytical expression for the transmission coefficient of the double-barrier nanostructure is received, which is expressed through single-barrier transmission coefficients taking into account the voltage drop on each barrier and spin degrees of freedom of the electron conductivity. The theoretical model of spin-polarized conductance and tunnel magnetoresistance in asymmetric DAMTJ in the quasi-classical approximation is developed. The dependences of the transmission coefficient and tunnel magnetoresistance on the applied voltage under resonant conditions are shown.
PACS: 72.25.-b, 73.40.Gk, 75.76.+j, 75.75.-c.
Keywords: spin-polarized conductance, magnetic tunnel junction, nanostructures, tunnel magnetoresistance.
Source: PDF-file (634 KB)
Volume 21, No 4. SPECIAL ISSUE dedicated to Boris Z. Malkin's 80th birthday
Article No. 19400 (3 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19400 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19400
Title: Professor Boris Zalmanovich Malkin
Authors: A.V. Aganov1, K.L. Aminov2, L.K. Aminov1, S.I. Andronenko1, N.M. Avram3,
B. Barbara4, E.I. Baibekov1, I. Bersuker5, M.G. Brik6, M.V. Eremin1, N.F. Fatkullin1,
S.P. Feofilov7, I.A. Garifullin8, V.A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov9, A.A. Kaplyanskii7,
L.A. Kasatkina, B.I. Kochelaev1, I.N. Kurkin1, A.M. Leushin1, A.L. Larionov1,
A.S. Moskvin10, R.R. Nigmatullin11, S.I. Nikitin1, V.V. Osiko12, I.V. Ovchinnikov8,
O. Petrenko13, R.V. Pisarev7, V. Pekurovsky2, A.I. Pominov14, M.N. Popova15,
Yu.N. Proshin1,*, K.K. Pukhov12, N.N. Rosanov7,16, E.K. Sadykov1, S.K. Saikin17,
M.Kh. Salakhov1, G.S. Shakurov8, V.D. Skirda1, O.V. Solovyev1, S.V. Sushkov1,
L.R. Tagirov1,8, M.S. Tagirov1, Yu.I. Talanov8, V.F. Tarasov8, D.A. Tayurskii1,
G.B. Teitel'baum8, B.S. Tsukerblat18, R.V. Yusupov1, V.S. Zapasskii19, V.A. Zhikharev20
1Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
2Altair Engineering, Troy, USA
3West University of Timisoara, Romania
4Institut Néel, CNRS, Grenoble, France
5University of Texas, Austin, USA
6University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
7Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia
8Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan, Russia
9Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Russia
10Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
11Kazan National Research Technical University (KAI), Kazan, Russia
12Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia
13The University of Warwick, Warwick, UK
14Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia
15Institute of Spectroscopy (ISAN), Troitsk, Russia
16Vavilov State Optical Institute (GOI), Saint Petersburg, Russia
17Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
18Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel
19Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
20Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia
Abstract: This note is dedicated to Professor B.Z. Malkin on the occasion of his 80th jubilee.
Source: PDF-file (1.87 MB)
Article No. 19401 (3 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19401 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19401
Title: EPR of single Yb3+ ions in CsCdBr3 monocrystals
Authors: L.K. Aminov*, M.R. Gafurov, I.N. Kurkin, S.I. Nikitin, A.A. Rodionov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: New measurements of EPR spectra in single crystals CsCdBr3:Yb3+ are presented. The lines due to pairs of Yb3+ ions and single Yb3+ ions are observed. The spectra indicate the existence of several types of single Yb3+ paramagnetic centers. Resolved superhyperfine structure of some lines of these centers is observed for the first time.
PACS: 76.70.Dx, 75.10.Dg, 61.43.Bn.
Keywords: EPR, rare-earth, crystal.
Source: PDF-file (324 KB)
Article No. 19402 (5 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19402 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19402
Title: Dimer self-organization of 53Cr impurity ions in synthetic forsterite
Authors: A.S. Apreleva1, A.A. Sukhanov2, V.F. Tarasov2,*, K.A. Subbotin3,4, E.V. Zharikov3
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Sibirsky tract 10/7, Kazan 420029, Russia
3Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavilova 38, Moscow 119991, Russia
4Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Miusskaya pl, Moscow 125047, Russia
Abstract: Paramagnetic centers formed by isotopically pure impurity 53Cr ions in synthetic forsterite (Mg2SiO4) are studied by continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance. It is shown that chromium ions substitute magnesium ions as single ion with nonlocal charge compensation and dimer associate formed by two closely spaced Cr3+ ions. It is found that the integral intensity of resonance transitions belonging to the dimer associates is much higher than that to be expected for the statistical distribution of the impurity Cr3+ ions in the forsterite host. Therefore, there is a mechanism favoring the self-organization of the Cr3+ ions in dimer associates during the crystal growth.
PACS: 75.30.Hx, 76.30.-v.
Keywords: forsterite, dimer self-organization of impurity ions, 53Cr isotopes.
Source: PDF-file (497 KB)
Article No. 19403 (7 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19403 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19403
Title: Wideband EPR-spectroscopy of Y3Al5O12:Er3+, (Y0.9Lu0.1)3Al5O12:Er3+ and Y3Al5O12:Fe2+ crystals
Authors: H.R. Asatryan1, G.S. Shakurov2,*, A.G. Petrosyan3, K.L. Hovannesyan3
1Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of RAS, Politekhnicheskaya 26, St. Petersburg 194021, Russia
2Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Sibirsky trakt 10/7, Kazan 420029, Russia
3Institute for Physical Research, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Ashtarak-2 0203, Armenia
Abstract: Using an X-band EPR spectrometer and a submillimeter EPR spectrometer, Y3Al5O12 (YAG), (Y0.9Lu0.1)3Al5O12 (YLuAG) crystals with erbium and YAG with iron were investigated. In YAG:Er crystals the resonance transitions between ground and the first excited doublets in the frequency range 580-750 GHz were observed. The energy interval to the first excited Stark level is measured and the direction of the axes of the g-tensor of the excited doublet is specified. The field-frequency and angular dependences of these transitions are measured and theoretically calculated. In the YAG:Fe crystal a non-Kramers ion was detected in the frequency range 112-150 GHz. It was concluded that resonant transitions between the |+2〉 ↔ |−2〉 states of the Fe2+ ion in the tetrahedral environment are observed.
PACS: 71.70.Ej, 76.30.-v, 76.30.Fc, 76.30.Kg.
Keywords: multifrequency EPR spectra, g-factors, zero-field splitting.
Source: PDF-file (410 KB)
Article No. 19404 (6 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19404 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19404
Title: Quantum magnetism of single molecules and diluted rare-earth alloys
Author: B. Barbara
Institut Néel, CNRS, Grenoble F-38042, France
Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble F-38400, France
Abstract: This paper is a short overview of the works performed with Boris Malkin in a friendly and fruitful collaboration which started fifteen years ago and will, hopefully, be continuing for as many years as possible. Dealing with quantum tunnelling and coherence in non-cooperative magnetic systems such as 3d-based single-molecules or 4f-based diluted alloys, those works also involved our respective students, post-docs and colleagues of the time who all appear in the reference list. If most of those papers were published in usual physics journals, some of them were also published in the proceedings of conferences organized or co-organized by Boris or myself in Kazan, St. Petersburg or Les Houches.
PACS: 62.25.Fg ,76.60.Lz, 03.65.Yz.
Keywords: rare-earths ions, single molecules, quantum coherence, decoherence, electronic paramagnetic resonance.
Source: PDF-file (259 KB)
Article No. 19405 (6 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19405 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19405
Title: Advances of crystal field theory and exchange charge model
Authors: M.G. Brik1,2,3,*, N.M. Avram4,5, C.N. Avram4
1College of Sciences, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, People's Republic of China
2Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, W. Ostwald Str. 1, Tartu 50411, Estonia
3Institute of Physics, Jan Długosz University, Armii Krajowej 13/15, Czȩstochowa PL-42200, Poland
4Department of Physics, West University of Timisoara, Bd. V. Parvan, No. 4, Timisoara 300223, Romania
5Academy of Romanian Scientist, Independentei 54, Bucharest 050094, Romania
Abstract: A short overview of the exchange charge model of crystal field is given. Several most important applications of the model to the calculations of the crystal field parameters, energy levels of impurity ions, parameters of the electron-vibrational interaction and transition intensities supported by the recent literature publications are discussed.
PACS: 78.20.Bh, 71.70.Ch, 71.70.Ej.
Keywords: crystal field theory, transition metal and rare earth ions, crystal field splitting.
Source: PDF-file (268 KB)
Article No. 19406 (11 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19406 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19406
Title: Phonon spectrum of Nd2Zr2O7 crystal: ab initio calculation
Author: V.A. Chernyshev
Address: Ural Federal University, Mira 19, Ekaterinburg 620002, Russia
Abstract: Crystal structure and phonon spectrum of rare-earth pyroclore oxide Nd2Zr2O7 were studied within the framework of density functional theory and MO LKAO approach. The calculations were performed by using hybrid functionals that take into account both local and nonlocal (at the Hartree-Fock formalism) exchanges. Calculations were performed with the functionals PBESOL0 and PBE0. The fundamental vibration frequencies of Nd2Zr2O7 were calculated. The calculations were performed in the CRYSTAL17 program designed to simulate periodic structures.
PACS: 61.50.Ah,
Keywords: phonon spectrum, DFT, hybrid functionals, pyrochlores.
Source: PDF-file (549 KB)
Article No. 19407 (9 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19407 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19407
Title: Ferromagnetic resonance study of the epitaxial VN/Pd0.96Fe0.04 thin film heterostructure on MgO substrate
Authors: A. Esmaeili1, W.M. Mohammed1, I.V. Yanilkin1, A.I. Gumarov1, I.R. Vakhitov1, B.F. Gabbasov1, A.G. Kiiamov1, M.N. Aliyev2, R.V. Yusupov1,*, L.R. Tagirov1,3
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Baku State University, Z. Khalilov 23, Baku AZ-1148, Azerbaijan
3Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC "Kazan Scientific Center of RAS", Sibirsky Trakt 10/7, Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: The paper reports on the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) and magnetometry studies of the epitaxial superconductor/ferromagnet-type thin film heterostructure of VN/Pd0.96Fe0.04 on the (001)-oriented MgO substrate. Vanadium nitride layer was deposited by dc reactive magnetron sputtering of the V-target in the mixture of the Ar and N2-gases. Pd-Fe layer was grown by molecular beam deposition in the ultrahigh vacuum conditions. LEED patterns and XRD analysis revealed the "cube-on-cube" epitaxy at both the MgO/VN and VN/Pd0.96Fe0.04 interfaces and single crystalline structure of both layers. Ferromagnetic resonance spectra revealed a single absorption line with strong orientation dependence and manifestations of superconductivity of the VN-layer at a temperature of 4.2 K. Magnetic anisotropy constants for the Pd0.96Fe0.04 layer were found from the analysis of the orientation dependence of the FMR resonance field and were compared with that of the film of the same composition grown directly on MgO. We find that the tetragonal distortion for Pd0.96Fe0.04 on the VN layer is reduced due to a relaxed lattice mismatch with respect to MgO.
PACS: 75.40.Gb, 75.47.Np, 74.25.Nf, 74.70.Ad.
Keywords: palladium-iron alloy, vanadium nitride, epitaxial heterostructure, ferromagnetic resonance, magnetocrystalline anisotropy.
Source: PDF-file (3.09 MB)
Article No. 19408 (6 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19408 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19408
Title: To the structure of the trigonal center of Yb3+ ion in hexagonal perovskite crystal RbMgF3
Author: A.M. Leushin
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: EPR and optical spectra are used for the analysis of distortions of a crystal lattice in the vicinity of an impurity ion Yb3+ of trigonal symmetry in RbMgF3 crystal. Within the framework of the superposition model, it is established that three F− ions of the nearest-neighboring octahedron, located symmetrically along the threefold axis of the trigonal center, move away from the impurity ion and have considerable angular deviations from the symmetry axis of the center. The next three F− ions, which enter the other octahedra, shift towards the paramagnetic ion and, on the contrary, come a bit closer to the axis.
PACS: 71.70.Ch, 75.10.Dg, 76.30.Kg.
Keywords: perovskite RbMgF3, crystal field, syperposition model, rare earth.
Source: PDF-file (1.39 MB)
Article No. 19409 (10 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19409 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19409
Title: The Löwdin orthogonalization and magnetoelectric coupling for noncentrosymmetric ions
Author: A.S. Moskvin
Address: Ural Federal University, Lenin str. 51, Ekaterinburg 620083, Russia
Abstract: The Löwdin orthogonalization procedure being the well-known technique, particularly in quantum chemistry, however, gives rise to novel effects missed in earlier studies. Making use of the technique of irreducible tensorial operators, we have developed a regular procedure for the account of the orthogonalization effects. For illustration, we address the emergence of a specific magnetoelectric coupling for noncentrosymmetric 3d or 4f ions.
PACS: 31.10.+z, 75.85.+t.
Keywords: Löwdin orthogonalization, irreducible tensorial operators, magnetoelectric coupling.
Source: PDF-file (355 KB)
Article No. 19410 (7 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19410 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19410
Title: High-resolution optical and EPR spectroscopy in solid-state research
Author: M.N. Popova
Address: Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Fizicheskaya 5, Troitsk, Moscow 108840, Russia
Abstract: A brief review is presented of high-resolution optical Fourier spectroscopy and EPR research on crystals containing 4f or/and 3d transition-metal ions, performed in the Institute of Spectroscopy RAS, in collaboration with the Kazan Federal University, the E.K. Zavoisky Kazan PhysicalTechnical Institute RAS, and many other institutions in Russia and abroad. The theoretical basis of these studies was developed by Boris Malkin.
PACS: 78.30.-j, 78.40.-q, 76.30.Kg, 78.20.Bh, 71.70.-d.
Keywords: dielectric crystals, rare earth ions, hyperfine structure, isotopes, crystal field, electron-phonon interaction, multiferroics, low-dimensional magnetics, phase transitions, high-resolution Fourier spectroscopy, EPR.
Source: PDF-file (260 KB)
Article No. 19411 (6 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19411 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19411
Title: EPR evidence of surface paramagnetic defects formation due to annealing of LaF3 nanoparticles
Authors: R.M. Rakhmatullin*, M.S. Pudovkin**, V.V. Semashko
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: An EPR technique and optical measurements have been applied to study LaF3 nanoparticles doped with 7% of Pr3+ ions. It has been found that vacuum annealing of the studied samples leads to the appearance of paramagnetic defects with g-factor close to the value which is typical for the electron trapped in a fluorine vacancy. The concentration of paramagnetic defects was reduced after fluorination of initial nanoparticles. The possible origin of surface defects due to vacuum annealing is discussed. The results of study can help to improve the performance of fluoride nanoparticles for biomedical applications.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 76.30.Kg.
Keywords: fluoride nanoparticles, EPR, surface paramagnetic defect, luminescence.
Source: PDF-file (981 KB)
Article No. 19412 (26 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19412 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19412
Title: Magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of non-conducting rare-earth single crystals LiLnF4 (Ln = Tm, Tb, Ho, Dy) (Review)
Authors: I.V. Romanova1,*, M.S. Tagirov1,2
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Institute of Applied Research, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Levobulachnaya 36a, Kazan 420111, Russia
Abstract: We review the magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of rare earth tetrafluorides LiLnF4 recently studied at Kazan Federal University in collaboration with the Laboratory of Low Temperatures, Kanazawa University, Japan.
PACS: 31.15.Ne, 75.50.-y, 75.80.+q, 76.30.Kg.
Keywords: crystal electric field parameters, magnetization, magnetostriction, magnetoelastic interaction.
Source: PDF-file (1.08 MB)
Article No. 19413 (7 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19413 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19413
Title: Low-temperature luminescence spectrum of forbidden 4f 135d‐4f 14 transitions in CaF2:Lu3+ crystal
Authors: O.V. Solovyev1,*, V.N. Makhov2, H. Stryhanyuk3, M. Kirm4
1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Leninskiy Prospekt 53, Moscow 119991, Russia
3Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research ‐ UFZ, Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
4Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, W. Ostwald Str. 1, Tartu 50411, Estonia
Abstract: The Lu3+ 4f 135d‐4f 14 VUV luminescence in CaF2:Lu3+ crystal at 8 K was studied with a high spectral resolution using synchrotron radiation excitation. Absence of a zero-phonon line in the recorded spectrum was explained and features in the recorded spectrum were reproduced by simulation based on the microscopic model of electron-phonon interaction and the developed theory of non-Condon spectra.
PACS: 78.40.Ha, 78.20.Bh.
Keywords: 5d‐4f luminescence, electron-phonon interaction, non-Condon effect, lanthanides, CaF2:Lu3+.
Source: PDF-file (326 KB)
Article No. 19414 (7 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19414 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19414
Title: Quantum cellular automata: theoretical study of bistable cells for molecular computing
Authors: B. Tsukerblat1,2,*, A. Palii3,4, A. Rybakov4,5
1Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
2Ariel University, Ariel, Israel
3Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia
4Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova
5Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia
Abstract: The article is devoted to the theoretical study of the four-site cells as the basic units in the architecture of quantum-dot or molecular cellular automata. The functional characteristics of two possible compositions of square cells for quantum cellular automata are compared. We analyze the properties of the tetrameric cells composed of two isolated one-electron dimers (half-cells) and the cells based on the bi-electron tetramers (full cells). The inter-site Coulomb interactions and the electron transfer processes are taken into account as well as the external field of the neighboring cell. The difference in the transfer pathways is shown to result in a more abrupt nonlinear cell-cell response function for the double-dimer arrangement of the charge containers. This result shows that the double-dimeric cell is preferable to design quantum cellular automata devices.
PACS: 31.15.Rh, 31.15.ap, 33.15.-e, 36.40.-c.
Keywords: quantum cellular automata, mixed-valence clusters, cell-cell response, Hubbard Hamiltonian.
Source: PDF-file (568 KB)
Article No. 19415 (6 pp.) (accepted May 28, 2019; published June 6, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19415 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19415
Title: Paramagnetic centres in crystals YAlO3: Eu, Si
Authors: V.A. Vazhenin1, A.V. Fokin1,*, A.P. Potapov1, G.S. Shakurov2, A.G. Petrosyan3, M.Yu. Artyomov1
1Ural Federal University, Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Mira 19, Ekaterinburg 620002, Russia
2Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Sibirsky trakt 10/7, Kazan 420029, Russia
3Institute for Physical Research, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Ashtarak-2 0203, Armenia
Abstract: In the spectra of the electron paramagnetic resonance of YAlO3:151Eu single crystals, the signals of the Eu2+, Gd3+, Cr3+, and Mo3+ paramagnetic centers were observed. Using high-frequency EPR, it was shown that the signals of Mo3+ ions observed in the X-range belong to two intradoublet transitions of the same center with S = 3/2.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 76.30.He.
Keywords: yttrium aluminium perovskite, insulators, point defects, EPR.
Source: PDF-file (316 KB)
Article No. 19501 (7 pp.) (accepted July 3, 2019; published July 8, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19501 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19501
Title: Coherence times of Ce3+ spin states in CaWO4 crystal
Authors: M.R. Gafurov, I.N. Kurkin, E.I. Baibekov*
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: We study the coherence times and perform manipulations on the lowest-energy states of trivalent cerium ion in calcium tungstate crystal. We find the phase memory time reaching 14.2 µs and the time of coherent manipulations reaching 0.3 µs in the low-temperature limit, the latter can potentially be elongated by using the rotation angle and off-resonance error correction schemes.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 03.67.-a, 76.60.Lz.
Keywords: calcium tungstate, trivalent cerium ion, electron paramagnetic resonance, coherence, Rabi oscillations.
Source: PDF-file (456 KB)
Article No. 19502 (11 pp.) (accepted July 22, 2019; published July 31, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19502 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19502
Title: A variable temperature EPR study of Cu2+ doped single crystals of pyrovanadates β-Mg2V2O7, α-Zn2V2O7: estimations of non-coincident g2- and A2-tensors
Authors: S.K. Misra1,*, S.I. Andronenko2,**
1Physics Department, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, H3G 1M8, Canada
2Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Full angular variations of Cu2+ EPR spectra in β-Mg2V2O7 (MgVO) and α-Zn2V2O7 (ZnVO) were recorded for orientations of external magnetic field in three mutually perpendicular planes at 120 K and 295 K, as well as in temperature range from 110 to 295 K at some chosen orientations of magnetic field. The principal values of the g2- and A2-tensors, as well as the orientations of their principal axes were determined from angular variations of EPR line positions in three mutually perpendicular planes, using a rigorous least square fitting procedure, especially adapted to the case of non-coincident principal axes of the A2-tensors for the monoclinic and triclinic point-group symmetries in MgVO and ZnVO crystals, respectively. This procedure uses the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the spin-Hamiltonian matrix, which allows to determine the orientations of the principal axes of the g2 (Zeeman) and A2 (hyperfine-interaction)-tensors. It is found, that the principal values of g2- and A2-tensors of the Cu2+ ions are similar in the two crystals; however, the orientations of the principal axes of these tensors are significantly different from each other. This is because the Cu2+ ion in MgVO is 6-fold coordinated, whereas it is 5-fold coordinated in trigonal bipyramidal coordination in ZnVO. The principal values of the g2-tensor, so obtained, are exploited to determine the electronic ground state of the Cu2+ ion in these two crystals.
PACS: 75.10.Dg, 76.30.-v, 75.20.
Keywords: pyrovanadates, EPR, Cu2+, spin-Hamiltonian parameters.
Source: PDF-file (869 KB)
Article No. 19503 (8 pp.) (accepted August 21, 2019; published August 22, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19503 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19503
Title: Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in thin films of L10-ordered FePt and FePd compounds: promising differences
Authors: A.V. Petrov1, M.V. Pasynkov1, R.V. Yusupov1,*, S.I. Nikitin1, A.I. Gumarov1, I.V. Yanilkin1, A.G. Kiiamov1, L.R. Tagirov1,2
1Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
2Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC "Kazan Scientific Center of RAS", Sibirsky Trakt 10/7, 420029 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: In the paper we report on the synthesis, structural and magnetic characterization and time-resolved polar magnetooptical Kerr effect studies of thin epitaxial films of the ordered L10-phase of FePt and FePd compounds. Time scales of the photoinduced demagnetization and magnetization recovery are found. It is shown that demagnetization of FePt and FePd films occurs on different time scales, ∼0.2 ps and ∼3 ps, respectively. This difference makes these films promising for artificial multilayer ferrimagnets with high perpendicular anisotropy suitable for all-optical fast high-capacity information storage devices.
PACS: 75.40.Gb, 75.47.Np, 74.25.Nf, 74.70.Ad.
Keywords: palladium-iron alloy, platinum-iron alloy, epitaxial film, time-resolved magnetooptical Kerr effect, perpendicular anisotropy.
Source: PDF-file (1.4 MB)
Article No. 19504 (9 pp.) (accepted September 4, 2019; published September 11, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19504 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19504
Title: Nuclear magnetic resonance studies on vanadium phosphate glasses
Authors: G. El Damrawi*, M. Abdelghany, E. Mnaaa
Address: Glass Research Group, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, 35516 Mansoura, Egypt
Abstract: The structures of a single V2O5, binary CdO-V2O5 and ternary CdO-V2O5-P2O5 glass systems have been investigated by means of 51V and 31P MAS-NMR spectroscopy. NMR spectrum of pure V2O5 glass has showed that the network structure is made up of VO5 groups, as in crystalline V2O5. This means that only 5-fold coordination of the vanadium atom, V(5), is the predominant type in this glass. Substitution of V2O5 with CdO in the glass network leads to destruction of the layered VO5 structure and as a result VO4 tetrahedral units are formed. Vanadium is located in this situation at V(5) and V(4) sites. The difference between the feature of NMR spectra of the sample containing 30 mil % CdO and the glass of pure V2O5 is considered to be due to formation of both V(4) and V(5). On the other hand, cadmium orthovanadate Cd3(VO4)2 building units are the main constituent of CdO rich glass (60 mol % CdO). The local structure of the ternary CdO-P2O5-V2O5 glasses contains three types of vanadium sites, which are pentavalent vanadate units (V5), tetrahedral (V4) and mixed vanadate and phosphate units (V4-O-P4). The latter represents V atoms coordinated with P atoms as the second neighbor (VO4)P. 31P NMR results have showed that the concentration of nonbridging oxygen atoms (NBOs) is increased in the phosphate network with increasing CdO contents.
PACS: 76.60.Cq., 74.25.nj., 71.23.Cq., 76.60.-k
Keywords: glass structure, cadmium vanadate, vanadium coordination, 31P and 51V NMR spectroscopy
Source: PDF-file (612.4 KB)
Article No. 19505 (19 pp.) (accepted September 24, 2019; published October 10, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19505 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19505
Title: Calculation of single crystal and polycrystalline pulsed EPR signals including relaxation by phonon modulation of hyperfine and g matrices by solving Liouville – von Neumann equation
Authors: S. K. Misra*, H. R. Salahi, L. Li
Address: Physics Department, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8, Canada
Liouville – von Neumann equation has been solved numerically to calculate pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals rigorously in Liouville space taking into account relaxation by spin-phonon modulation of hyperfine and g tensors in single crystal and polycrystalline materials. It is illustrated here for a spin-coupled electron-nuclear system with the electron spin
PACS: 76.30.-v, 76.70.Dx
Keywords: pulsed EPR, two-dimensional spin-echo-correlation spectroscopy (2D-SECSY), two-dimensional electron-electron double-resonance (2D-ELDOR), Liouville – von Neumann equation
Source: PDF-file (5.9 MB)
Article No. 19601 (11 pp.) (accepted December 9, 2019; published December 10, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19601 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19601
Title: EPR spectra and magnetization of XY-type rare-earth ions in pyrochlores Y2Ti2O7:RE3+ (RE = Yb, Er)
Authors: R. G. Batulin, M. A. Cherosov, I. F. Gilmutdinov, A.G. Kiiamov, V. V. Klekovkina*, B. Z. Malkin, A. A. Rodionov, R. V. Yusupov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The results of studies of Y2Ti2O7 single crystals doped with Er3+ and Yb3+ ions by means of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and dc-magnetometry are reported. EPR signals of the trigonal centers with the characteristic hyperfine structure of Er3+ or Yb3+ ions were observed. Field dependences of magnetization of single crystals for magnetic fields directed along the crystallographic axes and temperature dependences of magnetic susceptibilities were measured. Spin Hamiltonian parameters (g-factors and parameters of the hyperfine interaction) for Er3+ and Yb3+ ions were obtained from analysis of experimental data. The registered EPR spectra and magnetization curves were successfully reproduced by simulations in framework of the crystal-field approach, in particular, with an account for hybridization of ground 4f13 configuration of Yb3+ ions with the charge transfer states.
PACS: 71.70.Ch, 75.10.Dg, 76.30.Kg, 71.70.Ej
Keywords: rare-earth pyrochlores, electron paramagnetic resonance, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, crystal field, g-factors, hyperfine interaction
Source: PDF-file (611 KB)
Article No. 19602 (5 pp.) (accepted December 16, 2019; published December 21, 2019)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 21, 19602 (2019)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-19602
Title: Thermally activated mobility of lithium ions in Li1-xCuSbO4 as studied by 7Li NMR
Authors: D. Gafurov1,2, M.-I. Sturza3, E. Vavilova1,*
1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC "Kazan Scientific Center of RAS", Sibirsky Trakt 10/7, 420029 Kazan, Russia
2Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
3Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research IFW Dresden, 01069 Dresden, Germany
Abstract: The Li diffusion in Li1-xCuSbO4 with lithium deficiency x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.07 and 0.1 was studied by investigation of motional narrowing of the central 7 NMR line in the temperature range from 290 K to 470 K. The activation energy of hopping of lithium ions was determined from the temperature dependence of the NMR linewidth. The dependence of the obtained activation energy on the lithium content indicates the opening of motion channels in the crystals at x close to 0.1 due to the formation of free vacancies at the lithium position, which favors the thermally activated hopping of ions.
PACS: 76.60.-k, 76.60.Es, 66.30.H-, 82.47.Aa, 82.56.Lz, 82.56.Na
Keywords: NMR, lithium, diusion, cathode material, LiCuSbO4
Source: PDF-file (964 KB)
Article No. 20101 (16 pp.) (accepted January 13, 2020; published January 22, 2020)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 22, 20101 (2020)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-20101
Title: Relaxation due to thermal vibrations in pulsed EPR: Cylindrical-fluctuation model of perturbation of g- and A-matrices of an electron-nuclear spin-coupled system in a malonic-acid single crystal
Authors: S.K. Misra*, H.R. Salahi
Address: Physics Department, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8, Canada
Abstract: In the context of pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), the correlation time (τc) and an effective parameter, representing the fluctuation of the director of the malonic-acid molecule due to thermal motion in the directions transverse to the molecular symmetry axis, are calculated. These calculations are made using the experimental electronic and nuclear spin relaxation times of an electron-nuclear spin-coupled system (electron spin S=1/2; nuclear spin I=1/2), as determined from echo electron-electron double-resonance (echo-ELDOR) measurements in a γ-irradiated malonic acid single crystal for a specific orientation of the external magnetic field with respect to the crystal axes. To this end, thermal motion of the molecule is considered to cause fluctuations in the values of the g- and A (hyperfine) matrices of the spin system, which are calculated using the model of Frezzato et al. [J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 9505 (2004)] as functions of the thermal motion of the malonic-acid molecule in the directions transverse to its symmetry-axis. These fluctuations, i.e. the time-dependent variation from the average values of the spin-Hamiltonian parameters, are then used to calculate the four electronic (T2e) and two nuclear (T2n) spin-relaxation times, which constitute six duplicates of diagonal elements of the relaxation matrix in Liouville space for the four-level coupled electron-nuclear spin system, as outlined by Lee et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 98, 3665-3689 (1993); hereafter LPF]. The four electronic- and two nuclear-spin relaxation times, are then found to be functions of τc, the correlation time, and a fluctuation-limiting factor, h, which, in turn, are estimated from the two experimentally known average values of the electronic and nuclear spin-relaxation times, (T2e)exp and (T2n)exp, respectively, determined from the spin-echo correlation spectroscopy (SECSY) and echo-ELDOR signals data [LPF]. A rather narrow region of such τc and h values is found, giving a theoretical estimate to the values at its center: τc=8.9 × 10-8s and h=0.11, which are then used to calculate the time-dependent echo-ELDOR signal by exploiting the relevant Liouville-von Neumann equation, whose Fourier transform is found to be in very good agreement with that obtained by the experiment.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 76.70.Dx
Keywords: pulsed EPR, relaxation, thermal vibrations, two-dimensional echo-ELDOR, Liouville-von Neumann equation
Source: PDF-file (964 KB)
Article No. 20102 (11 pp.) (accepted January 18, 2020; published January 25, 2020)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 22, 20102 (2020)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-20102
Title: Calibrating optical spectra using machine learning algorithms
Author: M.A. Shakirov*
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, 420008 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: We suggest an approach using machine learning random forest algorithms to comparing and calibrating the results of calculations of transition energies in organic molecules by ZINDO/S (Zerner's intermediate neglect of differential overlap) and TDDFT (time-dependent density-functional theory) methods. We show how our machine learning model, trained on a relatively small data set can improve the results of semi-empirical methods and obtain absorption spectra comparable to TDDFT calculations.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 68.65.-k
Keywords: machine learning, random forest, TDDFT, semi-empirical calculations, spectroscopy
Source: PDF-file (2.95 MB)
Article No. 20201 (11 pp.) (accepted May 14, 2020; published May 18, 2020)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 22, 20201 (2020)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-20201
Title: Spin relaxation of the 171Yb3+ ion in the Y228SiO5 crystal
Author: R.F. Likerov1*, V.F.Tarasov1, A.A. Sukhanov1, A.V. Shestakov1, R.M. Eremina1, Yu.D. Zavartsev2, S.A. Kutovoi2
Address: 1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Federal Research Center "Kazan Scientific Center of RAS", Sibirsky tract, 10/7, Kazan, 420029, Russia
Address: 2Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavilova St., 38, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Abstract: Pulse methods of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) are used to measure relaxation behavior and crystal environment of 171Yb impurity ions in a single crystal of yttrium orthosilicate (Y2SiO5) grown with an isotopically pure 28Si with a zero value of the nuclear spin. It is shown that for an ytterbium ion substituting an yttrium ion in a six-fold oxygen environment, the spin-lattice relaxation time is approximately an order of magnitude greater than that for the ytterbium ion substituting an yttrium ion in a seven-fold oxygen environment. Measurements of the phase relaxation times by two-pulse Hahn echo and Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) multiple pulse sequence revealed strong influence of spectral diffusion on the time of phase relaxation at temperatures less than 9 K. Two magnetically different ytterbium paramagnetic centers were definitely attributed to two structurally different ytterbium positions in the Y2SiO5 crystal lattice relative by the electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) method. Based on the data obtained, the most probable location of the 171Yb3+ ion in the Y2SiO5 crystal lattice was determined.
PACS: 71.70.Ch, 76.10.Dg, 76.30.Kg
Keywords: orthosilicate crystals, EPR, optical materials, ytterbium ion, spin-spin relaxation time, spin-lattice relaxation time
Source: PDF-file (827 KB)
Article No. 20202 (125 pp.) (accepted May 6, 2020; published June 7, 2020)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 22, 20202 (2020)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-20202
Title: On the 75-th anniversary of magnetic resonance (EPR) discovery. Pages in history. The development of radiospectroscopy at Kazan University
Author: A.V. Aganov*, A.L. Larionov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, 420008 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: This is a brief overview of the development stages of two branches of magnetic resonance - electron paramagnetic and nuclear magnetic resonances (EPR and NMR), started with the first attempts to observe the resonant absorption of electromagnetic waves in paramagnets. It is described in more detail how this line of research was formed at Kazan University, in the USSR. All the most significant publications about the creation of an experimental EPR and NMR base at the University from the time when the first spectrometers were manufactured to today's developments are noted. A brief summary of the development of magnetic resonance research methods and their applications in a wide variety of fields of knowledge until 2010, when significant changes began in the system of the Higher School (Universities) of Russia and the Academy of Sciences, which left a deep imprint on the development of science in Russia as a whole, and on the development of one of its most important areas, "Magnetic resonance in materials science and in biomedical research", in particular is given. The main achievements of the University teams using these methods in their research in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine, oil and gas technologies, as well as for solving problems in various sectors of economy over the past decade, are presented. Current trends in the development of magnetic resonance methods in the world, the place of Russia, and the relative contribution of its leading teams are noted. Annexes 1 and 2 contain a list of Doctor of Science and Ph.D. theses made at Kazan University in this area, including dissertations, the performance or certification of which are related to Kazan University. Annex 3 contains the list of events organized in Kazan and related to the Kazan school of radiospectroscopy.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 33.25.+k, 07.57.Pt, 01.65.+g
Keywords: magnetic resonance, EPR, NMR
Source: PDF-file (11.8 MB)
Article No. 20300 (2 pp.) (accepted August 26, 2020; published August 29, 2020)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 22, 20300 (2020)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-20300
Title: Professor Yury Bunkov
Author: E.M. Alakshin1, A.V. Dooglav1, A.V. Egorov2, M.R. Gafurov1, R.R. Gazizulin3, A.A. Kalachev4, A.V. Klochkov1, B.I. Kochelaev1, G.V. Mamin1, S.B. Orlinskii1, Yu.N. Proshin1, T.R. Safin1, M.Kh. Salakhov4, L.R. Tagirov2,4, M.S. Tagirov1,2*, S.A. Volodin2
Address: 1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, 420008 Kazan, Russia
Address: 2Institute of Applied Research, TAS, L.Bulachnaya 36a, 420111 Kazan, Russia
Address: 3Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS Institut Neel, Boîte Postale 166, Grenoble Cedex 9, 38042, France
Address: 4Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan Scientific Center, RAS, Sibirsky Tract 10/7, 420029 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: This note is dedicated to Professor Yu.M. Bunkov on the occasion of his 70th jubilee.
Source: PDF-file (332 KB)
Article No. 20301 (6 pp.) (accepted December 14, 2020; published December 16, 2020)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 22, 20301 (2020)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-20301
Title: The accumulation and toxic effect of manganese during the growth and development of Solanum tuberosum L.
Author: S.S. Khutsishvili1*, A.I. Perfileva2, O.A. Nozhkina2, A.Yu. Dyrkach3, T.N.Borodina1, N.I. Tikhonov1, T.I. Vakul'skaya1
Address: 1A.E. Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry of SB of RAS, 66403 Irkutsk, Russia
Address: 2Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of SB of RAS, 664033 Irkutsk, Russia
Address: 3Irkutsk State Medical University, 664003 Irkutsk, Russia
Abstract: The migration and accumulation of manganese ions during the growing season of Solanum tuberosum L. potatoes have been studied. The complex form and content of the metal in potatoes cultivated under factor-static conditions are determined using elemental analysis and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique. The toxic effect of the metal manifests itself in biometric indicators with an increase of manganese salt content in the nutrient medium, which is accompanied by growth of the EPR signal and the accumulation of metal in plant organs. In addition, the EPR spectra show a narrow signal characteristic of stable semiquinone radicals.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 76.30.Fc, 87.68.+z, 76.30.Rn.
Keywords: potato, manganese, electron paramagnetic resonance, toxicity, metal accumulation
Source: PDF-file (4.5 MB)
Article No. 21100 (3 pp.) (accepted July 8, 2021; published July 13, 2021)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 23, 21100 (2021)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-21100
Title: Professor Myakzyum Khalimulovich Salakhov,
President of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Authors: A.L. Abdullin1, A.V. Aganov2, A.D. Akchurin2, M.N. Aliyev3, A.V. Aminova2, L.K. Aminov2, I.F. Bikmaev2, A.A. Bukharaev4, Sh.M. Chabdarov1, G.Yu. Dautov1, A.I. Fishman2, I.R. Gabitov5 I.R. Gafurov2, R.Kh. Gainutdinov2, A.Kh. Gilmutdinov1, A.V. Ilyasov6, V.P. Ivanov7, N.F. Kashapov2, A.A. Kalachev4, D.I. Kamalova2, S.S. Kharintsev2, B.I. Kochelaev2, I.A. Larochkina8, B.Z. Malkin2, A.V. Mokshin2, A.F. Nadeev1, L.A. Nefediev2, S.I. Nikitin2, D.K. Nourgaliev2, M.N. Ovchinnikov2, V.A. Pesoshin1, Yu.N. Proshin2, N.A. Sakhibullin2, K.M. Salikhov4, V.V. Samartsev4, O.N. Sherstyukov2, O.G. Sinyashin6, V.D. Skirda2, S.V. Sushkov2, L.R. Tagirov4,9,*, M.S. Tagirov2,9, D.A. Tayurskii2, B.A. Timerkaev1, E.V. Voronina2
Address: 1Kazan National Research Technical University (KAI), Kazan 420111, Russian Federation
Address: 2Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russian Federation
Address: 3Baku State University, Baku AZ-1148, Azerbaijan
Address: 4Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan 420029, Russian Federation
Address: 5University of Arizona, Tucson 210089, USA
Address: 6Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan 420088, Russian Federation
Address: 7State Institute of Applied Optics, Shvabe, Kazan 420075, Russian Federation
Address: 8VNIGNI, Moscow 105118, Russian Federation
Address: 9Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan 420111, Russian Federation
Abstract: This note is dedicated to Professor M.Kh. Salakhov on the occasion of his 70th jubilee.
Source: PDF-file (702 KB)
Article No. 21101 (29 pp.) (accepted June 7, 2021; published June 15, 2021)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 23, 21101 (2021)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-21101
Title: Simulation of four-, five-, and six-pulse Double Quantum Coherence signals for nitroxide biradicals: Distance measurement in biological systems
Authors: S.K. Misra*, H.R. Salahi
Address: Physics Department, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8, Canada
Abstract: Algorithms are developed to calculate pulsed EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) signals, utilized for distance measurements in biological systems, using nitroxide biradicals, for the cases of: (i) four- (ii) five- and (iii) six-pulse double quantum coherence (DQC). The details of how to calculate the signals analytically and numerically are provided. It is shown that only one-dimensional experiments are needed to determine the dipolar constant, from which the distance between the two nitroxides of the biradical can be extracted directly. The analytical expressions reveal that for the case of non-selective pulses the Fourier transforms of these three DQC pulse sequences exhibit two predominant peaks at ±d×(3cos2θ-1); where d= 2D/3, with D being the dipolar-coupling constant and θ being the orientation of the dipolar axis with respect to the external magnetic field. It is shown here that the DQC signal is broadened by relaxation only for the four-pulse sequence, but not for the five- and six-pulse sequences. The rigorous numerical algorithm developed here is shown to produce very good agreement of the simulated signals with the published experimental signals for four-, five-, and six- pulse DQC sequences. It is discussed that the two-dimensional Fourier transform of the six-pulse signal, calculated in terms of the dipolar and echo times, gives information about the dipolar constant when analyzed along the dipolar axis, whereas its variation along the echo-axis provides information on the frequency-swept ESR spectrum of the two nitroxides.
PACS: 76.30.-v, 76.70.Dx
Keywords: pulsed EPR, double quantum coherence, Liouville-von Neumann equation, stretched exponential, relaxation
Source: PDF-file (3.4 MB)
Article No. 21102 (9 pp.) (accepted July 21, 2021; published July 23, 2021)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 23, 21102 (2021)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-21102
Title: NMR inversion echo analog in cobalt and lithium ferrite under the combined action of radiofrequency and magnetic pulses
Authors: G. Mamniashvili1,*, T. Gegechkori1, T. Gavasheli2
Address: 1Andronikashvili Institute of Physics at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 0177 Tbilisi, Georgia
Address: 2Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
Abstract: A comparative study of the NMR inversion echo analog (magnetic echo) formation in the rotating coordinate system in multidomain samples of cobalt and lithium ferrite has been carried out under the action of a magnetic videopulse applied between two radio-frequency pulses exciting the two-pulse echo and in the case of the combined action of the magnetic videopulse and radio-frequency pulse, leading to the formation of a magnetic echo. The magnetic echo signal appearance is related to the domain wall displacement when the magnetic videopulse amplitude exceeds the domain wall pinning force. A correlation is shown between the results of determining the pinning force and domain walls mobility by these two methods, which allows one to use these alternative methods for measuring the domain wall pinning force and mobility in magnets.
PACS: 71.70.Ch, 75.10.Dg, 76.30.Kg, 71.70.Ej.
Keywords: NMR, inversion echo, magnetic videopulse, domain wall, pinning, lithium ferrite, cobalt
Source: PDF-file (1.9 MB)
Article No. 21201 (6 pp.) (accepted October 26, 2021; published October 29, 2021)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 23, 21201 (2021)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-21201
Title: Multipurpose Portable Q-Band Bridge
Authors: D.G. Zverev1, S.N. Lukin2, A.A. Rodionov1, D.V. Shurtakova1, M.R. Gafurov1,*
Address: 1Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address: 2R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology NAS of Ukraine, Vasylkivska str. 42, Kyiv 03022, Ukraine
Abstract: The paper describes the design, implementation, and technical characteristics of a portable Q-band microwave (mw) bridge based on the Gunn diode with the potential use for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) spectroscopies. The mw frequency can be electronically adjusted in the range of 36-38 GHz with the maximal mw output of 120 mW and electronic attenuation of 0-60 dB. The value of the mw frequency can be stabilized and changed via automatic frequency control for direct and alternating current. A self-written Matlab-based program allows tuning and operating the bridge through the RS-485 interface. Examples of the EPR spectra implemented into the magnetic system of the Bruker ESP300 commercial spectrometer are shown.
Source: PDF-file (1.2 MB)
Article No. 21202 (6 pp.) (accepted October 29, 2021; published October 31, 2021)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 23, 21202 (2021)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-21202
Title: Modernization of the X-band EPR spectrometer Bruker ElexSys E580 for dynamic nuclear polarization
Authors: M.R. Gafurov*, G.V. Mamin, D.G. Zverev
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: To study the effects of dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) in the X-band (microwave frequency of 9 GHz), using the capabilities provided by commercial EPR equipment, a part of the EPR spectrometer associated with the excitation and detection of double electron-nuclear resonance signals (ENDOR) has been modernized. Using the developed preamplifier of NMR signals, a homemade "Kazan Nova II" NMR spectrometer was implemented into the radio frequency path of the EPR spectrometer. The tuning and matching circuits made it possible to observe the NMR and DNP signals on protons in the frequency range 14.5-15.2 MHz. The performance of the DNP equipment was tested for a solution of the stable nitroxyl radical TEMPOL in benzene and a crude oil sample. The DNP effects caused by the Overhauser and solid effects were observed. The modernization of the existing EPR equipment creates a basis for further expanding its capabilities to study DNP effects in various systems at different conditions (in the pulsed mode of saturation of the EPR lines, with the temperature lowering, under the action of optical excitation, etc).
Source: PDF-file (556 KB)
Article No. 21203 (35 pp.) (accepted November 3, 2021; published November 12, 2021)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 23, 21203 (2021)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-21203
Title: Two-pulse double quantum and five-pulse double-quantum modulation sequences in EPR: Coherence transfer and distance measurements
Authors: S.K. Misra*, H.R. Salahi
Address: Physics Department, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8, Canada
Abstract: Double-quantum (DQ) coherence transfers and signals in two-pulse DQ and five-pulse DQM (double quantum modulation) pulsed EPR sequences, utilized for orientation selectivity and distance measurements in biological systems using nitroxide biradicals, have been calculated here for X-band (9.26 GHz) pulsed EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) using a rigorous numerical algorithm. It is shown, in general, that both, a finite (selective) pulse, rather than an infinite (non-selective) pulse, and the dipolar interaction between the two nitroxide radicals, are needed to produce non-zero coherence transfers in 0→2 and 2→-1 transitions. Furthermore, the simulations show that there exits orientational selectivity, as exhibited by the large value of the coherence transfer probability, T0→2, for those coupled nitroxides, whose dipolar axes, relative to the external magnetic field, are oriented symmetrically, within a small region, within about ±10° away from the magic angle θ = 54.74° and its supplementary angle θ = 125.26°. It increases monotonically as the amplitude of the irradiation field (B1) decreases. The magnitudes of the coherence transfers in the transitions 0→2 and 2→-1 are found to be about the same. They depend upon both, the amplitude of B1 and the duration of the pulse. As well, they increase significantly with increasing d, as found for d=10.0, 20.0, 30.0 MHz, where d=2D/3, with D being the dipolar-coupling constant. The numerical calculations, using Monte-Carlo averaging, reveal that the Pake doublets occur at ±3d/4 and ±d for the two-pulse DQ and the five-pulse DQM sequences, respectively, as calculated for d=0.5, 7.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0 MHz. It is seen that for d = 0.5 MHz, considered here, for which the modulation depth can be measured within the dead-time, the dipolar depth of the modulation is ≈100%, which indicates that the DQ and DQM sequences are more efficient for distance measurements as compared to other techniques, e.g., DEER (double electron-electron resonance). The numerical algorithm for the five-pulse DQM sequence presented here is exploited to provide a good fit to the published experimental data. Simulations were also carried out at Ku-band (17.6 GHz), which showed that there occur no orientational selectivity at this band, unlike that at X-band. On the other hand, the signals and their Fourier transforms are found to be relatively more intense at Ku-band.
Source: PDF-file (5.9 MB)
Article No. 22101 (6 pp.) (accepted April 28, 2022; published April 30, 2022)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 24, 22101 (2022)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-22101
Title: Coherence of optically addressable spin centers created in hexagonal boron nitride by proton irradiation
Authors: M.A. Sadovnikova, G.V. Mamin, R.V. Yusupov, P.P. Kobchikova, F.F. Murzakhanov*
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Spin-carrying defects possessing optically addressable ground states in semiconductors allow the development of solid-state quantum technologies. Recently such type of defect has been found in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) and identified as a negatively charged boron vacancy (VB-). Here we investigate the possibility to create VB- centers in hBN by irradiation with high-energy protons (EP= 15 MeV), and probe the spin-coherence of the defects. Electron paramagnetic resonance methods show that such irradiation generates the VB- centers. Spin-relaxation times (T1 and T2) of VB- spin ensembles created by proton irradiation are determined to be 20 μs and 4 μs, respectively.
Source: PDF-file (642 KB)
Article No. 22102 (10 pp.) (accepted August 22, 2022; published August 26, 2022)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 24, 22102 (2022)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-22102
Title: Investigation of the single-pulse NMR echo origin in cobalt using additional magnetic video-pulses
Authors: G. Mamniashvili1,*, T. Gegechkori1, M. Janjalia1, P. Gogishvili2
Address: 1Andronikashvili Institute of Physics at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 6 st. Tamarashvili, 0177 Tbilisi, Georgia
Address: 2St. Andrews Georgian University of Patriarchate of Georgia, 53a Chavchavadze Ave., 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
Abstract: A comparative study of the formation mechanism of a single-pulse echo and its analog formed jointly by radio-frequency and two magnetic video-pulses, when their amplitude exceeds the pinning force of domain walls, is carried out. The results obtained support the assumption that the single-pulse echo signal is formed by the mechanism of local field distortions at nuclei in domain walls when they are displaced by RF pulse fronts due to the inhomogeneity of the hyperfine field and the NMR amplification factor in the domain walls.
Source: PDF-file (4.4 MB)
Article No. 22201 (6 pp.) (accepted October 2, 2022; published October 12, 2022)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 24, 22201 (2022)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-22201
This paper was selected at the VIII Euro-Asian Symposium "Trends in Magnetism" (EASTMAG-2022), Kazan, August 22-26, 2022. The guest Editor, Prof. R.M. Eremina, was responsible for the publication, which was reviewed according to the standard MRSej procedure.
Title: Magnetic resonance properties of low-dimensional cobalt - Al2O3-germanium tunnel contacts
Authors: A.V. Kobyakov1,2,*, G.S. Patrin1,2, V.I. Yushkov1,2, Ya.G. Shiyan1,2,
R.Yu. Rudenko1, N.N. Kosyrev2,3, S.M. Zharkov1,2
Address: 1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia
Address: 2Kirensky Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
Address: 3Achinsk Branch of Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Achinsk 662100, Russia
Abstract: The magnetic resonance properties of a low-dimensional cobalt-Al2O3-germanium tunnel contact are studied in this work. The appearance of minima observed at low temperatures on both sides of the cobalt layer was found on the thermomagnetic curve. The value of the temperature minimum differs in magnitude on both sides of the cobalt layer. The position of the minimum in the temperature dependence of magnetization depends on the sample preparation technology. As a result of layer growth, at least two magnetic phases appear. One contribution is from the spins of ferromagnetic particles (cobalt particles with a hexagonal close packed lattice), and additional contributions from the magnetically disordered phase of fine cobalt particles and Co-Al2O3 compounds.
Source: PDF-file (2.6 MB)
Article No. 22202 (8 pp.) (accepted November 29, 2022; published December 1, 2022)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 24, 22202 (2022)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-22202
Title: Magnetic resonance analysis of spin dynamics in Sr2MnTiO5.87 double perovskite
Authors: I.V. Yatsyk1, R.M. Eremina1,*, T.I. Chupakhina2, Yu.A. Deeva2
Address: 1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC "Kazan Scientific Center of RAS", Kazan 420029, Russia
Address: 2Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the RAS (Ural Branch), Ekaterinburg 620990, Russia
Abstract: The spin dynamics of the Sr2MnTiO5.87 double perovskite have been studied via the magnetic resonance method. Two Lorenz lines below 100 K were used to describe magnetic resonance spectra. Using the Kawasaki-Mori-Huber and Vogel-Fulcher equations, the temperature dependence of the ESR line widths near the magnetic phase transition temperature have been described. The analysis of the line width in high-temperature limit allowed us to estimate the parameters of single-ion anisotropy and antisymmetric exchange interactions.
Source: PDF-file (1.0 MB)
Article No. 23101 (8 pp.) (accepted February 16, 2023; published February 23, 2023)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 25, 23101 (2023)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-23101
Title: ENDOR implementation using STM32 microcontroller
Authors: R.B. Zaripov*, A.F. Gainetdinov
Address: Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: The development of a simple device for the generation and control of radio frequency pulses, intended for experiments on pulsed electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR), is presented. The device is implemented on a 32-bit microcontroller based on the Arm Cortex-M processor (STM32 family). The functionality of the device has been tested on an Elexsys E580 FT EPR spectrometer (Bruker, Germany) operating in the X and Q frequency bands. Within the limits of the developed device functionality it appeared to be compact and inexpensive, and comparable in performance to commercial devices.
Source: PDF-file (1.8 MB)
Article No. 23102 (8 pp.) (accepted December 14, 2022; published February 26, 2023)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 25, 23102 (2023)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-23102
Title: Magnetic resonance studies of Ar-ion irradiated rutile
Authors: A.A. Sukhanov*, V.F. Valeev, V.I. Nuzhdin, R.I. Khaibullin
Address: Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: The point defects have been produced in the rutile structure by irradiation of a single crystalline (001)-TiO2 rutile platet wih 40 keV Ar+ ions. It is found that Ar-ion bombardment of rutile results in a large number of positively charged oxygen vacancies and, as a consequence, leads to a change in the valence of neighbouring Ti cations. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of Ar-ion irradiated TiO2 rutile is studied in detail. The analysis of angular and temperature dependences of EPR spectra makes it possible to conclude that EPR signals are associated with Ti3+ ions in the sixfold symmetric environment. In addition to the main signal from even titanium isotopes, eight equidistant weak lines are observed due to the hyperfine interaction typical for two titanium isotopes: 47Ti with a nuclear spin I=5/2 (natural abundance of 7.4%) and 49Ti with a nuclear spin I=7/2 (natural abundance of 5.4%). By comparing the g-tensor components with the reference data it is concluded that these Ti3+-based centers in Ar-ion implanted rutile were not described before.
Source: PDF-file (1.2 MB)
Article No. 23201 (7 pp.) (accepted June 8, 2023; published June 13, 2023)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 25, 23201 (2023)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-23201
Title: The study of synthetic tricalcium phosphate by EPR and DFT methods
Authors: D.V. Shurtakova*, G.V. Mamin, M.R. Gafurov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: In this research, we propose a model of an impurity nitrogen center in tricalcium phosphate (TCP). This impurity was not intentionally added but was detected by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). It was shown that the EPR spectrum of the powder under study is due to two types of such impurity centers, which we attribute to the TCP phase and the admixed hydroxyapatite phase. The parameters of the spin Hamiltonian for the center in TCP obtained using Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations are close to the experimental ones and allow us to propose a model of a nitrogen-containing center. The temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate in the TCP phase is described by a process proportional to T2.35 in the temperature range from 10 to 300 K.
Source: PDF-file (623 KB)
Article No. 23202 (9 pp.) (accepted July 19, 2023; published July 24, 2023)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 25, 23202 (2023)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-23202
Title: Ordered state of the intrinstic two-component magnetoelectric material Li2CuZrO4 according to 7Li NMR data
Author: E.L. Vavilova*
Address: Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, 420029 Kazan, Russia
Abstract: The magnetic system of the Li2CuCrO4 compound is characterized by the formation of helical spin structures in CuO2 chains due to strong frustrations of the exchange interaction. The double position of lithium ions determines the existence of the dielectric glass state at T<=70 K. In this work, using the NMR technique, we found the activation energy of the dipole glass system Ea = 101 K and determined the type of helicoidal copper spin structure as a "screw". It was demonstrated how the high-temperature interaction of strongly correlated spin and dielectric subsystems in this compound paradoxically prevents the appearance of multiferroic behavior in the ordered phase.
Source: PDF-file (3.1 MB)
Article No. 23203 (6 pp.) (accepted August 2, 2023; published August 3, 2023)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 25, 23203 (2023)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-23203
Title: Low cost ODMR attachment for commercial EPR spectrometers
Authors: D.G. Zverev*, F.F. Murzakhanov, M.A. Sadovnikova, B.V. Yavkin
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The low-cost device for optical detection of magnetic resonance (ODMR) has been developed for use with commercial electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometers. The equipment is based on a scheme with coaxial optical fibers, where the excitation is transmitted through a central fiber with a diameter of 400 μm, and the photoluminescence signal is collected using seven optical fibers with a diameter of 200 μm. The device has the ability to modulate the excitation radiation, microwave frequency and magnetic field. The ODMR attachment has been tested on standard and well-known NV - (nitrogen-vacancy) paramagnetic centers in diamonds. ODMR experiments were carried out in the X-band (9.4 GHz) frequency range with a magnetic field B0 sweeping from 220 to 470 mT. The best signal-to-noise ratio was obtained by modulating of the magnetic field.
Source: PDF-file (577.3 KB)
Article No. 23204 (11 pp.) (accepted October 13, 2023; published October 17, 2023)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 25, 23203 (2023)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-23204
Title: Quantum computation of the lowest-energy Kramers states and magnetic g-factors of rare earth ions in crystals
Authors: K.M. Makushin*, E.I. Baibekov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: We present the results of the quantum calculation of the ground state energies and magnetic g-factors of two rare earth (RE) ions: Yb3+ in Y2Ti2O7 crystal and Er3+ in YPO4 crystal. The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) algorithm has been performed on 5-qubit IBM superconducting quantum computers via IBM Quantum Experience cloud access. The Hamiltonian of the lowest spectroscopic multiplet of each RE ion, containing crystal field and Zeeman interaction, has been projected onto the collective states of three (Yb3+) and four (Er3+) coupled transmon qubits. The lowest-energy states of RE ions have been found by minimizing the mean energy in ∼ 250 - 350 iterations of the algorithm: the first part was performed on a quantum simulator, and the last 25 iterations were conducted on the real quantum computing hardware. All the calculated ground-state energies and magnetic g-factors agree well with their exact values, while the estimated error of 2÷15% is mostly attributed to the decoherence associated with the two-qubit operations.
Source: PDF-file (535.3 KB)
Article No. 23300 (4 pp.) (accepted November 23, 2023; published December 23, 2023)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 25, 23300 (2023)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-23300
Title: Professor Dmitrii Albertovich Tayurskii
S. Abe1,
A.V. Aganov2,
A.D. Akchurin2,
R.G. Batulin2,
A.V. Belushkin2,3,
I.F. Bikmaev2,
N.V. Boltakova2,
M.V. Eremin2,
R.M. Eremina2,4,
A.I. Fishman2,
M.R. Gafurov2,
I.I. Gumarova2,
A.A. Kalachev2,4,
S.S. Kharintsev2,
A.G. Kiiamov2,
V.V. Klochkov2,
B.I. Kochelaev2,
K. Kono5,
Yu. Lysogorskiy6,
K. Matsumoto1,
A.V. Mokshin2,
O.V. Nedopekin2,
S.I. Nikitin2,
M.N. Ovchinnikov2,
Yu.N. Proshin2,
I.V. Romanova2,
M.Kh. Salakhov2,7,
O.N. Sherstyukov2,
V.D. Skirda2,
S.V. Sushkov2,
H. Suzuki1,
L.R. Tagirov2,4,
M.S. Tagirov7,
A.N. Turanov2,
K.S. Usachev2,
N.Kh. Useinov2,
F.G. Vagizov2,
E.A. Voronina2,
R.V. Yusupov2,
Y.A. Zakharov2
Address: 1Kanazawa University, Kanazawa 920-1192, Japan
Address: 2Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address: 3The Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR, Dubna 141980, Russia
Address: 4Federal Research Center "Kazan Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences",
Kazan 420111, Russia
Address: 5National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 300093, Taiwan
Address: 6Ruhr-University, Bochum 44801, Germany
Address: 7Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan 420013, Russia
Abstract: This note is dedicated to Professor D.A. Tayurskii on the occasion of his 60th birthday
Source: PDF-file (5.9 MB)
Article No. 23301 (9 pp.) (accepted December 7, 2023; published December 11, 2023)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 25, 23301 (2023)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-23301
Title: Magnetic properties of the double perovskite Sr2CoNbO6-δ
Authors: D.V. Popov1, R.G. Batulin2, M.A. Cherosov2, I.V. Yatsyk1, T.I. Chupakhina3, Yu.A. Deeva3, R.M. Eremina1*, T. Maiti4
Address: 1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan 420029, Russia
Address: 2Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address: 3Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the RAS (UB), Ekaterinburg 620990, Russia
Address: 4Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208016, India
Abstract: Double perovskite Sr2CoNbO6-δ was obtained using a novel pyrolysis method involving nitrate-organic mixtures of the corresponding components and studied by means of XRF, magnetization-based, and EPR methods. The oxygen content equal to 5.4 was obtained from X-ray fluorescence analysis and magnetization data. The effective magnetic moment is 4.05 μB per cell, that corresponds to the theoretical values. The phase transition to an ordered state in the temperature range of 5÷300 K was not detected. The antiferromagnetic nature of exchange interactions between the spins of cobalt ions is confirmed by the negative sign of the Curie-Weiss temperature Θ=-50 K obtained via fitting the inverse magnetic susceptibility. An exchange-narrowed line from cobalt ions is observed in the EPR spectrum in the temperature range of 5÷80 K. A sharp increase in the linewidth at 80 K is associated with the dynamic Jan-Teller effect.
Source: PDF-file (2.1 MB)
Article No. 23302 (8 pp.) (accepted December 13, 2023; published December 24, 2023)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 25, 23302 (2023)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-23302
Title: EPR of catalytic complexes of Mn (II) with sodium pectate
Authors: M.K. Kadirov1,2, A.F. Sabirova1, D.M. Kadirov2, R.N. Mansurov1,2,*, S.T. Minzanova1,2, K.V. Kholin1,2, E.I. Galeeva2
Address: 1A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, FRC Kazan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan 420088, Russia
Address: 2Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan 420015, Russia
Abstract: Coordination biopolymers, namely, nickel complexes of sodium pectate, have been actively studied in recent years as promising representatives of non-platinum catalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. The structure of coordination polymers consisting of natural precursors is complex and not entirely regular. It presents significant difficulties in determining the internal structure of coordination polymers. Identifiable electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals of various Mn2+ units in sodium pectate manganese complexes have provided important structural information in systems similar in composition to nickel coordination biopolymers. In addition, the manganese complexes with the natural pectin polymers themselves are of interest as non-platinum PEMFC catalysts.
Source: PDF-file (5.1 MB)
Article No. 23303 (11 pp.) (accepted December 26, 2023; published December 29, 2023)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 25, 23303 (2023)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-23303
Title: Analysis of the thermal treatment effects of gadolinium-containing hydroxyapatite by EPR method
Authors: A.Yu. Demina1, N.V. Petrakova1, F.F. Murzakhanov2, G.V. Mamin2, Yu.O. Nikitina1, M.A. Sadovnikova2*, S.O. Andreev3, A.V. Zhukov4, M.R. Gafurov2, V.S. Komlev1
Address: 1A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119991, Russia
Address: 2Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address: 3St.Petersburg State University, Peterhof 198504, Russia
Address: 4D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow 125480, Russia
Abstract: Hydroxyapatite (HAp)-based materials doped with rare earth elements (REE) have shown applications as biomaterials, lighting emitting materials, scintillating materials, in vivo imaging probes, and thermoluminescent dosimeters. Gadolinium-containing calcium phosphates are promising contrast agents for various bioimaging modalities. In this work, hydroxyapatite materials with gadolinium ion impurities with a 0.44 mol.% concentration were obtained by wet chemical precipitation. Samples after chemical synthesis (as-dried) and heat treatment were studied using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in continuous wave and pulsed modes. Analysis of the EPR spectra made it possible to establish the incorporation of Gd3+ ions in the structure of HAp in two calcium positions with different parameters of the spin Hamiltonian. Heat treatment of samples at a T = 1300°C leads to a significant change in the EPR spectra of Gd3+ ions with a decrease of the uncontrolled nitrate anion centers (synthesis by-product) concentration.
Source: PDF-file (920 KB)
Volume 26, No 1.SPECIAL ISSUE dedicated to Boris I. Kochelaev's 90th birthday
Article No. 24100 (3 pp.) (accepted April 19, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24100 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24100
Title: Professor Boris I. Kochelaev
A.V. Aganov1,
M.N. Aliyev2,
A.V. Aminova1,
L.K. Aminov1,
S.I. Andronenko1,
V.A. Atsarkin3,
R.G. Deminov1,
I.M. Eremin4,
M.V. Eremin1,
D. Fushman5,
I.A. Garifullin6,
M.R. Gafurov1,
V.A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov7,
E. Grinberg8,
H.-A. Krug von Nidda9,
A. Loidl9,
B.Z. Malkin1,*,
R.R. Nigmatullin10,
S.I. Nikitin1,
I.V. Ovchinnikov6,
Yu.N. Proshin1,
I.V. Romanova1,
E.K. Sadykov1,
M.H. Salakhov1,11,
E.P. Sharin12,
V.G. Shavrov3,
A. Shengelaya13,
E.V. Shilova14,
V.D. Skirda1,
S.V. Sushkov1,
L.R. Tagirov1,6,
M.S. Tagirov11,
Yu.I. Talanov6,
D.A. Tayurskii1,
R.V. Yusupov1,
V.A. Zhikharev15
Address: 1Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address: 2Baku State University, Baku AZ-1148, Azerbaijan
Address: 3Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow 125009, Russia
Address: 4Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum D-44801, Germany
Address: 5University of Maryland, College Park MD 20742-3360, USA
Address: 6Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan 420029, Russia
Address: 7Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan 420066, Russia
Address: 8Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH, Oberkochen 73447, Germany
Address: 9University of Augsburg, Augsburg D-86135, Germany
Address: 10Kazan National Research Technical University (KAI), Kazan 420111, Russia
Address: 11Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan 420013, Russia
Address: 12North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk 677000, Russia
Address: 13Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi 0179, Georgia
Address: 14Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola 424002, Russia
Address: 15Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan 420015, Russia
Abstract: This note is dedicated to Professor Boris I. Kochelaev on the occasion of his 90th birthday
Source: PDF-file (1.5 MB)
Article No. 24101 (8 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24101 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24101
Title: Effects of exchange-covalent bonds on the orbital moment of paramagnetic centers with unfilled 3d-shells
Author: M.V. Eremin
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: An effective operator of the interaction of the orbital moment of d-electrons with the magnetic field is derived by combining the method of secondary quantization with the technique of irreducible tensor operators. It is found that in addition to renormalization of the matrix elements of the total orbital momentum L there are new terms in the Hamiltonian of the interaction with the magnetic field. The effects are numerically calculated by the example of the ground term of Fe2+ ions in Fe2Mo2O8. Additional magnetic dipole transitions with ΔM=±3 and ΔM=±2 are allowed when the magnetic field is directed along the c-axis of the crystal and in the perpendicular orientation, respectively.
Source: PDF-file (425.1 KB)
Article No. 24102 (11 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24102 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24102
Title: Paramagnon excitations' theory for nuclear magnetic resonance and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering studies in doped plane copper oxide superconductors
Author: I.A. Larionov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: A mini auto-review of relaxation function theory with paramagnon excitations for doped S=1/2 two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic system is given in view of magnetic response of high-Tc copper oxide superconductors as obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). It is shown that RIXS data analysis is affected by approximations made for dynamic spin susceptibility and thus depends on paramagnon damping. The results of the theory give fair agreement without especially adjusted parameters to RIXS data for Y-Ba-Cu-O and Nd(La)-Ba(Sr)-Cu-O family compounds.
Source: PDF-file (888.8 KB)
Article No. 24103 (11 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24103 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24103
Title: Synthesis and study of the cerium doped hydroxyapatite powders
Authors: Y.O. Nikitina1, N.V. Petrakova1, E.I. Maksimenko1, S.V. Chizhevskaya2, S.M. Andreev3,
M.A. Sadovnikova4, F.F. Murzakhanov4,*, G.V. Mamin4, M.R. Gafurov4, V.S. Komlev1
Address: 1A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science RAS, Moscow 119334, Russia
Address: 2D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow 125480, Russia
Address: 3St.Petersburg State University, Peterhof 198504, Russia
Address: 4Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is an attractive material for creating biocompatible implants owing to its osteoregenerative properties, elemental and phase similarity to bone tissue. The flexible structure of the material allows the introduction of ionic impurities to improve physicochemical and biological characteristics while maintaining the space symmetry group. Rare earth ions are a new step in improving compounds to create luminescent bioimaging agent for application in diagnostics imaging medicine. Nanosized powder of HAp doped with cerium ions (Ce-HAp) was obtained in order to study the impurity localization and its oxidizing state with conventional and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) at X-band. Undoped and doped HAp powders were synthesized via precipitation technique. It was revealed, that Ce-HAp powders after synthesis and heating exhibit luminescence in visible wavelength range (380 and 420 nm) that confirms the presence of Ce3+ in HAp structure. Heating of Ce-HAp in the air atmosphere results in formation of CeO2 with low intensity of luminescence. EPR spectra of the doped sample confirms the Ce3+ incorporation into HAp structure. The powder-like EPR lineshape for the obtained powders can be simulated with g∥ = 3.47 and g⊥ = 0.51.
Source: PDF-file (730.0 KB)
Article No. 24104 (7 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24104 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24104
Title: Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless correlations in BaNi2X2O8
Authors: M. Hemmida1, H.A. Krug von Nidda1,*
Address: 1University of Augsburg, Augsburg D-86135, Germany
Abstract: In this report, we compare the analysis of electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) correlations in the spin S=1 Ni2+-based layered honeycomb antiferromagnets BaNi2X2O8 with X = V, P and As. Moreover, we investigate the effect of doping on the BKT correlations by the substitution of Ni2+ by spin S=1/2 Cu2+ ions in BaNi2V2O8.
Source: PDF-file (727.2 KB)
Article No. 24105 (14 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24105 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24105
Title: Fractals and fractional integrals: Are there some accurate relationships between them?
Author: R.R. Nigmatullin
Address: Kazan National Research Technical University (KAI), Kazan 420111, Russia
Abstract: This study establishes precise links between the fractional integral of the RL-type and the averaging technique of a smooth function over 1D-fractal sets. These findings were previously reported in the works [Nigmatullin R.R., Le Mehaute A., Journal of non-crystalline solids 351, 2888 (2005)], [Nigmatullin R., Baleanu D., Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 16, 911 (2013)]. To draw in the interest of other experts operating in the NMR/EPR zones, it is helpful to repeat them again. The physical meaning of these acquired formulas is explained and numerical verifications are performed with the purpose of confirming the analytical results. Furthermore, results were achieved for a combination of fractal circuits with a discrete set of fractal dimensions that were generalized. We suppose that these new results help understand deeper the intimate links between fractals and fractional integrals of different types, especially in applications of the fractional operators in complex systems.
Source: PDF-file (805.6 KB)
Article No. 24106 (9 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24106 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24106
Title: DFT investigation of magneto-electric coupling at the antiferromagnetic/ferroelectric interfaces: LaMnO3/XTiO3 (X=Ba, Pb) heterostructure
Authors: I.I. Piyanzina1,2,*, R.F. Mamin2, O.V. Nedopekin1, D.A. Tayurskii1
Address: 1Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address: 2Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: The primary benefit of incorporating a ferroelectric material into a complex heterostructure lies in the ability to manipulate various properties of the entire system using an external electric field. Specifically, the electric field can alter the polarization direction within the ferroelectric material, thereby influencing its structural properties. These structural changes, in turn, affect the electronic and magnetic properties of the neighboring material. The interfacial phenomena are of significant interest due to their potential to provide enhanced functionality in next-generation electronic devices. Inspired by the concept of employing ferroelectrics in heterostructure components, this study investigates the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) and the impact of ferroelectric polarization direction onto the electronic and magnetic properties. Lastly the presence of magnetoelectric coupling (ME) within the model systems of LaMnO3/BaTiO3 and LaMnO3/PbTiO3 heterostructures using density functional theory calculations was examined.
Source: PDF-file (5.2 MB)
Article No. 24107 (10 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24107 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24107
Title: Room Temperature Ferromagnetism of Graphite: Impurity Induced vs Intrinsic Origin
Authors: M. Saad*, S.I. Nikitin, D.A. Tayurskii, A.G. Kiiamov, R.V. Yusupov
Address: 1Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: In this study, we report an experimental attempt to resolve whether ferromagnetism of graphite nanoflakes is an intrinsic phenomenon or it solely originates from impurities. A comparative study of either a nominally undoped or intentionally contaminated with NiO or Gd2O3 samples was performed. We show, first, that a detectable by X-ray diffraction contamination may occur via the agate mortar/pestle working surfaces if prior to sample dispersion it was used for grinding of hard oxides. Second, we find a systematic trend in a development of a FM component of all three samples under vacuum annealing at 400 or 800°C. Third, we notice that the samples notably contaminated with NiO or Gd2O3 do not reveal any drastic enhancement in ferromagnetism with respect to the sample free from intentional doping, contrary to an expectation related to nickel and gadolinium oxides reduction to metallic ferromagnetic at room temperature state. As a result, we conclude that ferromagnetism of graphite nanoflakes is probably an intrinsic phenomenon that could be stimulated slightly by NiO or Gd2O3 impurities, though an impact of the agate (SiO2) contamination itself may also play a role.
Source: PDF-file (4.7 MB)
Article No. 24108 (6 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24108 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24108
Title: Electronic and optical properties of planar MoS2/WS2 heterostructure
Author: E.P. Sharin
Address: North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk 677000, Russia
Abstract: The electronic structure and optical properties of the MoS2/WS2 planar heterostructure are studied based on density functional theory. Compared with single-layer MoS2 and WS2, the MoS2/WS2 heterostructure has an indirect and very narrow band gap. In the visible region of the light spectrum, the maximum values of dielectric constant, refractive index and attenuation coefficient for MoS2/WS2 are shifted to the blue region of the spectrum.
Source: PDF-file (4.1 MB)
Article No. 24109 (9 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24109 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24109
Title: Harmony in flux: Coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism
Authors: F.M. Siraev, M.V. Avdeev, Yu.N. Proshin
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: This article is a brief overview of our recent work on theoretical studies of the interaction of magnetism and superconductivity in nanostructures. General approaches to the analysis of this interaction are discussed and the unified essence of the problem is revealed: the search for new phenomena and effects in such systems. Various aspects of this problem are considered, including proximity effects, solitary superconductivity, and inhomogeneous superconducting states. Approaches based on the properties of the band structure and Fermi surface for ferromagnets and superconductors in contact are considered in the context of predicting possible effects and explaining observed phenomena. The possibilities of further research in this area are discussed in order to expand our understanding of the physics of magnetic superconductors and develop new technologies based on them.
Source: PDF-file (586 KB)
Article No. 24110 (8 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24110 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24110
Title: Impact of spin correlations on resistivity and microwave absorption of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2
Authors: Yu.I. Talanov1,*, I.I. Gimazov1, D.E. Zhelezniakova1,2
Address: 1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan 420029, Russia
Address: 2Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The results of studies of BaFe2As2 single crystals doped with cobalt by means of resistivity and microwave absorption measurement are reported. A theoretical description of the behavior of the microwave absorption amplitude is made taking into account the temperature dependence of resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and the lifetime of spin fluctuations. An assumption has been made that the deviation from the linear dependence of resistivity on temperature at T≤100 K is not related to the electron-electron scattering mechanism, but it is due to the appearance of nematic fluctuations. Estimates of the rate of scattering by spin fluctuations indicate their nematic nature at temperatures near the structural transition.
Source: PDF-file (2.2 MB)
Article No. 24111 (9 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24111 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24111
Title: Comparison of several methods for determining the critical temperature of a superconducting transition in ferromagnet/superconductor heterostructures
Authors: V.A. Tumanov, Yu.N. Proshin
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Two methods for calculating the superconducting transition critical temperature of superconductor/ferromagnetic metal heterostructures in the dirty limit are compared. The first method relies on an approximation where the order parameter is assumed to be constant within each superconducting layer. The second method does not use any approximations and involves a numerical iterative process where the critical temperature and the order parameter distribution are jointly searched for in each iteration. Using these methods, we study various heterostructures involving a ferromagnetic and superconducting layers, including case where the ferromagnetic layer is split into domains.
Source: PDF-file (631 KB)
Article No. 24112 (7 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24112 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24112
Title: Spin-polarized currents in point magnetic tunnel junctions taking into account gradients of the electrochemical potential
Authors: N.Kh. Useinov1,*, N.S. Zaitsev1, L.R. Tagirov2
Address: 1Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address: 2Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: This work examines the conductivity properties of point contact magnetic tunnel junctions taking into account gradients of the electrochemical potentials at the ferromagnetic metal/dielectric interface. The calculations were carried out for spin-polarized currents at arbitrary ratio the point magnetic tunnel junction size and the mean free paths of conduction electrons under the applied voltage conditions. Current-voltage characteristics were obtained for symmetrical and asymmetrical point junctions.
Source: PDF-file (674 KB)
Article No. 24113 (8 pp.) (accepted April 15, 2024; published April 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24113 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24113
Title: Note on possibility of proximity induced spontaneous currents in superconductor/normal
metal heterostructures
Authors: A.F. Volkov, I.M. Eremin
Address: Ruhr-Universitat, Bochum D-44801, Germany
Abstract: We analyse the possibility of the appearance of spontaneous currents in proximated superconducting/normal metal (S/N) heterostructure when Cooper pairs penetrate into the normal metal from the superconductor. In particular, we calculate the free energy of the S/N structure. We show that whereas the free energy of the N film FN in the presence of the proximity effect increases compared to the normal state, the total free energy, which includes the boundary term FB, decreases. The condensate current decreases FN, but increases the total free energy making the current-carrying state of the S/N system energetically unfavorable.
Source: PDF-file (457.6 KB)
Volume 26, No 2.SPECIAL ISSUE dedicated to Boris Z. Malkin's 85th birthday
Article No. 24200 (3 pp.) (accepted June 6, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24200 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24200
Title: Professor Boris Z. Malkin
A.V. Aganov1,
K.L. Aminov2,
L.K. Aminov3,
S.I. Andronenko1,
B. Barbara4,
E.I. Baibekov1,
K.N. Boldyrev5,
M.V. Eremin1,
N.F. Fatkullin6,
M.R. Gafurov1,
K.I. Gerasimov7,
V.A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov8,
A.A. Khamzin1,
S.A. Klimin5,
B.I. Kochelaev1,
I.N. Kurkin1,
A.L. Larionov1,
I.A. Larionov1,
S.A. Moiseev7,
A.S. Moskvin9,
R.R. Nigmatullin7,
S.I. Nikitin1,
I.V. Ovchinnikov10,
M.N. Popova5,
Yu.N. Proshin1,*,
K.K. Pukhov11,
R.M. Rakhmatullin1,
I.V. Romanova1,
E.K. Sadykov1,
S.K. Saikin12,
M.Kh. Salakhov1,3,
G.S. Shakurov10,
V.D. Skirda1,
O.V. Solovyev1,
S.V. Sushkov1,
L.R. Tagirov1,10,
M.S. Tagirov3,
Yu.I. Talanov10,
V.F. Tarasov10,
D.A. Tayurskii1,
B.S. Tsukerblat13,
R.V. Yusupov1,
V.S. Zapasskii14,
V.A. Zhikharev15
Address: 1Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Address: 2Altair Engineering, Troy, USA
Address: 3Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia
Address: 4Institut Neel, CNRS, Grenoble, France
Address: 5Institute of Spectroscopy RAS (ISAN), Troitsk, Russia
Address: 6Technische Universitat Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany
Address: 7Kazan National Research Technical University (KAI), Kazan, Russia
Address: 8Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Russia
Address: 9Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Address: 10Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan, Russia
Address: 11Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia
Address: 12Kebotix, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA
Address: 13Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Address: 14Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Address: 15Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan, Russia
Abstract: This note is dedicated to Professor Boris Z. Malkin on the occasion of his 85th birthday
Source: PDF-file (2.9 MB)
Article No. 24201 (6 pp.) (accepted May 2, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24201 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24201
Title: About the power of infinite sets
Author: L.K. Aminov
Address:Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan 420013, Russia
Abstract: Two main concepts of infinity (Aristotle's and Cantor's) are known in the history of mathematics. The last one, prevailing at present, was formulated by founder of the set theory Cantor about a century and a half ago. Cantor used (1) the diagonal method to compare the powers of the set of infinite rows of digits 0 and 1 and natural number series; (2) the Cantor's theorem about prevalence of the power of the set of all subsets of a set A over the power of A: |P(A)|>|A|. In this work it is shown by use of specific examples that Cantor's reasons can't be considered as strict proofs. Therefore, the concept of the common potential (Aristotelian) infinity seems to be more acceptable.
Source: PDF-file (420.9 KB)
Article No. 24202 (8 pp.) (accepted May 30, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24202 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24202
Title: Magnetization of LiErF4 dipolar magnet in monocrystalline and polycrystalline form at low temperatures
Authors: G.Iu. Andreev1,*, I.V. Romanova1, S.L. Korableva1, M.A. Cherosov1, A.G. Kiiamov1, H. Suzuki2, M.S. Tagirov3
Address:1Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address:2Kanazawa University, Kanazawa 920-11, Japan
Address:3Institute of Applied Research, Tatarstan Academy of Science, Kazan, 420111, Russia
Abstract: This work presents the results of experimental and theoretical studies of the magnetic properties of the LiErF4 single crystal and powder samples at low temperatures and applied field range of 0-9 T. The magnetization was calculated in the framework of the exchange-charge model taking into account dipole-dipole and electron-deformation interactions, with the calculation of the electron-deformation parameters. The theoretical analysis presents uantitative agreement in the temperature range of 2-300 K with the magnetization measurements of the LiErF4 samples.
Source: PDF-file (945 KB)
Article No. 24203 (5 pp.) (accepted May 30, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24203 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24203
Title: Crystal structure of impurity centers Eu3+ and Dy3+ in Re2Ti2O7 (Re=Gd,Tb) crystals: ab initio calculation
Author: V.A. Chernyshev
Address:Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg 620002, Russia
Abstract: Within the framework of the DFT approach, with a hybrid functional PBE0 that takes into account the contribution of nonlocal exchange in the Hartree-Fock formalism, the structure of impurity centers Gd2Ti2O7:Eu3+, Gd2Ti2O7 :Dy3+ and Tb2Ti2O7:Eu3+ was calculated. It has been shown that there is practically no lattice distortion in these impurity centers.
Source: PDF-file (612 KB)
Article No. 24204 (9 pp.) (accepted May 30, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24204 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24204
Title: Laser site selective spectroscopy of Er3+ in ZnWO4 single crystal
Authors: K.I. Gerasimov1,*, M.M. Minnegaliev1, S.A. Moiseev1, K.A. Subbotin2, S.K. Pavlov2
Address:1Kazan Quantum Center, Kazan National Research Technical University KAI, Kazan 420111, Russia
Address:2Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119991, Russia
Abstract: The results of laser site selective and Zeeman spectroscopy studies of ZnWO4 single crystal doped with Er3+ ions are reported. Three types of Er3+ sites have been discovered. The energies of the levels of the 4I15/2 and 4I13/2 multiplets and the g-factors of several states were determined for three orientations of the crystal relative to the magnetic field. The possible structure of three types of sites and further research techniques are discussed.
Source: PDF-file (893 KB)
Article No. 24205 (10 pp.) (accepted May 30, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24205 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24205
Title: Magnetic g factor and magnetic anisotropy of Dy3+ ion in Dy2BaNiO5 determined from optical spectra of f-f transitions
Author: S.A. Klimin
Address:Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk 108840, Russia
Abstract: The spectroscopic study of dysprosium chain nickelate, Dy2BaNiO5, was performed. New information on the crystal-field (CF) levels of the ground 6H15/2 multiplet of Dy3+ ion was obtained. The evaluation of the magnitude of the Dy3+ magnetic moment using spectroscopic data gives a value of 9μB. Spectroscopic study of Dy2BaNiO5:Er (1 at.%) has shown that the gx component of the magnetic g factor of dysprosium is zero. These findings are in agreement with predictions based on CF calculations performed by professor Boris Malkin[Phys. Rev. B 71, 024414 (2005)].
Source: PDF-file (1.88 MB)
Article No. 24206 (6 pp.) (accepted May 30, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24206 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24206
Title: Small polaron in linear atomic chain: perturbation theory approach
Authors: A.L. Larionov, I.A. Larionov*
Address:Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Using the stationary perturbation theory the equations for small polaron energies are obtained. This polaron has small spatial dimensions - only three equal atoms of a linear chain. The initial Hamiltonian has the contributions related to electron hoppings between the atoms, interaction of electron of the central atom with its oscillations and anharmonic contributions to the energy of its oscillations of the third and the fourth orders. The obtained analytical expressions give evidence that the polaron states with the fully filled (or significantly filled) atomic orbitals have the lowest energies that is in agreement with the results of numerical calculations available in the literature.
Source: PDF-file (400 KB)
Article No. 24207 (6 pp.) (accepted June 5, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24207 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24207
Title: Rabi oscillations and ENDOR study of trivalent gadolinium ion in LiYF4 crystal
Authors: G.V. Mamin, F.F. Murzakhanov, I.N. Kurkin, M.R. Gafurov, E.I. Baibekov*
Address:Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: We demonstrate coherent electron and electron-nuclear spin manipulations using the impurity trivalent gadolinium ion and the nearby 7Li and 19F nuclei incorporated in the LiYF4 host crystal. In particular, we present the electronic Rabi oscillations corresponding to -1/2 ⇔ 1/2 and 5/2 ⇔ 7/2 transitions between the projections of the Gd3+ spin S=7/2 of the lowest manifold 8S7/2, together with the spin-lattice and spin-spin coherence times of these transitions. High-resolution pulsed electron-nuclear double resonance spectra involving -1/2 ⇔ 1/2 or 5/2 ⇔ 7/2 gadolinium transitions and either 7Li (nuclear spin I=3/2) or 19F (I=1/2) nuclear spin transition are obtained. The results suggest that the particular system can be potentially used for the implementation of hybrid quantum calculations utilizing both the electronic high-spin gadolinium states and the nuclear spin states of the adjacent ions.
Source: PDF-file (431 KB)
Article No. 24208 (10 pp.) (accepted May 8, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24208 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24208
Title: Photoinduced EPR and ENDOR studies of the divacancies and nitrogen-vacancy defects in silicon carbide
Authors: F.F. Murzakhanov1, L.R. Latypova2,3,*, G.V. Mamin1, M.A. Sadovnikova1, H.J. von Bardeleben4, M.R. Gafurov1
Address:1Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address:2School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
Address:3Zhengzhou Research Institute, Harbin Institute of Technology, Zhengzhou 450000, China
Address:4Sorbonne Université, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, Institut des Nanosciences de Paris, Paris 75005, France
Abstract: Defects (color centers) in wide-gap semiconductors are considered as the basis for the realization of highly sensitive sensors, single-photon sources, and for the implementation of quantum technologies. Silicon carbide (SiC) crystal can serve as a reliable solid-state matrix for the range of high-spin (electron spin S = 1) color centers to become an alternative to the diamond with the widely-known nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) centers. This paper reviews the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) studies of the divacancies (VV) and negatively charged NV- centers in different SiC polytypes. The main spin Hamiltonian components of non-equivalent spin defects in SiC are presented depending on their structural features (positions) and local environment: the zero-field splitting (D ≈ 1.3 GHz), hyperfine (A ≈ 1.1 MHz) and quadrupole (P ≈ 1.8 MHz) interaction values. The luminescence spectrum of the color center in SiC (λ = 1.1-1.25μm) in near-IR range is favorable for fiber-optic channels (O-band) and biological objects study, which brings these defects to a higher level of practical application.
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Article No. 24209 (5 pp.) (accepted March 30, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24209 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24209
Title: Using acoustic resonance for measuring magnetostriction
Authors: A.S. Parfishina1,*, A.V. Dooglav1, M.E. Menshikov1, E.I. Baibekov1, S.L. Korableva1, I.V. Romanova1, M.S. Tagirov2
Address:1Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address:2Institute of Applied Research, Tatarstan Academy of Science, Kazan, 420111, Russia
Abstract: To measure magnetostriction in LiTmF4 and LiDyF4 single crystals, the acoustic resonance method was used. It is shown that the combination of capacitive dilatometry and the acoustic resonance method makes it possible to measure not only the field dependence of the crystal dimensions but also the field dependence of the sound speed.
Source: PDF-file (733 KB)
Article No. 24210 (7 pp.) (accepted May 2, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24210 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24210
Title: Erbium luminescent probe in a GdFe3(BO3)4 single crystal: phase transitions and temperature measurements
Authors: M.N. Popova1,*, M. Diab1,2, K.N. Boldyrev1
Address:1Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk 108840, Russia
Address:2Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Dolgoprudnyi 141700, Russia
Abstract: Erbium luminescent probe in a GdFe3(BO3)4 single crystal: phase transitions and temperature measurements
Source: PDF-file (7.85 MB)
Article No. 24211 (9 pp.) (accepted March 26, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24211 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24211
Title: The optical and magnetic properties of CeO2 nanoparticles doped with Er3+ ions
Authors: M.S. Pudovkin1, O.A. Morozov1,2, S.L. Korableva1, R.M. Rakhmatullin1,*, V.V. Semashko1,2, A.K. Ginkel1, A.A. Rodionov1, A.G. Kiiamov1,2
Address:1Kazan State University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address:2Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: The EPR spectroscopy and magnetization measurements were used to study the effect of annealing conditions on the local structure of Er3+ ions in CeO2:1% Er3+ nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were synthesized using the coprecipitation technique from an aqueous solution of cerium nitrate and hexamethylenetetramine. A correlation was found between the EPR spectra of the Er3+ ions, magnetization and luminescence, depending on the annealing atmosphere, which proved the crucial role of oxygen vacancies in the origin of magnetism in CeO2 nanoparticles. EPR lines due to trigonal centers were clearly detected in CeO2:1% Er3+ nanoparticles annealed in a vacuum, while no such lines were found for similar nanoparticles annealed under argon or air atmospheres.
Source: PDF-file (822 KB)
Article No. 24212 (6 pp.) (accepted March 21, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24212 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24212
Title: On the theory of spin degeneracy splitting in pairs of Kramers lanthanide ions
Author: K.K. Pukhov
Address:Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow 119435, Russia
Abstract: This paper discusses the features of the structure of splitting of energy sublevels of Kramers ion pairs connected by Coulomb interaction. The structure energy sublevels of non-Kramers ion pairs in the presence of a perturbation V is also discussed. Section 2 of this work represent the review of the theoretical part of our previous work [Basiev T., Fedorov V., Karasik A., et. al. J. Luminescence 81, 189 (1999)]. The "Davydov splitting" in cluster composed of two Kramers rare-earth ions was theoretically analyzed for the first time.
Source: PDF-file (404 KB)
Article No. 24213 (5 pp.) (accepted March 21, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24213 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24213
Title: High-frequency EPR of Fe2+ ion in the CsCdBr3 crystal
Author: G.S. Shakurov
Address:Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS,\\
Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: In CsCdBr3 crystals, the EPR spectra of Fe2+ ion replacing Cd2+ ion in a trigonally distorted octahedron were recorded and studied in the subterahertz frequency range. The zero-field splitting parameter and the value of the g-factor are determined. A comparative analysis of the obtained experimental results with literature data is made.
Source: PDF-file (568 KB)
Article No. 24214 (12 pp.) (accepted May 4, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24214 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24214
Title: Influence of frequency effect on the Condon shape of electron-vibrational absorption spectrum in the single oscillator model
Authors: O.V. Solovyev*, R.P. Mironov, M. Djiguiba
Address:Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: Analytical expressions for generating function and form function of absorption spectrum of a paramagnetic ion interacting with an oscillator at zero temperature are derived in the adiabatic and Condon approximations taking into account frequency effect: quadratic dependence of adiabatic potential on the vibrational coordinate is obtained by considering linear electron-vibrational interaction in the second order of perturbation theory. Approximations made throughout the paper and their limitations are discussed in detail.
Source: PDF-file (453 KB)
Article No. 24215 (17 pp.) (accepted May 30, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24215 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24215
Title: Dimer self-organization of impurity rare earth ions in forsterite
(Mg2SiO4) single crystals as revealed by EPR spectroscopy
Author: V.F. Tarasov
Address:Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan 420029, Russia
Abstract: Electron paramagnetic resonance is one of the most informative methods for studying the local structure and magnetic properties of impurity paramagnetic centers in crystals. This mini-review presents the results of a study of paramagnetic centers formed by rare earth ions Ho3+, Tm3+, Er3+ and Yb3+ in single crystals of synthetic forsterite (Mg2SiO4). The structural features and magnetic properties of the studied centers are presented. It was found that a well-pronounced effect of dimer self-organization is observed for impurity trivalent ions in forsterite. As a result, concentration of dimer associates significantly exceeds the concentration expected with a statistically uniform distribution of impurity ions across the nodes of the crystal lattice.
Source: PDF-file (3.67 MB)
Article No. 24216 (14 pp.) (accepted May 14, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24216 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24216
Title: Quantum cellular automata based on mixed-valence molecules: Some theoretical hints for cell design
Authors: B. Tsukerblat1,*, V. Belonovich2,3, A. Palii2
Address:1Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 84105 Beer-Sheva, Israel
Address:2Federal Research Center of Problems of Chemical Physics and Medicine Chemistry, Chernogolovka 142432, Russia
Address:3Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny 141701, Russia
Abstract: The purpose of this short review article is to discuss at a simple qualitative level some key requirements the mixed-valence (MV) molecules should meet to be potentially applicable as cells of quantum cellular automata (QCA), and also how different interactions affect their fulfillment. We focus on two requirements, which are closely related to encoding and propagating of binary information within the electronic circuits and power dissipation caused by the logical operations. The physical features behind these requirements are the following: the ability of MV molecules to be efficiently switched between two logical binary states which assumes high polarizability manifesting itself in a strong non-linear cell-cell response and a low heat release caused by molecular rearrangements accompanying logical operations. We discuss the role of such electronic interactions as intramolecular electron transfer, intramolecular interelectronic Coulomb repulsion and the interaction of the excess electrons of a molecular cell with the electric field produced by the neighboring polarized cell. The pivotal role of the interaction of the excess electrons with the molecular vibrations (pseudo Jahn-Teller vibronic coupling) is discussed as well. Finally, the optimal conditions expressed as a parametric regime ensuring simultaneous fulfillment of the aforenamed requirements are discussed.
Source: PDF-file (1.43 MB)
Article No. 24217 (11 pp.) (accepted March 30, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24217 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24217
Title: Paramagnetic impurity centers of Fe3+ in the silicon positions of yttrium orthosilicate
Authors: V.A. Vazhenin1,*, M.Yu. Artyomov1 A.P. Potapov1, K.A. Subbotin2
D.A. Lis2, S.K. Pavlov2, A.V. Fokin1, P.A. Volkov3
Address:1Ural Federal University, Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Yekaterinburg 620002, Russia
Address:2Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119991, Russia
Address:3National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow 123182, Russia
Abstract: In the Y2SiO5 single crystal doped with iron, transitions of three triclinic Fe3+ centers localized in silicon positions were detected near (g = 4.3). The positions of these transitions weakly depend on the orientation of the magnetic field. The orientation behavior of other transitions of these centers has been studied. The parameters of the constructed spin Hamiltonians of two of them in the main axes satisfy the conditions: (b20 ≡ D) is close to (b22 ≡ 3E) while (b20 ≫ gβB). These centers can be attributed to Fe3+ ions localized in silicon positions and compensated for both locally and non-locally by oxygen vacancies.
Source: PDF-file (1.13 MB)
Article No. 24218 (7 pp.) (accepted March 30, 2024; published June 6, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24218 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24218
Title: Broadening of the silicon vacancy EPR line in SiC revealed through optically selective excitation
Authors: B. V. Yavkin1, V. A. Soltamov2, F. F. Murzakhanov3, G. V. Mamin3,
E. N. Mokhov2, E. Goovaerts4
Address:1CEA, SPEC, Gif-sur-Yvette 91191, France
Address:2Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg 194021, Russia
Address:3Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address:4University of Antwerp,
Wilrijk 2610, Belgium
Abstract: In SiC crystal enriched by 28Si isotope with nuclear spin I = 0, two negatively charged silicon vacancy centers VSi-, Vk1 and Vk2 were investigated using X-band CW electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy combined with tunable Ti-sapphire laser excitation. For the Vk1 and Vk2 centers, the EPR line position depends on the optical excitation energy which demonstrates inhomogeneous broadening of the optical transition correlated with variations in the zero field splitting.
Source: PDF-file (935KB)
Article No. 24301 (7 pp.) (accepted November 13, 2024; published November 21, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24301 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24301
Title: High-temperature properties of Mn0.75Co2.25BO5 compound
Authors: A.R. Muftakhutdinov1, D.V. Popov1*, I.I. Fazlizhanov1, R.F. Likerov1, A.S. Makarchenko1,2, Yu.M. Ganeeva3, E.M. Moshkina4, R.M. Eremina1
Address: 1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC KazSC RAS, Kazan 420029, Russia
Address: 2Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address: 3Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, FRC KazSC RAS, Kazan 420088, Russia
Address: 4Kirensky Institute of Physics, FRC KSC SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia
Abstract: Temperature-dependence measurements specific heat, thermoelectric power, conductivity, and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements were performed on Mn0.75Co2.25BO5 powder at temperatures above 290 K. Single crystals of Mn0.75Co2.25BO5 were grown by the flux method using Bi2Mo3O12-based solvent diluted with Na2CO3. To investigate EPR and specific heat capacity, the single crystals were ground to powder. The temperature dependencies of the resistance, specific heat, Seebeck constant, and EPR spectra in the range from 290 K to 700 K were obtained. The transition from the dielectric state to the semiconductor state was detected at 348 K, consistent with the change in the fine structure of the EPR spectrum associated with S = 5/2 for the manganese ion Mn2+.
Source: PDF-file (1.03 MB)
Article No. 24302 (8 pp.) (accepted December 10, 2024; published December 19, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24302 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24302
This paper was selected at the International Conference devoted to the 80th anniversary of the discovery of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance "Magnetic Resonance -- Current State and Future Perspectives" (EPR-80), September 23-27, 2024, Kazan, Russia. The guest Editor, Prof. M.R. Gafurov, was responsible for the publication,
which was reviewed according to the standard MRSej procedure.
Title: Identification of the signals with g ∼ 6 in the X-band EPR spectra of human blood serum at 5-40 K
Authors: M.I. Ibragimova1*, A.I. Chushnikov1, I.V. Yatsyk1, D.Kh. Khaibullina2, G.G. Gumarov1
Address: 1Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC KazSC RAS, Kazan 420029, Russia
Address: 2Kazan State Medical Academy - Branch Campus of the FSBEIFPE RMACPE MOH, Kazan 420012, Russia
Abstract: In the temperature range T = 5-80 K, the CW X-band EPR method was used to study blood and its serum samples taken from professional athletes, patients with connective tissue dysplasia and volunteers from the control group. At the measurement temperature of 5 K, a fairly intense absorption line with an effective g-factor of ≈ 5.84 was recorded in almost all EPR spectra of blood serum, the intensity of which decreases with increasing temperature. At temperatures above 40 K, this signal is not recorded. We believe that this absorption line arises from high-spin Fe3+ ions bound to the second conformation of the transferrin N-lobe iron site with E/D ≤ 0.1. Simulation of the X-band EPR spectrum of serum recorded in the range of 500-2500 G at 5 K using the EasySpin software package, in particular the "pepper" utility, allowed us to describe well all the features of the experimental spectrum from human transferrin: a double peak, a shoulder, wide wings of the signal with g' ∼ 4.3; a weak line with g' ∼ 9.0 and, most importantly, a signal with g' ≈ 5.84.
Source: PDF-file (997.2 KB)
Article No. 24303 (8 pp.) (accepted December 13, 2024; published December 23, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24303 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24303
This paper was selected at the International Conference devoted to the 80th anniversary of the discovery of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance "Magnetic Resonance -- Current State and Future Perspectives" (EPR-80), September 23-27, 2024, Kazan, Russia. The guest Editor, Prof. M.R. Gafurov, was responsible for the publication,
which was reviewed according to the standard MRSej procedure.
Title: To the history of EPR discovery
Authors: A.V. Dooglav1,2*, A.L. Larionov1, F.R. Vagapova2
Address: 1Kazan Federal University, Institute of Physics, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address: 2Kazan Federal University, Memorial Laboratory-Museum of E.K. Zavoisky,
Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: The circumstances that contributed to the discovery of the EPR phenomenon by E.K. Zavoisky are analyzed. The emphasis is made on the applying of magnetic eld modulation.
Source: PDF-file (1.4 MB)
Article No. 24304 (6 pp.) (accepted December 28, 2024; published December 31, 2024)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 26, 24304 (2024)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-24304
This paper was selected at the International Conference devoted to the 80th anniversary of the discovery of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance "Magnetic Resonance -- Current State and Future Perspectives" (EPR-80), September 23-27, 2024, Kazan, Russia. The guest Editor, Prof. M.R. Gafurov, was responsible for the publication,
which was reviewed according to the standard MRSej procedure.
Title: High-entropy oxide Mg0.2Co0.2Fe0.2Ni0.2Zn0.2O: synthesis, X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer studies
Authors: V.F. Musin*, A.L. Zinnatullin, F.G. Vagizov
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: High-entropy oxide Mg0.2Co0.2Fe0.2Ni0.2Zn0.2O was successfully synthesized. Using X-ray diffraction analysis, it was found that the sample has a single-phase composition with the NaCl-type face-centered cubic structure and the lattice constant of 4.22 Å. The sample was studied using Mössbauer spectroscopy at temperatures from 80 K to 295 K. It was determined that the relative content of divalent and trivalent iron ions in the sample is 67% and 33%, respectively. Based on the temperature dependence of the hyperfine magnetic field on 57Fe nuclei, the magnetic transition temperature was determined to be 201 K.
Source: PDF-file (1.72 MB)
Article No. 25101 (14 pp.) (accepted December 28, 2024; published January 9, 2025)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 27, 25101 (2025)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-25101
Title: DFT study of magnetic order in Fe-Al-based ternary alloys
Authors: A.F. Abdullin*, E.V. Voronina
Address: Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Abstract: In this study, we utilized quantum-mechanical calculations to explore the electronic structure of binary and ternary Fe-Al-based systems with noncollinear magnetic configurations. Our findings indicate that the ground state of systems, such as Fe9Al7, Fe9Al6B, Fe9Al6Ga, and Fe9Ga6, is not ferromagnetic, but rather exhibits a spin spiral structure in the [111] direction. We analyzed the effects of different types of exchange-correlation potentials, aluminum concentration, relaxation of interatomic distances, substituting atom positions, and spin wave orientations on magnetic properties. Various exchange-correlation potentials consistently demonstrated the dependency of the total energy on the spin spiral q-vector, with the generalized gradient approximation closely matching experimental observations. In the Fe9Al7 unit cell, a spin spiral structure prevails at 43.75% atomic Al, while other compositions favor ferromagnetism. The system can support spin spiral vectors in the [001], [110], and [111] directions, with [111] being the most energetically favorable. The equilibrium state is highly sensitive to the position and type of sp-elements within the unit cell. Overall, our results show that spin spiral structures with the [111] q-vector are energetically favored when the average magnetic moment is approximately 1 μB per Fe atom, which is consistent with Mössbauer data.
Source: PDF-file (751 KB)
Article No. 25102 (9 pp.) (accepted January 30, 2025; published February 7, 2025)
Short reference: Magn. Reson. Solids 27, 25102 (2025)
DOI: 10.26907/mrsej-25102
Title: Influence of 14N hyperfine interaction on electron nuclear double resonance of boron vacancy in hexagonal boron nitride
Authors: G.V. Mamin1,*, E.V. Dmitrieva1, F.F. Murzakhanov1, I.N. Gracheva1, V.A. Soltamov2, M.R. Gafurov1
Address: 1Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kazan 420008, Russia
Address: 2Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of RAS, St.Petersburg 194021, Russia
Abstract: The research focuses on the explanation of a phenomenon observed in the spectra of electron-nuclear resonance (ENDOR) pertaining to nitrogen atoms adjacent to the boron vacancy (VB-) defect in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). The phenomenon is manifested as a shift of the ENDOR spectrum lines with respect to the nitrogen Larmor frequency. It is hypothesized that these shifts are indicative of a substantial hyperfine interaction between the VB- defect and the 14N nuclei in hBN. A calculation utilizing second-order perturbation theory was executed to determine the positions of the ENDOR spectrum lines, resulting in the formulation of correction equations. The values obtained from the perturbation theory corrections align well with the experimental results. The extent of nuclear state admixture into electron states was found to be around 0.04-0.07%.
Source: PDF-file (2.71 MB)